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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

02:55, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Finara
Age: 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual
Occupation/Rank(Holder, Crafter, Rider): Weyrling
Location: Sea Cliff Weyr

Personality: Finara tends to exude a friendly and warm personality to all those around her.  She rarely gets angry, preferring to work out any issues that come along through calm discussion.  She does enjoy flirting a little more than she should but currently shies away from forming any particularly strong attachments.

Description or See Pic: Finara has long golden locks that are normally left loose or tied into a braid when riding.  Her blue eyes are always bright with amusement.  Having raised runners in the past, her body is trim and toned without an ounce of fat.  She does wish that she had more curves and hopes that she's merely a 'late bloomer'.

Brief History: Finara came from a small hold where she helped raise the family's runners.  She has always enjoyed working with animals and her calm, friendly nature enabled her to handle even the most intractable of beasts.  She considers herself to have had a happy childhood with a family that loved each other as much as they loved their work.  Her father hated to lose her when she was searched, but he also refused to stand in his daughter's way of chasing her destiny.

Age When Impressed: 18
Dragon Age: 1 year
Dragon Description: Rhannasath has almost matured to a lithe and beautiful queen.  Her hide is a deep gold with speckles along her neck and rump, with her head, feet and tail deepening to a more rosy tone.  She doesn't seem to have as much staying power as other queens, but can still outlast most bronzes and browns.
Dragon Personality: This queen is the type to view disaster with a calm eye.  She greatly admires the older queens and tries to mimic their aire and postures, acting much older than her still tender age.  This is made even more amusing when she has random times when she acts like the young dragon she still is.