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Welcome to SLA INDUSTRIES : Truth within the Lies

11:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Christine Noble


Department of Psychology and Psychoses

Intake Assessment
Dr. Richard Lisbon

Subject: Noble, Christine
Training Package: Death Squad

Identifying Statement: Miss Noble is a 19 year-old human female, referred for routine assessment following her admission to Meny.

Social history: Miss Noble was born and raised in Uptown by her parents, both corporates. After a normal prenatal period, she began walking slightly earlier than expected with other abilities developing normally.
She attended the Harrow Academy, a prestigious girls’ school in Uptown sector 194 from age seven. Records describe her academic performance as average, primarily through lack of effort. She did, however, excel physically, especially in gymnastics. Indeed, Miss Noble mentioned that her main reason for making any kind of academic effort was to keep her grades above the minimum requirement for the school team. She also enjoyed visiting the upper levels of Downtown, or ‘slumming’, an activity popular with corporate teenagers.
Aged 15, Miss Noble ‘came out’ as homosexual, which was well received by both her family and peers.
At age 17, she was sent to the Holgrave Juvenile Reform School, located in Downtown sector 073-F, following a violent incident at her previous school. This incident, according to the patient, was provoked when she found the captain of a rival school gymnastics team attempting to intimidate one of her friends. This resulted in assault charges being leveled against her by the other girl’s influential parents.
About two years later, she was spotted by talent scout Olivia Campbell, and accepted a place in the 899 Death Squad class here at Meny.
(Shortly afterwards, the Holgrave Institute was closed down following the discovery of soft company involvement.)

Medical History: The patient reported occasional insomnia attacks. Although she received several head injuries as a result of sporting accidents and violent encounters, none of them were serious, and she has no history of seizures, stroke, or loss of consciousness.

Medication: The patient was briefly prescribed Kelinol for her sleep disorder. However, she reported that it made her drowsy during the day, and discontinued its use.

Substance Use: The patient smokes regularly, favouring ‘Super Caff’ cigarettes, which contain a strong stimulant. She claims that this counteracts the detrimental effects of insomnia episodes. She drinks within safe levels and does not use other substances.

Family history: Miss Noble’s father is a 54 year-old senior executive in the Department of Accounting. Her mother is a 48 year-old Karma research associate.
Neither of her parents have any known psychiatric illnesses, and there were no noted abnormalities in the patient’s extended family.

The subject is a physically fit human female, dressed in lightweight gym clothing and sporting an intricate DNA hallmark across her back and shoulders, depicting a nude female figure against a background of trees and vines. When asked about this, she stated quite proudly that it was a piece by renowned hallmark artist Leocanto Kosta, which she received at age sixteen, reportedly to her parents' disapproval.
Her speech was fluent and coherent, and her responses appropriate to the questions posed. She did not express any delusional thought content. There was perhaps an obsessional quality about her study of combat skills, but this is not entirely unusual given her training package and she did not feel that this was a problem.
Her judgment remained sound throughout the interview.
When presented with the Hamilton Questionnaire, the subject displayed considerable agitation  as the test progressed, growing visibly impatient and asking if it was necessary to complete them all. In the end, she reluctantly completed all 150 questions.
The results of the questionnaire showed no abnormalities other than an inclination to respond with violence to perceived threats or difficulties. This is, however, a healthy trait in a Death Squad trainee.


SLA Raid Closes Down Soft Company Front

Operatives from SLA Industries launched a daring raid on a soft company installation yesterday afternoon.
The raid took place at the Holgrave Juvenile Reform Institute, which, the Department of Investigation confirmed, was being used as a front by a soft company called TX.
A large quantity of illegal weaponry was removed from the premises, along with the contents of an extensive narcotics laboratory.
Financier Olivia Campbell, representative of the Operative squad 'Blue-bloods' gave the following statement.
"TX were responsible for the manufacture of several dangerous drugs, among which were ingredients used in the production of Shatter. They set up a private reform school in order to provide an income stream, and reports indicate that they were using students as guinea pigs.
The school was first brought to our attention when several students were reported missing. In these cases, their families were told that their children, who had either been withdrawn from the school, or had been released, decided they did not wish to return home, and had disappeared into Downtown. Recently, several of the missing children were found in skin trade 'meat markets', triggering an investigation.
The full extent of TX's activities is still unknown, but I hardly think I need to say that a group which sells to the skin trade and supplies terrorists like DarkNight is one which needs the full weight of SLA Industries brought to bear on it."


Extract from a security recording at Indigo's Bar, Meny.

"And that's how I ended up here. Hah, you shoulda seen the faces of those Monarch cunts when SLA took me out of that cell. So what about you? How'd a nice uptown girl end up in combat training?"
"Did I say I was from Uptown?"
"No, but nobody in Downtown can afford a tattoo like that,"
"Good point."
"So? Why didn't you follow your parents into business or something?"
"It was never my thing. Besides, I don't really get on with my parents,"
"Yeah, corporate society doesn't look too kindly on... well, not getting its way,"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I guess I'm drunk enough to tell you. Ever heard of the Erin Girls School?"
"Oh don't tell me you went there,"
"No, I was just competing against them. Anyway, some snooty bitch decided to 'explain' to one of my team mates that Erin were 'supposed' to win. Going on about reputations and 'rocking the boat' and how many connections the school had. Trying to get us to throw the contest."
"Yeah. Made her regret it though. But then they disqualified us! Next thing I know, thugs turn up in the middle of the night and drag me off to this fucking reform school. Then I get one letter from my parents saying I'm staying there 'til I'm 21, and not to contact them."
"God damn,"
"Yeah, I guess not kissing ass makes me some kind of disappointment."
"That's corporates for you. Next drink on me? You deserve it."
"Thanks. Look, I should probably tell you I'm taken, so this isn't... Hey, where are you... Oh fuck you!"


Extract from Department of Psychology and Psychoses (Meny) records.

"Sit down Miss Noble."
"What's this about? I'm missing out on..."
"It would appear you haven't been entirely honest with us. This is something you could be expelled over. Now, sit down."
"Look, I told you shit that I'd never..."
"Even about Alice?"
"Sit down. Good. The talent scout who referred you to SLA Industries has informed us of the arrangement you made with her regarding Alice's accomodation."
"I'll fucking kill her!"
"I'm sure you will. Now, what is the relationship between the two of you?"
-Sigh- "Lovers."
"I'll have to ask for more detail than that."
"Oh come on. Didn't Olivia already tell you about us?"
"Yes, but your coming clean will probably help you avoid expulsion."
"Only probably?"
"Miss Noble..."
"Fine. I met her in Holgrave. She was never meant for a place like that. She's shy, not really the fighting type, and in that school, well, the guards saw her as an easy target. And of course everybode else was too terrified to help her, even if they'd wanted to."
"Except you?"
"No shit smartass. One of the first things I saw after they'd shaved my head and given the the new uniform was her being beaten. So I stepped in. Got a few bruises and three days in the tank."

Advantages/Disadvantages explained:

DNA Tattoo: An intricate piece of skin art, depicting a nude woman on a background of vines and leaves.
Christine obtained this hallmark at age 16 from an up-and-coming artist whose sister she went to school with. Her parents were not happy.

Major Friend: Ian Goldman, a former member of the Pink Pistols, was taken on by the R&D department of FEN after the squad split up, putting his mechanics package to good use.
Christine remains in contact with him, and he uses his position to put her on the list of Operatives used to field test new equipment, and gives her access to weapons not usually available.

Housing: A fairly spacious uptown apartment with a seperate bedroom.

Media Staff (5): Christine is known for being able to put on a good performance for the cameras, her background as a gymnast and natural anger making for good TV. The footage of her losing her temper at camera crews makes for even better TV.

The Public (3): Christine has been followed on several missions by 3rd eye, including a rampaging Dante vet in uptown. As a result, quite  a few people recognise her face. This fame is unwanted, as she is worried that it might draw unwelcome attention to her personal life, and Alice.

Vehicle: A GA-J jeep, painted in urban camouflage.


Dependant: Alice McEwan was born to Frother parents, but was always a long wayt from what they wanted. Where the rest of her family loved UV and Power Claymores, Alice was always shy, reserved, and terrified of the drug-crazed people who surrounded her.
Nonetheless, she took drugs in order to fit in with those around her, even as they singled her out as a target for fun.
The drugs inevitably lead to crime. When she took UV for the first time, all she remembered was a feeling of terror, and coming round in a Shiver cell.
She was in trouble, and no strings were pulled to get her out of it, her parents reasoning that some time in a reform institute would toughen her up and make a proper frother of her.
It was in this reform school that she met Christine, and the two have been together ever since, but even Christine couldn't stop experimental drugs from warping her lover's mind.

Corporates (4): The Erin Academy is the school of choice for the daughters of SLA Industries' highest fliers, its students often going into influential positions themselves.
One such alumnus was Jennifer Reid, whose position as gymnastics captain placed her high in the school's social hierarchy, assuring her a considerable boost in her corporate career.
Now a department head at the tender age of 24, she has never forgotten one incident from her school days; a beating at the hands of one Christine Noble.
This incident is well known by the school's other students as well. This means that a number of Corporates know Christine as a dangerous psychopath with no respect for her betters.


Strength: 9
Dexterity: 10
Diagnose: 6
Concentration: 6
Charisma: 7

Physique: 10
Knowledge: 6

Cool: 9

Literacy: 5
Detect: 5
SLA Info: 5
Rival Company: 6
Streetwise: 5
Unarmed Combat: 5
Pistol: 10
Rifle: 8
Evaluate Opponent: 6
Auto Support: 7
Drive Civilian: 6
Gymnastics: 8
Computer Operation: 3
Psychology: 3
Weapon Maintenance: 6
Marksmanship: 2
Persuasion: 5
Acrobatics: 9
Club 1H: 7
Martial Arts: 8
Climb: 5
Swim: 4
Running: 6
Paramedic: 2
Sneak: 3
Hide: 3
Video Games: 2
Blade 1H: 7
Demolitions: 4
Demolitions Disposal: 4
Intimidation: 6
Dance: 6
Communique: 2
Throwing: 4

DNA Tattoo: 10
Good Looks: 2
Good Figure: 7
Major Friend: 8
Housing: 1
Reputation (Media Crews): 5
Reputation (The Public): 3
Vehicle: 9

Addiction (Super Caff Cigarettes): 2
Bad Sleeper: 3
Dependant: 7
Psychopathy: 3
Reputation: Corporates (4)

2x FEN 202 pistols

Clip: 10
Cal: 11.35mm
RoF: 1
Rcl: 8
Range: 25m

6 clips HEAP
4 clips HP

Silverback Armour, Increased Durability
PV: 15
ID: Head 20, Torso 34, Arms 28, Legs 30

FEN AR, 100 round ammo bin, bipod
2 loads HEAP

2 Virbo Sabres

2x DA 90 Fragmentation Grenades
2x DA 71 Concussion Grenades

Medical Kit
- 4x Kickstart
- 10 x Bio-block
- 50x Pain Solver


LAD account: 1000c