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Welcome to A Struggle for Hope

20:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Joe Darkthorne

Name: Joe Darkthorne
Species: Coyote
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Size: Mildly above average
Weight: Average

Description of your character:  Joe is a coyote, his fur and eyes being of the obvious colors to go with this.  He wears gray cargo pants, black sneakers and gloves(thin gloves, thus avoiding the mickey mouse glove look many are victim too).  And a loose fitting dark gray long sleeved shirt along with a brown vest,

History/background: His father being a low ranked soldier and his mother being a mechanic with aspirations of being an inventor. Since as early as he was able to understand the lessons, his father taught him various lessons on survival and as much about combat as you can to someone thats not likely make use of such things.  While his mother didn't directly teach him, but did explain the many things he asked questions about regarding the building and repair of mechanical devices.

 When the coup took place Joe lost both his parents,(of course, this is not very surprising) his father to laser fire while his mother was captured for the unpleasant fate of being a robotic slave.  The only things he had to keep him alive being his parents teachings and a half finished grappling hook gauntlet.  Cutting an angsty back story short, Mom died, arm guard ended up actual arm, malfunctioning claw ended up through mom, hence the whole dead robot mom thing.

  Eventually after doing the cliche wandering thing for a while...Okay, cliche wandering for years, he became realistic enough to realize that the odds were rather low he'd be the one to personally get revenge on robotnick like so many others have become convinced.  So he then figured it would be easier to cause a general hassle to fat crazy men working with others, and got to dealing with the issues of joining whatever the nearest group of freedom fighters happened to be recently.

Personality:  No angst. Though he's trying and failing to avoid the jaded gutter, with a side of honest sounding questions you don't want to hear.  Finds people doing things like trying to take over or blow up the world seems like a bad thing for some odd reason.

 He has a casual outlook on life, and almost a complete apparent disregard for the value of his own.  This isn't the case as he does try to avoid dying, just not so much the situation that can cause death.  He also has been in the habit of using method other than his grapple claw recently, as he hasn't needed to deal with a problem that requires high voltage or swinging around faster than normal grappling hooks can for a while.

Abilities:  Joe possesses the kind of agility usually associated with the feline species and ninjas. (sadly, He's not an actual ninja.)  His skills in surviving things through violence and evasion may be overlooked due his tendency to act like a background extra half the time.

 While not a genius mechanic or inventor he does have enough skill to maintain and build replacements for the cybernetic weapon he's used since childhood, along with other similar things.  Grapple hook guns for everybody! no laser cannons sadly.  There is also his tendency to have apparently useless items like pipe cleaners, rubber ducky's,  wire and such handy.

  The grapple claw does the obvious pointy claw and grappling hook actions. The forearm is more durable than the usual roboticised limb due to being fused with something originally meant as a fancy arm guard. Though we're talking able to block sharp objects, not lasers here.  The convenient electrical shock function while able to deal with more problematic killer robots by voiding the warranty of their insides after stabbery isn't something he can constantly use.  He makes up for this with his preferences towards more old fashioned violence, less old fashioned violence, or really any  kind of violence that doesn't make use of his left arm beyond using it like a normal arm.

Weapon: The convenient grapple claw thats kind of attached to his arm. Stuff that you could slap together from stuff you'd find in a hardware store.  And normal grapple hooks hurt when swung upside the head you know.

IQ:  Questionable
Birthday:  what passes for October 12'th on Mobius.
Area Familiarity: General familiarity of the expected places FF's go, with a focus on the parts that let you get around all bionic commando style.
Quote:  "Well of course I dodged the lasers, even children and slow walruses can avoid lasers."

Never used gamma world stuff used to be here. Which was still more up to date than this old "last edited, 2008" post. wowie zowie. I'm afraid to "ten years later" proofread this thing.