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18:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Addison Cooper

<img src=""Align="right">Characters Name: Addison ‘Addy’ Cooper

Characters Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 5’2

Eye Colour: Blue/Gray

Hair Colour: Addy is a natural brunette but at the age of 16 she dyed her hair blonde. Over the years she has altered her hair slightly but the length has remained the same. Black streaks have been added to the ends but she tiered of that after a few months. Most recently Addison added a vibrant pink streak to the right side of her golden blonde tresses.

Physical Description: Addison has a very distinctive fashion style. It can be called punk rock or skater chic. Either way, the girl enjoys the basic colours. Black, white and of course hot pink. Addy tends to gravitate towards the edgier items on a clothing rack. She loves stripes and the embellishments of stars and hearts. Addison loves these simple shapes so much that she has one of each tattooed onto her inner wrists. On the left is a hollow black star and on the right is a hot pink heart. These small tattoos are the only artwork that the girl has. Addison has never been big on pain for fashion. It was a struggle to remain seated in the chair for those few minutes but she managed. Along the lines of body modifications, Addy has both her ears pierced and a tongue stud that she doesn’t actually remember getting. She can only guess she was drunk or stoned. It would have to be one or the other although there is a possibility it was a delicious combination of both.

Standing at just 5’2, Addison has quite an unimposing figure. She doesn’t weigh all that much and she doesn’t really have any curves to brag about. Her breasts are small but with the right push-up bra, she casts quite an alluring silhouette. With the soft curve of her ass and the rather straight line of the rest of her body, Addison is a petite but attractive woman. Her blonde hair hangs down to around the middle of her back. Addison generally keeps these tresses loose but occasionally she will tie them back if the need or desire arises. The pale colour of her skin is a stark contrast to the bright blue of her eyes and the sweet pink of her lips. It would be nice to say that Addy’s flesh is free of blemishes and scars but that just simply isn’t the case. A history of abuse began young but has sadly followed her throughout her life. Under the clothes that Addy wears lay an array of marks that tell a long and sad tale. At the beginning, her attackers were smart enough never to leave a mark where it could be seen and so her arm and legs were left clean and bare. Now days, she’s skilled enough on covering the bruises so it really doesn’t matter where she’s grabbed. Across her back, over her belly and on the soft and supple flesh of her inner thighs, Addison is cursed with cigarette burns and scars both old and new. It is a shame but such is life. Her soft flesh has been marred with the odd slice of pearly scar tissue. When asked about these marks, she is hesitant to reply.

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Personality Description: Addison often comes across as cold and uncaring. To a point, she is but she’s hardly the bitch people think she is. The girl didn’t grow up with much. She’s never had a sense of entitlement and she knows how to take of herself. Neglected by her parents and derived of love, Addison learnt to find the things she sought elsewhere. Addy can be distant and a little cold but she isn’t a lost cause. The girl is definitely what would be described as an adrenaline junkie. Having been held captive for her early childhood, Addison is always chasing that feeling of freedom. Although she would be the first to say that she simply has a fetish for anything fast enough to do something stupid in. Skydiving, Bungee Jumping, Base Jumping, Snowboarding, if it’s out there, Addy has tried it. It started with skates and then the board, things progressed from there. Addison loves the thrill. She loves the feeling of her heart thumping against her ribs. Addy can be reckless and extreme. She really doesn’t enjoy the feeling of being caged. Addy will escape into the world of gaming. She’s kicked many an ass both male and female. Any game will do although she does love pulling that trigger. There are certain things that are likely to get you hit when in regards to dealing with Addy. Never call her a crazy or get in her face. Those who do often get slapped. Addy doesn’t like to be confronted. She’s a fighter, she has a temper. Annie doesn’t take things lying down, not anymore.

History: Some kids grow up with the worlds expectations on their shoulders. They are going to do something great, change the world. Addison was born with none of that. Nobody really cared whether she lived or died so they had very little expectations of her making anything of her life. Mummy was a junkie and had little regard to the life she was carrying inside of her. Addison was born addicted and screaming. The first few weeks of the young’s girl’s life were hell. The rest really weren’t any better.

Addy’s Mother never wanted the job. Addison was conceived by accident but for reasons unknown, her Mother didn’t abort and 9 months later she gave birth to an underweight, unhealthy and near death baby girl. It was a miracle she lived. A year later when Addy was 4, her Mother left for good leaving her daughter in the care of her then boyfriend. Addy’s Father is a mystery. She had never asked who he was and there was never anyone that could tell her so it was a good thing she wasn’t curious. The man left with the young’s girls care and well-being was not exactly a model Father figure nor a model citizen for that matter. Little Fish drug dealer and part time Pimp, he kept Addison around with the thought that she could one day start making money for him but there really was no reason to wait. More than half the age yet twice the price, Addy was exposed to paedophile after paedophile on a nightly basis. Bringing in the money, young Addy was abused in a don’t ask don’t tell environment. Her ‘Pimp’ never touched his young money maker. In fact, he was relatively kind to the girl. At least that was how Addison remembers it. There is a chance of course that her mind has twisted these events to make it just that little bit less traumatic.

When Addy was 9 an undercover Cop stumbled upon her and rescued her from her life of sexually and physical abuse. Addison has always had mixed feelings about this. She never liked knowing that she had to be rescued. Addy has always been strong, at least she thinks so. It would be an accurate assessment to say that there was still some lingering bitterness towards herself. Her lack of ability to escape when she was younger is always something Addy has hated.

Thrust into the ‘System’ Addison bounced from Foster Home to Foster Home but never found a permanent place to say. Issues with her attitude, her addictions and the fact that she continually ran away made it difficult for Social Services to find willing candidates. As the girls 18th birthday rolled round she was handed a number and a bus pass and sent on her way. There was nothing they could do for her now. She was legally an adult and with that, she was responsible for herself. Moving in with a friend, Addison spent a couple of months of the couch before she gathered together enough money from flipping burgers to get her very own crap-tacular apartment. It was around this time that she met the man that was both the love of her life and the one she would come to hate the most. Jacob was everything Addison had ever looked for in a man. Tall, strong, confident and just that little bit of a jackass. She fell for him quickly. To the outside, they were the perfect couple. Their love was pure and intense. They were inseparable but they had more in common than they realized. Both came from broken homes, both had felt the hand of parental abuse. While Addy would never admit it, she liked the idea that he could keep her safe. His firsts and his mettle would make sure that nobody ever laid an unwanted hand on her again. Of course she had never thought to ward against her own boyfriend causing her pain. Jacob had a temper and he was fiercely jealous. When it was good, it was amazing but when it got bad, they could shake the earth. Dear God she loved him but she hated his ass too. It was truly shocking to watch them when they clashed. She could hold her own. Her tongue was quick and she was not afraid to throw a punch but he was huge and if he wanted to curl his fingers around her throat and squeeze, she would be limp within the minute. Of course the sun always set and the make-up sex was like mind blowing but no matter how many times he said sorry, they always fought again. If the walls of their small apartment could talk,.... well they wouldn’t, Addison had a feeling that they would do nothing but scream because it was all they had ever heard.

Life wasn’t perfect. Love didn’t solve everything. It didn’t really matter how much she loved Jacob. He was her world, her Knight but as much as he had saved her, he also placed her right back into the same kind of life she’d escaped from. Addy is a rather private person and when it comes to the negative sides of her relationship, she doesn’t go around advertising the flaws but those who have picked up on theses issue ask her why she stays and to be honest, Addison is very defensive. She would protect Jacob to the death. In the moment when words are flying, she hates the man but once it’s all over, she’s just as apologetic as he is and the love swells again. Anyone who tries to bring Jacob down for what he’s done will be met with harsh words and a defensive stance. They don’t know him; they don’t know why they clashed Addison doesn’t like people talking shit about her man. Only she’s allowed to do that.

All in all Addison has a good life. She has a man who would do anything for her, on the good days. She has a home, it’s not grand but it’s comfortable. There’s enough money for booze and the occasional joint. Life is full of pain. Addy learnt this lesson young. Could she have a better life if she had the courage to leave, if she pulled herself together and sought more from herself and from others? It’s possible but why should she? Who’s to say this isn’t exactly what she deserves?