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20:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Incipient was created for the "Tampa Titans" game on RPOL.

Origin Story

Adam Clay was always a curious boy.

Born in Miami to working class parents, he constantly asked questions until they were exasperated.
He was exceedingly tough though, both physically and mentally, excelling in sports as well as academically.
He was persistent and competitive, dominating his pop-warner football team as a mobile quarterback that knew the play book inside out.

He was 7.

His questioning of how to improve himself led to his researching the physical benefits of a hyperbaric chamber,
used by Olympic and professional athletes to train more effectively.
Upon discovery, he made one in his backyard.

He was 9.

It was there, sleeping in the chamber in his backyard, floating weightlessly and meditating on life-
and the inception of it-
that Adam triggered his own mutation, accessing the genetic origins of his cells,
and manifesting the pathways discarded by evolution in his own person.
Cell regeneration, incredibly thick cellular walls as skin, telepathic attacks as self defense,
absorption of external stimuli stored for use as personal energy-
all of these things, Adam realized, were possible.

He began sleeping in the chamber nightly.
His endurance became incredible as his body physically changed and adapted permanently to the conditioning.

But there was more.

As he journeyed deeper within for answers, he accessed the essential building blocks of creation.
Atomic theory, quantum probability physics, super string theory,
they were all his friends and playmates as he drifted in the deep, disassociated space within;
and Adam's friends revealed their secrets to him.

By the age of 11, he had lost much of his interest in sports as anything other than a passing fancy.
Incredible stamina and agility simply helped with the meditation of running long distances
purely for physical conditioning and mental focus purposes.

School no longer posed an obstacle, it was merely the means to an end, that end being knowledge itself.

He graduated high school at 13.

His parents were astounded.
Unsure of what to do, they found the most prestigious schools the could find and sent him to study there.

All accepted him on full scholarship.

He received his Bachelor's degree from Harvard in Genetic and Molecular Biology and Physics.
His Masters degree from Cambridge in England, his PhD from Stanford University.
A fellowship on the communication of genetic ideas at the Sorbonne in Paris.

He was 19.

He traveled to Helsinki to study Ecological Genetics.
Japan to the University of Tokyo for Human Genetic Application.

It all bored him.

All of the talk and the numbers didn't translate the way he felt inside, the abilities he had accessed.
The information his "friends" had given him.
He couldn't quite give-
or even completely articulate-
to others, what he had already discovered and accepted as second nature during his earliest explorations within himself.

He was 22, studying advanced physics, quantum fields and super string theory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
when the phone call came.

His parents had been killed in an accident while in Tampa,
the collateral damage of some super villain group's botched bank robbery in the downtown area.

Adam's world came to an abrupt halt.

He had been spending so much time researching and talking and theorizing about what he was,
he hadn't spent any time being what he was.
He knew it wasn't his fault directly, but in a sense he felt responsible for his parents death.
Could he have prevented it if he had been applying his talents, instead of verbally exploring them?

It was time to find out.

It was time to become Incipient.

He returned to Florida, first to Miami to straighten his parents final affairs,
then to Tampa, where he had heard there were try outs for a team that might make a difference...