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Welcome to Mutants and Masterminds

06:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


   Secret ID: Nicolas Lorenzo Rousseau
   Archetype: Mystic
         Age: 14-Fourteen (b. February 22)
      Height: 165 cm (5'5")
      Weight: 53 kg (117 lb)
   Body Type: Lean and fit
   Eye Color: Emerald green
  Hair Color: Sandy blond
  Hair Style: Short, straight, unkempt
  Complexion: Medium with golden undertone
  Identifying Marks: Long, faint scar on right cheek

   As a civilian, Grimoire often opts for fairly plain and nondescript clothing that allows him to go reasonably unnoticed in a crowd. He prefers muted earth tones, but his wardrobe contains plenty of options for brighter colors. While he remains reasonably up to date with fashion trends, he doesn't wear designer labels because his family's tight budget simply doesn’t allow for extraneous expenses. Two items always complement Grimoire’s civilian attire. The first is a stainless steel watch with a distinctly steampunk-inspired design and a black leather cuff in place of a traditional band, while the second is a knotted necklace which hangs loosely around his neck and shoulders. The necklace consists of a strand of charcoal gray cord threaded through the heads of 14 beads fashioned from clam shells and shaped like magatama. The beads are spaced evenly around the cord and alternate between black and white lacquer finishes. This necklace carries little monetary value but exists as Grimoire's most cherished possession all the same because of the tender memories it invokes, memories of maintaining it together with his mother whenever they celebrated his birthday.

   Grimoire's costume consists of a simple cyan tabard together with matching tall boots and fingerless gloves. The tabard and boots appear to be fashioned from a lightweight, but sturdy fabric, while the gloves appear to be leather and contain multiple silver accents on their backs. However, the truth is that all of the garments are created from unstable molecules. Adding an air of wonder and mystique to his ensemble, kaleidoscopic clusters of galaxies in space stand in place of the sections of his torso, arms and legs left exposed by the austere elements of his costume while still retaining their contours. Careful observers are treated to the sight of the galactic space shifting continuously as though observing the genuine article through his costume. Despite all appearances, the galactic space results from an enchantment cast on what is ultimately a midnight blue mesh crafted from unstable molecules. Rounding out things are an angular midnight blue domino mask with a narrow outline of cyan as well as a metallic silver belt, worn over his tabard, with a large round buckle etched with a pentacle consisting of a pentagram at the center of two concentric circles. Between the circles are a myriad of runic characters, while several distinct words scribbled in an unintelligible language adorn the spaces remaining between the pentacle's lines.

   Embodying the tenets and values of the Lacoste clan, Grimoire is both charming and duplicitous, often at the same time. He lies, cheats, and steals without regret or remorse, and he's hardly above using blackmail to achieve his goals. He's even known as quite the flirt and womanizer. Yet, he knows pain and has seen genuine evil. As a result, Grimoire frequently helps those unable to help themselves without any expectation of reward. He also values human life and protects it at all costs, even when doing so complicates his objective. Hearing the previous, it shouldn't come as much surprise that he's fiercely loyal to his friends and family, especially in light of the losses he's already suffered. Unfortunately, few outside of his family ever recognize Grimoire's virtues. Instead, outsiders only see the liar, the cheater, and thief who sleeps through class and barely holds down a C-average. They see the clown who frequents the principal's office, detention, and holding cells. They see the Lacoste reputation but not the Lacoste person.