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18:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Katherine Jane Summers

Nickname: Kat

Sex: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: Katherine has never really paid much attention to her own appearance. Her large eyes the colour of blue bells she inherited from her Father. The cascading mane of milk chocolate locks she got from her Mother. Anything else is either a mixing of both genetics or what she considered luck of the draw. She has never been one to worry or fret over something that she couldn't change and things like cosmetic surgery are just a little too weird for her tastes. Not only do needles make her queasy but why would she want to change who she was? Good and bad when she looked in the mirror at least she knew who was looking back.

Standing at a respectable 5'7 and weighing between 112lbs and 120lbs she has nothing to dislike. Katherine is a very beautiful young woman. Her face is on the smaller side but has been moulded  into a lovely oval shape. Her blue bell eyes sit beneath full but shaped eyebrows and angel downwards at the tips to bring attention to her slim nose. Her lips are full and shaped like a bow. Katherine is most often seen smiling but her blush tinted lips are just as capable of frowning but such a thing is most often kept for when nobody is looking.

Kat toes the line between demure innocence and raw sexuality which can occasionally cause problems when she trying to be taken seriously but she has no fear about commanding wandering attentions back to her face and away from her bust. She's neither offended nor upset about any attention she may receive. Mostly it's from teenage boys and seeing as she's a teenager too and has done her own fair share of boy watching, where there no harm there's no foul.

Her style is eclectic. Katherine is comfortable in both dresses and sweatpants. She buys the items that make her feel something. Whether it be a bright summer dress that makes her smile with nostalgia or a pair of laced up boots that make her feel strong. She will mix and match things to suit her fancy and accessorizes with cheap but colourful costume jewellery.

Personality: Katherine Jane Summers is stronger than she looks. She's smart, witty and surprisingly grounded for an 18 year old. She also knows more than she perhaps should. Katherine can fire assemble, dissemble, clean and fire a gun. She is also quite proficient at kickboxing and general hand to hand street fighting. Katherine is a bad girl. She hasn't learnt theses skills because she's looking for trouble but rather to protect herself should trouble find her.

Kat is sarcastic but optimistic for the most part. She does well in school and is sociable enough that she can make friends easily. She's easy to talk to and people tend to trust her which is good because she is very trustworthy. If there is one thing Katherine knows it's secrets and how to keep them.

Boys like her and so do the girls which is fine with her because Kat likes the boys and girls too. She is a little hesitant to make commitments when it comes to long term friendships or relationships because she never really knows where she is going to end up or how long she is going to stay there for. Katherine has moved around a lot and she doesn't see herself settling down somewhere anytime soon. It's just the way of things.

Bio: Katherine Jane Summers, born in California to a construction worker and his kindergarden teacher wife. This is basic information but for Katherine, it's all a lie. In fact most everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. She wasn't born Katherine Jane Summers and she wasn't born in California. Her Father left her Mother when he found out she was pregnant and her Mother was a waitress nor a kindergarden teacher.

Katherine doesn't lie because she's manipulative or vindictive. She is looking for attention and she isn't trying to make herself out to be something that she's not. Katherine lies because it's the only way she is going to live long enough to testify against the man who murdered her Mother. Katherine Jane Summers is in Witness Protection.

Katherine, for lack of a realer name was born in New York to a single Mother whom she loved. They shared a small apartment in Bay Ridge and truly enjoyed each others company. It was just the two of them and their cat Tully. Katherine went to a decent school, she had great friends and was even dating a guy that she was on track to possibly falling in love with. Her Mother worked in one of the more upscale Restaurants in town and they made enough money to get by. It was a simple life but a good one and she was happy.

She thought nothing of it when her Mother returned home from work one night and tossed a crumbled piece of paper into the trash can. Katherine's mother was beautiful. She had the same long dark hair as her daughter and her pretty face earned her a few extra tips here and there but it had never been anything more. That was until her Mother had the unfortunate task of serving Lucas Montego. The man was a pig but that was putting it kindly. In reality he was a criminal with a long list of convictions and an even longer list of suspected crimes that he just couldn't be pinned down for. Lucas Montego was deep and dirty into the world of drug dealing and human trafficking. His hand were stained with the blood of those that had either gotten in his way or just pissed him off. The man was beyond bad and their lives changed when he decided that Katherine's Mother was the only one for him.

For months the man tried to woo the waitress and though Katherine's mother didn't know who her admire was she knew well enough to stay away. Politely she rebuffed his advances but nobody said no to Lucas Montego. Soon the stalking started and that's when Katherine and her Mother got really scared. Looking over their shoulders became a way of life. They sought the help of the Police but their only advice upon hearing the name of their stalker was to move and move quickly. There was nothing they could do. Lucas Montego was untouchable. He had a habit of making witness disappear.

Katherine and her Mother had no option but to take the Polices advice. Packing their things they planed to move but they didn't get very far. The first hotel they spent the night at was their last. He found them and that was the night Katherine lost her Mother. The details are bloody and more than she can bare to recount but her Mother was beaten and then she was killed. Katherine, locked in the bathroom during the incident eventually did what she knew her Mother would want her to. She ran. Escaping through the window Katherine fled to the Police station on foot and finally they decided to do something. They had a crime now and a witness. They only had to keep her alive until the trial.

America's Justice System being what it is Katherine has been in Witness Protection now for 18 Months. She was forced to flee her home, leave her friends and and change her name. Nobody knows where she is. She wasn't given the chance to say goodbye. Now she lives a lie with a man who pretends to be her Father but is really an Undercover Cop. Recently the pair have moved to Breckenridge. If she's lucky, she might get to stay awhile.

Stuff You May Find Interesting (but probably not)

Katherine has no social media account which people tend to find odd.

Her favourite food is Mexican.

Katherine's 'Father' is described by her friends as strict and controlling.

Her favourite colour is Turquoise.

If there was one thing besides photos that she would save if her house was on fire it would be her Pez Dispenser collection.

She bites her nails and so more often than not will wear press on's, which she bites too.

Kat owns a white 1961 Chevrolet Corvette Roadster with a Turquoise interior.

Character Questionnaire:

1) What interest does the character have other than music and sports?
Katherine enjoys photography. She has a thing about saving and memorising moments. She also likes to cook though she's never been very good at it. Following a Recipe makes her itchy. She prefers to do things her own way even if that means she fails miserably.

2) If they have goals for their future, what are they?
Katherine's biggest goal is to see Lucas Montego drop the soap in prison but beyond that she has dreams of becoming a Prosecutor or if that fails an Artist.

3) What does the character fear the most?
Lucas Montego.

4) What is the characters biggest flaw?
Katherine can be rather stubborn. She tends to trust herself over authority and doesn't really like being told what to do.

5) Who else is in the characters family?