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16:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alec Schmeezle

Name: Alec Schmeezle
Race: Half-Drow
Classes: Bard 5
ECL: 5

Alec Schmeezle looks entirely too much like a Drow for his own good. In fact,
he is only half Drow, but after growing up in a tiny isolated village, Alec
thinks of himself as human.

He is of average height for a half-elf (which is a little on the short side
for a human), and just as slender. He has a mane of unruly white hair that
insists of curling and fluffing up, no matter how he brushes or styles it,
though he usually lets it grow long and hang down. His dark grey skin clashes
with it not-unaesthetically. His overall appearance is like that of a startled
sheep. Bright green eyes sparkle with intelligence and glee, giving lie to the
occasional simple expression on his face, alongside a mischievous grin.

He wears brightly-coloured minstrel's clothes, usually in a rainbow of colours,
with frills and buttons. It's the height of fashion, somewhere. A leather vest
dotted with metal studs is his only concession to protection and sedate
fashion. With black skin, white hair, green eyes, blue pants, yellow shirt
and purple cloak, Alec's appearance borders on the offensive, and can be
attributed to more than of his life's mishaps.

Tucked into his belt is a scroll-case, a wand, and a few potions. Strapped
to his back is a battered and grubby backpack, and slung over his shoulder
is a finely crafted lute that has suffered a few scratches and scuffs. His only
weapon would appear to be a whip

He speaks with a high voice that makes him a good singer but doesn't help
him prove his masculinity. Although he speaks with as much confidence and
charm as he can muster, Alec is often hiding his nervous nature, and will
frequently glance around watching for trouble or looking for an escape
route. When he feels safe, Alec may spend his time singing and humming and
playing his lute, often to the annoyance of others.