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Welcome to Greyhawk Adventures (ADnD 1st Edition)

02:22, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Father Mayhem

Large and hulking like most of those who share his mixed heritage, Father Mayhem has human features and some orc features.  His skin tone is pure orc, but his facial features, teeth, eyes, and head are pure human, though his mane of hair is wild and frizzy.  He makes little effort to tame it, liking the effect it has upon those who are fighting him.  When he does make an effort to bring it under control, he does it by shaving his head.

Father Rudolphus Mayhem is not his real name, but rather one he was dubbed with by his fellow novitiates when he was advanced to the 'real clergy' in service to Trithereon. He was known for causing mayhem in more than just weapons classes and his rather unusual views about Trithereon also causes mental (and sometimes physical) consternation among the higher in the hierarchy.

Fortunately, the life of an itinerant priest seems to suit him and he travels, spreading the word of Trithereon and also helping 'the cause' whenever and where ever he can.  UNfortunately, 'The Cause' changes depending on what Mayhem wants.

His real name...well, that's a long story and it starts with the fact that he's obviously a half-orc.