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Welcome to Traveller - Profit Margin II: The Fifth Frontier War

11:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tylen Orgesh

Height: 1.8m
Weight: 80kg
Race: Humaniti (Darrian)
Service Branch: Former scout for the IISS
Tylen is somewhat shorter than most Darrians and a bit more stocky and broad in the shoulders. He is lithely built, and looks trim and wiry, not much room for fat. He has a well muscled midsection although it is often hidden by his loose clothing which hangs from his shoulders comfortably. His casual appearance usually belies his true nature, which is a constant thirst for knowledge, a a matter he takes very seriously. His perceptive blue eyes, common among Darrians, remain alert and scanning. He has developed friendly and deep smile lines around his eyes which always led his superiors to believe that he was joking behind their backs and give a softness to his rugged face. His facial hair is in a constant shade of 5 o'clock shadow, even within hours of shaving. He keeps his hair short and trim, with a no nonsense style, minimizing the work that he has to put into making himself presentable, a throwback to his days in the IISS.

He generally wears his favorite bomber jacket, of a tanned synth-leather from his days with the Imperium Scout Service. He favors simple color schemes for his clothes, often earth tones. His favorite shirt is a red tee, that drapes over his upper torso. His pants are generally khaki and comfortably fitting, but leave very little to the imagination. They are punctuated by his brown combat boots which he wears almost constantly, on the side of each it reads 'sandals'-part of an old Scout joke. He almost never dresses himself without his revolvers which have saved him more than a few times. He wears two holsters, double belted across his waist with an extra clip each, loosely hinted beneath his bomber. Sometimes he carries his Laser Rifle which he prefers for long range. He also wears black sunglasses in the old style, giving him the look of an aviator.