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Welcome to Firefly: Destiny

20:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Geoff Wolfe

Name: Geoff Wolfe
Age: 23
Position: Hired Gun
Allegiance: Could care less

Physical Description: Geoff is a largely built young man, standing at about 6'4" and weighing a muscular 235 lbs, with a roughly handsome face and a ready smile. Most of his body mass is muscle and this makes him quite the imposing figure sometimes, as well as making him ideal for the type of criminal lifestyle he has adopted. His sandy brown hair is usually left wild and unkempt and he always has a bit of stubble on his face. His eyes are an icy blue that can seem cold and distant one moment and full of laughter and good-humor the next. The eyes are usually obscured, however, by the half-lidded gaze he usually walks around with, almost as if he is about to nod off and go to sleep at all times. His clothes are nothing fancy, since he likes to keep things simple and really can't afford the good stuff anyway.

Personality: Geoff is carefree and easygoing. He doesn't let a lot bother him and he'd rather just laugh off problems than get worried about them. All in all, he has a very relaxed view on life and takes very little seriously. Due to his rough upbringing, he also has a bit of a hard and dangerous side to him, but he doesn't show it often. He is a bit on the violent side, however, but mostly out of enjoyment of fighting than anything else.

History: Geoff was orphaned at a young age and learned to take care of himself very quickly because of that. He made his way through life stealing, mugging and fighting for every penny and every scrap of food he ever had. It was a hard life, but it was also one that he learned to accept with a laugh and a smile. He wasn't about to become one of those bitter and hard street thugs that end up dying in back alleys and never knowing anything better than their own small planet and the small colony upon it. No, Geoff was gonna be better than that. At least, that's what he always wanted.

Eventually, through many years of scrimping, saving and stealing, Geoff was able to get off the small rim planet that was his home when he was 15 by paying his way onto a small ship hauling supplies. It wasn't anything big and fancy, but it was enough for Geoff. After that, Geoff spent most of his time moving from planet to planet, seeing sights and people new and wondrous to him and working hard to pay for passage. Whether he did it legally or otherwise, it didn't matter to Geoff. Of course, doing things illegally were getting harder and harder as the Alliance started cracking down on such activities. It was due to this that Geoff found himself getting very familiar with many different types of weaponry. He didn't necessarily like fighting, but, hey, it wasn't all that bad either! So that's how Geoff spent his time, moving from ship to ship, crew to crew, and fight to fight, always on the lookout for action, adventure, and a big piece of the profit.