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Welcome to A Struggle for Hope

08:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


After some arm twisting from Timothius, here's an old char of mine.

Faction: Good

Name: Phillip Willis
Title: "Public Enemy #1"
Species: Tiger
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Group: "The Underground"

Male tiger built like a marine and riddled with scars.  His facial expression is much like Steven Segal during a fist fight.  His knuckles look like knots on an ancient tree.

No government is free of corruption, and the rule of the Acorn family was no exception, especially during the Great War.  A racial war easily leaves room for abuse of the enemy, even allies, in the name of victory.  During such times idealists who insist on equal rights for subjects, much less the enemy, are branded traitors.

Philip's father was one such "traitor" who's only son followed closely in his footsteps.  By the time he was a teen, Philip had so lived up to his father's reputation that he was loved by the underground royal resistance and hated by the Acorn loyalists.

Soon after Philip was married, his father was captured.  Philip led the Underground in an effort to free him, but his father died in the crossfire.  Philip blamed King Acorn and his government and swore to some day dethrone the tyrant.

In the 6 years that followed, Philip became King Acorn's "Emmanuel Goldstein" (from the book 1984), the "domestic terrorist," "Overlander sympathizer," boogyman that was blamed for almost every crime that the government committed.  Then Robotnik took over and proved to be a far worse tyrant than Acorn.  Philip's wife and many of his friends were turned into robots.  He escaped with his daughter and remaining friends and spent the next 10 years leading the Underground Freedom Fighters in the heart of Robotropolis.

In a word, Angry.  It's taken a lifetime to master his poker face, but just below the surface burns an inferno of rage aching to erupt.  When most would laugh, Philip curses.  When most people would be afraid, Philip is enraged.  When most would cry, Philip is furious.  Few people are able to calm his rampaging spirit, much less make him smile, but fortunately his daughter is one of those people and she stays close to him.

Weaknesses / Limitations: (Listed first to avoid some confusion)
1.) Mr. Congeniality - It took a miracle for a woman to tolerate him much less fall in love with him... and well... his wife is several fries short of a happy meal.

2.) Dim whit - It takes twice the effort for Phil to learn something.  His mind can only handle about 2 thoughts or feelings at a time, and that's pushing it.  In spite of his untrusting nature, he can be manipulated and deceived with relative ease.

3.) Scarred
 . a) Kung-fu grip: For as badly as they've been abused, Philip can't open his hands completely.  Even grabbing a glass of water is difficult.  This is especially painful given the fact that this means he can't pet his daughter's cheek.

 . b) Arthritis: Philip suffers from joint pains in most of his upper body as if he were an 80 year old.  It's made worse by bad weather.

 . c) Lock jaw:  Years of gritting his teeth from tension has made it impossible for Philip to open his mouth wider than the width of a PBJ sandwitch.  A hamburger requires a fork and knife.

 . d) Numb:  Philip has a dulled sense of touch on the business end of the harder parts of his body, and no feeling at all on the backs of his hands.  Severe wounds could go unnoticed and untreated.

4.) Notorious - Being at the top of the most wanted list for several years does wonders for your reputation among the freedom fighters.  His charisma makes things even better.

5.) Stubborn - Makes mules seem agreeable.  His inability to be reasoned with is partly due to his low capacity for reason.

6.) Inner Demons
 . a) Singing bass: By some cosmic joke, on either of Philip's shoulders sit an angel fish and a devil fish.  They both sound like the comedian Costello and they both taunt him.  Devil fish: "She's HOT!  Why don't you go ahead and cheat on your wife?"  Angel fish: "Philip's gotta maintain his holy facade."  Devil fish: "Good point.  Besides, where's the fun in cheating if his wife's not around to have her heart broken?"

 . b) Nightmares: Philip frequently suffers from horrific nightmares including brutally murdering his own daughter.  These become more pronounced whenever his living conditions change.

 . c) Short lived: Stress will shorten your life span.  Phil will be lucky to live beyond his 50's.

1.) Racial Attributes - Philip has all the abilities listed for Tigers in the race section. ("Fierce", "Claws," "Agile," and "Carnivorous")

2.) Brawler - Has the combat skill of a death row inmate.

3.) Fit - A life of perpetual tension does wonders for your muscle tone.

4.) Iron body - Literally tough as nails.  Common to many martial arts systems, the iron body technique uses repeated daily abuse of one's bones to harden them into weapons.  Phil wound up with an iron body mostly thanks to his personality.  Philip's body is riddled with metal rods and plates for as many times as his bones have been broken.

5.) Staggered Rage
 . Level 1 - Provoked.  If Philip sees a bully picking on someone, he HAS to get in their face and provoke them till they either attack him or back down.  When in this state, he generally some control of himself, but quickly compares a minor bully to the likes of Robotnik.  His I.Q. drops a few points, his strength rises a few percent, and his sanity dims a little.  Most apologize when they see the lust for violence in his eyes.  Angel fish and devil fish mock his lack of control.

 . Level 2 - Facefisted.  A guy says something like, "Wow your girl's HOT." and he'll have Philip's fist in his face faster than he can blink.  Usually this state doesn't last long as most who provoked this response don't last long either.  While in this state, Phil loses all but the most vulgar words in his vocabulary, his I.Q. drops to around room temperature, he's able to shatter bones with relative ease, and he's about as sane as a raging drunk.  Angel fish and devil fish shout at the top of their lungs to everyone present to beware the perfect monster, but their pleas fall on deaf ears.

 . Level 3 - Killswitched.  Injure a friend of his and Phil flies into a rage much like a rabid wolverine who's been set on fire.  At this point, Phil is completely unable to speak, his I.Q. is frigid, he's stronger than should be physically possible, (like those stories of a mother lifting a car to save her child), and he's about as sane as a Hanibal Lecter on LSD.  Phil will remain in this state till all perceived enemies within range are utterly destroyed.  Angel fish and devil fish are floating at the top of the fish bowl, dead.

 . Level 4 - Nirvana.  In an attempt to enter the spirit world, Mystics from around the globe have been known to torture their own bodies so badly that they enter a trance.  A few times in his life Phil has become so angry that it's actually had this kind of calming effect.  His heart rate drops to about sleep level, all his muscles relax, his perception skyrockets, and his mind becomes crystal clear.  At this point Phil becomes a soulless machine programmed to accomplish a goal, such as rescue his captured father, and he calmly executes the most logical plan that will achieve that goal.  Angel fish and devil fish have been revived as giant cybernetic zombies with long metal spider legs that search the empty cities of Phil's mind with their spotlight eyes.

6.) Willpower - An experienced interrogator would know that you'd have to use drugs and threaten the loved ones of stubborn people like Phil to get them to talk.  This won't work on Phil.  Anything short of a powerful psychic or mind reading technology is unable to force information from him.

1.) 8 kinetic drivers - Phil's got this fist...  It's like a frozen hand shot out of a cannon.  Then there's his other fist.  And his elbows, knees, and feet.  You may as well be attacked by a team of baseball players armed with aluminum bats.

1.) Backpack - .

IQ: 89
Occupation: Leader of the Underground Freedom Fighters
Born: Mobotropolis. (Day ???, 32??)
Familiar: Robotropolis.
Picture: URL
Quote: "Those who would surrender freedom for safety will get neither."
Name means: Lover Of Horses