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Welcome to A Struggle for Hope

09:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Faction: Good

Name: Timothius Holiday Christian
Title: Doctor
Species: Angel-Cat (Turkish Angora)
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Size: 3' 3"
Weight: 20 Lbs.

Covered in white fur, Timothius appears to be an anthropomorphic cat of some kind. But he also has wings like a dove. He has a bushier tail than normal cats, suggesting what kind of cat he is (Turkish Angora). He has hazel eyes and somewhat long bangs. Timothius wears white pants and a white long-sleeve shirt with a blue tabbard that has a yellow picture on it which looks like a rising sun.

Born in the Neo Sky Sanctuary Zone, Timothius was raised a pampered and loved child. He was a loving person who studied hard to become a healer in every way (be it as someone who can heal the body or someone who can heal the soul). He graduated and helped out in his hometown a great deal. But while he was safe from any harm by Robotnik, Timothius was haunted by nightmares of what was happening to the people down below. He had heard the reports of Robotnik's reign and even heard about the horrors of roboticization. Yet, much to his amazement and shame, nobody from his home was willing to go and help these people. Their excuse was that they were a non-violent culture and thus, had no training in warfare to speak of. That and their ancient traditions taught them to stay out of the affairs of the mobians who lived below them. Timothius eventually saw through their facade and knew the reality was simply that the mobians were not worth their time. A Christian himself, Timothius felt his nightmares were a sign from God that he was to go and help these people any way he could. Scared of finally facing his nightmares in reality but feeling he had no choice left, Timothius procrastinated and prayed until he finally relented and went down to the surface world, taking only what he felt he needed.

Timothius is a kind guy who likes making friends. He's a gentle soul who wouldn't hurt a fly, but will do what he has to in order to stop evil from prevailing. He has a strong preference to healing instead of fighting. He loves his friends a lot, but should his friends get in an argument, he tends to keep quiet rather than take sides. This is because his greatest fear is losing friends. He decided long ago to give his opinion only if asked or given permission to.

1.) Racial Attributes - Timothius has all the abilities listed for cats and for winged mobians in the race section.
    ("Extreme Curiosity", "Agile", "Carnivorous", "Flight" and "Light Bones")

2.) Ariel Acrobatics - Timothius knows a few fancy tricks for showing off in the air. In a desperate situation, he may even pull off something amazing to save his or someone else's skin (Like folding his wings mid flight to dive through a small hole, then spreading his wings to continue flying).

3.) Doctor - Timothius studied to become a healer of all kinds. Physical, mental and emotional wounds. He is skilled at helping heal all of the above.

4.) Artist - Timothius can draw pretty good. :)

5.) Music - Timothius can write music and has composed hundreds of tunes. He's not popular, though, and has not published a single tune. He's also a good singer.

Weaknesses / Limitations:
1.) Not So Tough - Timothius can't take a hit very well. One normal punch and he's down for a minute. One sound punch and he'll probably get knocked uncontious. He's also just as weak to most elements as anyone. Fire burns, ice freezes, etc.

2.) Weak - Timothius could slow someone's fall, but he is hardly able to carry someone's dead weight when flying. Were he to drag an average mobian while walking, he would huff and puff and wind up exhausted within minutes. Not that he's out of shape, but he simply can not lift very much weight. This also means he hits like a pillow.

3.) Temperature Sensitive - Timothius loooooooooves room temperature. He really likes 60 - 65 degrees temp. But start deviating to either end of the spectrum and he gets uncomfortable. Timothius gets cold easily and hot easily.

At best, Timothius might have a scalpel or syringe on hand. But he'd never use them as weapons against someone.

1.) Healer's Belt - Timothius wears a belt that has vials attached to it. Each one has a special liquid inside for the purposes of healing. There is also a satchel attached that has other ingredients for healing such as special leaves or herbs.

2.) Healer's Tunic - While the nature of how it works is beyond the sciences of most anyone anywhere, this tunic is able to produce gauze, rubbing alcohol and other such materials for a doctor to use. Timothius doesn't know how it does what it does, but he knows how to use it. Were someone to examine it (By pulling it apart or scanning), they would see technology of very foreign composition and it would not make sense to them in the least (Even someone like Robotnik would be confounded) unless they happen to be technologists from Neo Sky Sanctuary due to the completely alien materials and methods by which it is created. Reverse engineering this piece of technology, therefor, requires talking with the admin about why and how.

IQ: 126
Occupation: Healer (Physician, Psychiatrist, Counselor)
Born: Neo Sky Sanctuary. (Day 71, 3213)
Familiar: 01. Town  02. Sky
Quote: "Love God. Love Others."
Name means: To Honor God