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14:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Charley Becks

Birth Name: Charley Becks

Characters Age: 21

Gender: Female

Eye colour: Brown

Hair colour: Dark Chocolaty Brown

Physical Description: Beautiful, busty, Brazilian. Need I say more? I will anyway.

Charley stands at the gorgeous height of 5’10. The woman is pretty much all legs and what stunning legs they are. Like every woman, her weight fluctuates but it’s generally fixed somewhere around 130 lbs. With the title of Model on her head, it’s her job to look good and Charley dose her job well. She’s a head turner and a traffic stopper. This is a beautiful Brazilian woman that makes money by being stunning.

Her skin has the most alluring dark glow to it. Get close enough to press your nose to her neck and you will breath in the heady scent of honey. If by some freak chance, your lips come in contact with the woman’s skin, the taste of sweet honey will linger on your tongue and tingle on your senses. Charley wears Honey Dust almost every day. She likes the way it smells, she likes how smooth it makes her skin and she loves the way it tastes. It’s rather hard not to kiss your own fingertip after brushing the golden dust on your body with the feather applicator.

The eyes are the window to the soul. Charley isn’t sure she believes this but she knows the power of a look. The woman’s brown eyes, gem like as they are, have the power to intimidate or capture and draw in wanted attention. Charley doesn’t have to wear a lot of make-up but she does occasionally. A thin line of black to outline her eyes. Some gloss or colour on her full pink lips. It’s really all she needs.

Charley’s hair holds the colour of dark chocolate. It hangs to around mid back and has a natural wave to it. She will most often keep it loose, hanging and falling as it wants. It depends on what she is doing, who she is with and what she wishes to accomplish as to whether she will pull it back or not.

Day and night, Charley has two distinctive styles. During the day, when she is working her minimally fulfilling job as a PA, she will wear sensible clothes. A skirt and a blouse or a nice suit. She tries to remain conservative and professional. When the sun goes down however, the darker side of Charley comes out to play and she is equipped with her own separate wardrobe. The woman clothes have a tendency to get shorter and tighter. She is able to show off her stunning figure and flaunt what genetics gave her.

--Current Outfit--


Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual

Tattoos/Piercings: Charley has minimal body modifications. When she was 7 she got her ears pierced and that remains to this day. She has her belly button pierced but that’s all. Charley has been wanting to get a tattoo for a while now but every time she goes to get one, she can never seem to decide on what to get. Hopefully she will be able to settle on a design soon.

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Likes: Having fun, people who want to have fun with her, anything sweet, any liquor that feels warm going down, dancing, writing, reading, fantasy novels and movies and modelling.

Dislikes: Her job as a PA, snobby people who think they are better than her, being tied down, pickles, cold coffee and the constant rejection from producers.

Personality: Charley has two different sides to her personality and each is as important as the other. During the day, when she is working, she is professional and is rather good at her job despite the fact that she hates it. During this part of her life, she gives off an air of timidness. She is shy and quiet when she chooses to speak. The person you meet during the day could probably fall under many names. Bookworm, geek, loner, goody-two-shoes. Charley is forced to repress her own personality to appease her boss. Her job as a PA is degrading and unfulfilling but she dose it none the less. She spends her life taking orders from socialites and generally being treated like crap.

This explain why when the sun goes down, Charley likes to party. The mask comes off and her true spirit is allowed out to play. The girl can get a little wild. She likes to dance and she loves to drink. It’s not uncommon for the girl to give the orders when she lets loose. Not only does her wardrobe change but her entire being. Place day and night Charley side by side and you would be surprised how very different they look from each other. It’s all in the way she carries herself. Her head lifts and she turns her eyes from the ground to the sky. Something inside Charley breaks, her inhibitions loosen and she has fun.

There are some similarities between the two girls however. Charley as a whole, while she can be rather bold and brash, is a sweet girl. She is kind and she smart. Modelling is not what she wants to do despite the fact that she has the looks and the skills to become not only famous but incredibly rich. She certainly doesn’t want to remain some actors b***h for the rest of her life. Charley is a writer and a good one. She has been writing since she was older enough to form a sentence. In her possession, she holds a brand new world. She has a story and she wants to see it on the big screen. Being a PA may not be glamorous but it keeps her close to the world she wants in on. Modelling just pays the bills.

Charley may do some stupid things but she has a good head on her shoulders. The things she does, it never really crosses the line to where it hurts herself or anyone else. Hollywood is a tough place and not everyone is friendly. Like everyone else, she’s just trying to make it.

Agents Name: Charley is without an agent at the moment for her writing but she is signed with DNA Model Management.

Bio: In Salvador, Bahia, on the night of April 23rd, at 6:52pm, Charley Becks was born. Her Parents were overjoyed to welcome their fourth child and they were even more overjoyed to see that after three boys, the tides had changed. Charley had a happy childhood. The Becks didn’t have a lot of money but they got by. With three older brothers, Charley learned how to look after herself quickly. If she wanted to watch something other than sports, she would have to fight for it and often, she won. She enjoyed wrestling with her brothers, she liked to play rough but despite that, she was also very smart, very creative and very beautiful.

Charley had the ability, even from a young age, to create magnificent fantasies. Her imaginations was as deep as the sea and as endless as the sky. The stories the young girl came up with were magnificent in detail and far beyond the ability of a girl her age.

She maintained good grades in school and she was sociable enough. English was her favorite subject. She loved to read just as much as she loved to write. She always got top marks in this class. Charley had friends but she never seemed to be able to make best friends. She was always in her own little world and it was when Charley wrote, that she truly pulled back from everyone and everything to slip right inside her imagination.

When Charley was 7, the Becks moved to America. Understandably, it was an adjustment for her but she soon found her place. In the next few years, Charley won all sorts of awards for writing. She had a passion and a talent for the art. She knew that it was what she wanted to do but breaking into this world was not as easy as she had presumed. Despite having a finished story by the age of 16, nobody seemed to want to publish it. The constant rejection can get to anyone after a while. After trying for a year, she placed her dreams on the sideline to focus on other things.

Short on cash and needing a job, Charley shrugged her shoulders, thought why not and walked into a Modeling agency at the age of 17. She was signed within a month to her great surprise. Apparently, she was a natural. It was never her passion but she fooled a lot of people into thinking it was. Charley modeled for over a year when at 18, she received a contract with Victoria’s Secret. Charley enjoys modeling and the free clothes are a huge bonus but her heart still lies with writing and the fantasy world she created.

It was a friend who suggested that she perhaps try to adapt her book into a movie script. It was a very intriguing idea but Charley had no experience with writing a movie and so she enrolled herself in some classes. After learning what she needed to know, it was rather simple to adapt her world to the world of screen.

Now she is back where she started, trying to get it from paper to be taken to the next step. Charley still models and her name means something but not for the reasons she would like. She would much rather be known as a writer than the pretty face who models lingerie. To keep close to the Hollywood world, Charley accepted a job as a PA. She hates it. She hates being given orders, she hates being bossed around by people who think they are better than her. Everyone has their scarifies to make though right?