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Welcome to The Adventures of Fairaday and Littlebug

01:15, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Proposed character's name:  Motoko Kurenai (紅素子)

Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 105 lb
Age: 18
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black; Straight

Proposed Character's personality:  She's the kind of person who doesn't get easily shocked by even some of the most gruesome scenes imaginable.  Usually very serious and doesn't play around in dangerous situations.  She can also be very harshly honest with other people.  Dispite her years of training, she does not look like someone who can do well in a fight. Of course, that is only when one looks at her body. Her spirited eyes and the way she carried herself says otherwise.

Proposed Character's alignment:  Chaotic Good

Proposed Character's purpose in the game:  Crow's childhood friend and separated companion.  Currently searching for Crow since she has nothing better to do at the moment.  Wishes to become as famous as her Sensei and Sempais.  Her preferred weapon is the Shinken.


The Shin Onitsurugi-Ryuu style of Kenjutsu was rumoured to had been created specifically to combat demons, though most who knew this rumour simply brushed it off as an exaggeration.  However, there was no doubt that the successors of this form of swordsmanship were some of history's strongest swordsmen.  A swordsman known only as the Double-Sword Demon-Slayer was one such successor rumoured to had defeated and killed a hundred armed bandits at once.  His first disciple, Sanae Tsunade became an Emira of Valkandis after defeating two Emiras in a 2-on-1 duel.  She recently went missing after accepting an duel from an anonymous challenger and presumed to had died.  The second disciple, Asuka Tachibana did not complete her training, but still managed to make a name for herself after defeating a bear in unarmed combat.  She was rumoured to had also defeated a minotaur, but... not a whole lot believe that story.

The Double-Sword Demon-Slayer's fourth disciple was Motoko Kurenai.  Though significantly weaker than her Sensei and Sempais, the young swordswoman was strong in her own right.  She lived at the Shin Onitsurugi-Ryuu dojo for as long as she remembered.

Motoko had only chores to do during her first year in the Shin Onitsurugi-Ryuu dojo and was worked to the bone.  Once she reached the age of six, she was accepted as the fourth disciple and her chores doubled in addition to basic training.  It was around this time that she and Crow met and became friends.  By the time she was twelve, both Sanae and Asuka had already left to walk their own respective paths.  Once she was fourteen, she was ready for the traditional initiation test standing between her and the advanced techniques of the Shin Onitsurugi-Ryuu.  She was to survive on an uninhabited island by herself for three months while searching for the ultimate weapon.  It was the same test Asuka failed (cause she couldn't find the ultimate weapon) and cause of the unnamed third disciple going missing.

After barely surviving the environment and even going without food for close to a couple of weeks (a human being can go without food for three to four weeks), the young swordswoman survived the ordeal.  Suffice to say, the experience changed her forever and shaped her into the warrior she became.  The only safe location was the beach where she could wait for her Sensei to return, but that meant not being able to find the ultimate weapon and passing the test.  The answer finally dawned on her just a couple days before the deadline.  When asked where the ultimate weapon was, Motoko pointed at her forehead and replied, "Right here."

Motoko did not complete her training yet, but at the age of sixteen she set out to make a name for herself.  Her Sensei wanted her to gain some real-life experience and complete her development as a swordsman before completing the training.  A couple years later, the young woman became companions with her childhood friend, Crow.  Unfortunately, they got separated by chance and currently searching for each other, though due to their respective personalities, they're in no hurry to do so.

Shin Onitsurugi-Ryuu (神鬼剣流) Techniques:

- Ryoku no Kōgeki (力の攻撃)
- Sentō no Hansha (戦闘の反射)
- Ōda no Yokusei (殴打の抑制)
- Shiji Saseta Kōgeki (支持された攻撃)
- Niten'ichi (二天一)

- Chōyaku no Kōgeki (跳躍の攻撃)
- Shiji Saseta Ryoku no Kōgeki (支持された力の攻撃)
- Shiji Saseta Chōyaku no Kōgeki (支持された跳躍の攻撃)

- Ryoku no Ōda no Yokusei (力の殴打の抑制)
- Shiji Saseta Ōda no Yokusei (支持された殴打の抑制)
- Chōyaku no Ōda no Yokusei (跳躍の殴打の抑制)
- Shiji Saseta Ryoku no Ōda no Yokusei (支持された力の殴打の抑制)
- Shiji Saseta Chōyaku no Ōda no Yokusei (支持された跳躍の殴打の抑制)

Master-Apprentice Chain:
                                                                (Circumstances Unknown)
Gen W                                                                      |
                                       |                                                     |                                                     |
                                       v                                                     v                                                     v
                                    P 僧 S	                                          C 太 T	                                                  二 J
                                    r 正 ō	                                          i 郎 a	                                                  郎 i
                                    e 坊 j	                                          r 坊 r	                                                  坊 r
                                    v  | ō                                                c  | ō                                                   | ō
                                    i  | b                                                u  | b                                                   | b
                                    o  | ō                                                m  | ō                                                   | ō
                                    u  |                                                  s  |                                                     |
                                    s  |                                                  t  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  a  |                                                     |
                                    H  |                                                  n  |                                                     |
                                    e  |                                                  c  |                                                     |
                                    a  |                                                  e  |                                                     |
                                    d  |                                                  s  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                     |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  U  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  n  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  k  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  n  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  o  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  w  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                  n  |                                                     |
                                       |                                                     |                                                     |  
Gen X                                  |                                                     |                                                     |
    ___________________________________|___________________________________                  |___________________________________                  |
   |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |
   v                 v                 v                 v                 v                 v                 v                 v                 v
D 源 Y	           E  ?             C 二 N	      D 紅 T	        R 天 K	          D 紅 M	              齋 S            R 立 R	            ?
e 義 o	           x  ?             u 倍 i	      e 武 a	        e 狗 o	          e 宮 i	              藤 a            e 花 e	            ?
c 経 s	           p  ?             r 剣 b	      c 蔵 k	        t 小 j	          c 子 y	               | i            t 麗 i	            ?
e  | h             e |              r    a            e    e            i 次 i	          e    a               | |            i  |                 |
a  | i             l |              e 鬼	 i	      a    z            r 郎 r	          a    k               | t            r  | T               |
s  | t             l |              n キ	  	      s    ō            e  | o            s    o               | o            e  | a               |
e  | s             e |              t ラ	 k	      e                 d  |              e                    | h            d  | c               |
d  | u             d |                ー	 e            d    K               | T            d    K               | |               | h               |
   | n             | |              H  | n                 u               | e                 u               | |               | i               |
   | e             | |              e  |                   r               | n                 r               | |               | b               |
   |               | |              a  | O                 e               | g                 e               | |               | a               |
   | M             | |              d  | n                 n               | u                 n               | |               | n               |
   | i             | |               | | i                 a               |                   a               | |               | a               |
   | n             | |               | |                   i               |                   i               | |               |                 |
   | a             | |               | | K                                 |                                   | |               |                 |
   | m             | |               | | i                                 |                                   | |               |                 |
   | o             | |               | | r                                 |                                   | |               |                 |
   | t             | |               | | a                                 |                                   | |               |                 |
   | o             | |               | |                                   |                                   | |               |                 |
   |               | |               | |                                   |                                   | |               |                 |
   |               | |               | |                                   |                                   | |               |                 |
   |               | |               | |                                   |                                   | |               |                 |  
Gen|Y        ______| |_______________| |                                   |                                   | |_______________|                 |
   |        |        |         ________|__________________________         |_________________                  |                 |                 |
   |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |                 |                 |                 |
   v        v        v        v        v        v        v        v        v        v        v                 v                 v                 v
  源 Y	     ?      綱 S	   D 立	A   M 晶	 A     紅 M	源 J	   O     E   ?       ?        O               龍 R	        虎 T	            ?
  義 o	     ?      手 a	   r 花	s   i    k     素 o	仁 i	   t     x   ?       ?        t               馬 y	        子 o	            ?
  経 h	     ?      沙 n	   o 飛	u   s    i     子 t	   n       h     p   ?       ?        h                | o               | r                ?
                    苗 a	   p 鳥	k   s    r      | o                e     e          |         e                | m               | a               |
     M               | e   p  | a   i    a      | k        M       r     l          |         r                | a               v k               |
     i               |     e  |     n           | o        i             l          |                          | |               | o               |
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     a               | s      | a               | K      | a       t     d          |         t                | |               |                 |
     m               | u   O  | c               | u      | m       u                |         u                | |               |                 |
     o               | n   u  | h               | r      | o       d                |         d                | |               |                 |
     t               | a   t  | i               | e      | t       e                |         e                | |               |                 |
     o               | d      | b               | n      | o       n                |         n                | |               |                 |
                     | e      | a               | a      |         t                |         t                | |               |                 |
                     |        | n               | i      |         s                |         s                | |               |                 |
                     |        | a               |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |
                     |        |                 |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |
                     |        |                 |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |
                     |        |                 |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |
                     |        |                 |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |
                     |        |                 |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |
                     |        |                 |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |
                     |        |                 |        |        |                 |        |                 | |               |                 |  
Gen Z                |        |                 |        |________|                 |________|                 | |_______________|                 |
                     |        |         ________|                 |                 |        |                 |                 |                 |
                     |        |        |        |                 |                 |        |                 |                 |                 |
                     v        v        v        v                 v                 v        v                 v                 v                 v
                      V        S      川	 ?     瓣 P	           F                 ?        F                 ?                 F                 ?
                      a        y      歌	 ?        e                o                 ?        o                 ?                 o                 ?
                      l        n         ?        t                l                 ?        l                 ?                 l                 ?
                      k        n                  a                l                          l                                   l
                      a                           l                o                          o                                   o
                      n                                            w                          w                                   w
                      d                                            e                          e                                   e
                      i                                            r                          r                                   r
                      a                                            s                          s                                   s


Shinken (Katana): This sword was given to Motoko by her Shisho, Nibai ken Oni kira (the Double Sword Demon Slayer).  It was a gift for passing the initation test four years ago.  She's rarely if ever seen without it by her side.

Shohenji (Katana) and Tadashi (Wakizashi): This Daisho set was a gift from Brother Galen of the Temple of Truth.

Naginata: Motoko found this for sale in the Caravanserai Osti Aquilonia Bazaar.

Yumi (Masterwork Composite Longbow): Motoko also found this in the Caravanserai Osti Aquilonia Bazaar.