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20:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Giuliano Vinifera

Name: Giuliano Vinifera

Age: Appears in his late 30s or early 40s; True age is 3,303

Sex: Male

Species: Demigod - In another lifetime, Giuliano was a powerful God but with his family departed from the mortal coil or scattered throughout the world, the lack of Ambrosia & the loss of his worshippers, he has lost many of his godly abilities, now just reduced to a Demigod - still a powerful being but reduced in power considerably.


- Can turn any liquid into an alcoholic beverage, from a weak wine to a powerful drink that can cause deities to get drunk. He need only touch the liquid or the vessel that it is contained in (a cup, glass, pail, tub, etc.) and concentrate for a few seconds.

- Can transform mortal humans into animals; This change can last a few days or he can make it permanent if he so desires. When he was more powerful, he could chose ANY animal (and transform himself) but with his diminished godly might, he can only change humans into animals native to the region he is currently in at the moment.

- He is at home with nature and wild animals - both predatory & benign - will not be in fear of or attack him. He can communicate with animals as well but to one looking, the conversation would look one-sided with Giuliano doing all the talking with the animal verbally responding in its own means of communication. He can also summon animals but again, only native to the region he is currently in.

- Can cause an area of land to become fertile (plants are healthy, bear double the yield of crops) or infertile (Plants die & nothing grows). In his heyday, Giuliano could affect hundreds of square miles of land but with his lessened power, he can only affect 3200 acres or 5 square miles.

- He has in his possession a magical artifact called the Thyrsus Staff. Used as a weapon, it can hurt supernatural beings including deities and can amplify his powers. This artifact disguises itself as a pin on his shirt when not in use.

Appearance: Giuliano has the typical Mediterranean looks one ascribes to someone from that region - medium skin tone, dark hair and eyes. From his Godly father, he inherited his athletic build, broad shoulders and tall stature. From his mother, he acquired the softness in his face & cheeks that offset the masculinity inherent from the king of the Greek gods. Has a slightly disheveled look even on his best dressed day. Due to his travels all over the world, he speaks with an accent that is undeterminable - somewhat European, slightly Slovakian - perhaps some Russian or Persian?  Whatever it may be, it adds to his charisma. Once clean-shaven as a youth, he now sports either a beard or moustache & goatee in his more mature centuries.

Face Claim: Joe Manganiello

Personality: Giuliano is a care-free, laid back, easy-going person. He is the typical "that guy at the bar" who is approachable and easy to talk to, quick with a joke and a non-judgmental type with an understanding demeanor and attitude. He has matured over the centuries and can be compared to a mortal who is that middle aged dad figure who is a widower instead of the college kid who lived for partying, sex and alcohol. The only time he slips into a sad, melancholy state is when he thinks of his departed wife, Ariadne.


What man has written on him...

Dionysus is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, Semele. His mother died while still carrying him in her womb due to Hera's treachery but Zeus saved him and gave him to Hermes to watch over. Hermes in turn brought him to the Rain Nymphs of Mount Nysa to raise him and the Satyr Silenius to be his teacher. Upon reaching adulthood, he discovered the art or Winemaking which would be his first passion and occupation. Leaving Mount Nysa and striking out on his own, he wandered the known world, traveling to Asia for a time, spending many years in India. Returning to Greece, he spread his religion, increasing his power and gaining many followers. His rituals included much drink and orgies where the young god was a frequent participant. With Silenius as his second and the Maenads his high priestesses, he knew of nothing else he could want - until his visit to the Isle of Naxos.

While on the isle, he discovered the sleeping form of Ariadne - abandoned by Theseus, a previous suitor. Curious, he came closer to see the face of the mortal woman and she awoke slowly from her slumber, looked up at the face of Dionysus and smiled. It was in this moment that he fell hopelessly in love with her. Bringing her back to the mainland and after a courtship of a few months, he married her in a private ceremony in the woods outside the city of Thebes where his mother lived before Hera's treachery. Promising to be devoted only to her, he told his former teacher Silenius to lead the followers in his stead while Dionysus and Ariadne began their life together, starting their own family with Ariadne bearing him 3 strong sons.

Although he did not partake in the rituals of his faith due to his marriage, he still undertook promoting it and in his search for more followers, he turned to the city of Mycenae, the kingdom of his half brother, Perseus. Taking offense to Dionysus aggressively seeking followers in his kingdom, both siblings came into open conflict and during the battle, Perseus fired an arrow that slew Ariadne. Dionysus sought to slay his brother in turn but Zeus intervened, declaring that Perseus would not be harmed by Dionysus's hand and as further indignity, her spirit was made a constellation in the sky - the Corona Borealis - instead of sending her to the underworld & possibly attempt to bargain with Hades for her release to ensure Dionysus would not attempt to harm his more favored son, Perseus.

Dionysus challenged Zeus on Mount Olympus after her memorial, knowing his death would be assured but not caring but Hermes intervened, saving Dionysus before father & son could physically come to blows. He convinced his youngest brother not to war with his father for Ariadne still lived and that his wife would not want him to die & to live a long life. Knowing the truth of his words, Dionysus left Olympus and never returned, instead retreating into himself and his grief, moving on with his life.

Decades later however, he did get revenge on Perseus; Perseus slew the ruler of Argos, King Argeus, the son of Megapenthes who was King of Tiryns. Dionysus snuck into Megapenthes's home as a bird and while the king was drinking heavily, mourning the loss of Argeus, he used his power to drive Megapenthes mad - madness enough to war with Perseus and kill him in revenge. Satisfied that he finally got revenge for Ariadne through Megapenthes and thus not breaking Zeus's declaration of him not harming Perseus, it still did not Bring Ariadne back to him - she still remained in the night sky, out of reach - alive but unreachable.

Swearing to remain alone, Dionysus continued on with his life as Hermes said what Ariadne would want and he took solace in that. Years became decades & decades became centuries and in that time some of his family perished while some also moved on and faded into obscurity like himself, the worshippers dying off from their mortality or finding new gods or new ideals to embrace. He lost track of his boys in that time as well, his grief too fresh to be a capable and attentive father. He moved on, seeking new things to do, new places to go and his power waned with the places of power disappearing such as Olympus and he losing access to Ambrosia, finding he really didn’t miss the food and its rush of power.

Finally, his cult in Europe died off in the 1800s and he felt the last of his godly might slip to its lowest level - not a god anymore but still no less divine. Within the last few years of his wandering the world and assuming many identities, aliases & personas - now he called himself Giuliano - he decided to go back to his first love and passion.

Not be a god, but to grow, cultivate grapes and make it into wine as he did as a young man.

Profession: Vinter - In his youth, Giuliano created & perfected the art of Winemaking both the growing of the grapes to the making, processing and selling of wine. Although he is familiar with the modern processes of making wine, he has a nostalgia for the ancient traditions and he visibly becomes animated and joyful when talking of Wine - from its history, to the many varieties, to its making, etc.

Hobbies: He enjoys Camping and being among nature and is an excellent Gardener. He also enjoys the more physical sports such as Hockey, American Football, Mixed Martial Arts fighting & Boxing as it harkens back to the Gladiatorial games that he liked to watch centuries ago.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual