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Welcome to Pokemon: End of an Era

23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sati Ramanathan

Name: Sati Ramanathan

Age: 24

Badges: None

Registered Team: No Pokemon owned.


Sati stands at about 5 ft 8, and weighs approximately 740 pounds. Despite her true weight, she has a lean, willowy build and smooth skin, has purple skin and red eyes. She is quite far along in her Change, with both feet and lower legs having fully changed, and two additional large arms similar to those of a Metang emerging from her back. Her lower arms are hardening as well, though she still retains her human fingers. Hidden under her bodysuit are three scars parallel to one another where the Metagross attack hit her.

In terms of clothing she wears a black bodysuit It is made of spandex, allowing her to put it on with relative ease despite her changed body structure. Other accessories are a metal belt with the Metagross 'X' on it, and other varied pieces of armor to hide what the suit can't cover.

Due to her weight, she generally prefers to move through telekinesis, floating to avoid excess strain on the floor.


While traveling with a band of refugees heading for a place of safety, Sati decided to rest on what she thought was a small rock. Instead, she ended up waking the Metagross she had just sat on, and got attacked. Though the League guards were quick to intervene, the damage had already been done, and she was rushed to a nearby clinic with severe injuries to her abdominal area.

While she recovered, it became clear from her blood tests that she had contracted the Change. After several months of trying to fight the influence the mentally strong Pokemon was having on her, she decided to change tactics, and accept the Change rather than resist it.

She started meditating, trying to accept that she was no longer human, and meditate to find some kind of equilibrium between her and her 'inner Pokemon'. It helped a great deal that her Changeling self was intelligent rather than feral, and though initially her Change had sped up it was once again returning to normal levels.

Unlike most inhabitants of Suyilu, Sati's arrival there had been a deliberate and calculated decision. Neither Indigo nor Viridian seemed awfully eager to lend a hand in finding a cure. The League treated them as lab rats, Team Rocket as a source of cheap labor, making neither a feasible option. She heard of Suyilu though, and of the research Alexandra had been devoting herself to, and thus started on the journey heading to the small village.

Upon her arrival, it was only logical that she would see to the defense of the village. Having a mind and body geared for combat, becoming one of the SDF's founding members came almost naturally, and living there allows her to continue her research alongside Alexandra's, her four brains assisting hers in finding a cure, be it physical or spiritual.

Affiliation: Suyilu.

Change: Metagross.

Unknown facts:

- Her unusual accent marks her as a Hoenn native.