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Welcome to VnV Heroes Unite : Villains & Vigilantes Community

19:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Player Name: Knightsky

Character Name: Tesla Secret ID: William Ray Nichols

Level: 1st                      XP: 1530
Training: STR                   Age: 20
Height: 5'10" Weight: 180 lbs
Occupation: College student     Place of Birth: Garrison, NY
Group Affiliations: Student at Brooklyn College
Base of Operations: Brooklyn, NY
Known Relatives: Jack Nichols (father), Mary Cornell Nichols (mother), Ray Nichols
(grandfather, deceased), Susan Nichols (sister)

Physical Description: Male in his early 20's, average height, decent muscular build,
black hair, blue eyes.  As William Nichols he comes across as likable but unexceptional. In
his superheroic identity, he wears a somewhat garish costume, comprised primarily of blue
and burgundy-red, with an orange circle on his chest and a few yellow 'lightning bolt'
insignias on his head, wrists, and ankles.  When in costume, a white streak can be seen down
the middle of his hair.

STR 11
END 13 Healing Rate: 1.2
INT 15 DHO: 12% DD: 16%
AGL 18 DMG mod: +3 ACC: +3
CHA 12 Reaction Mod: +1 Good/-1 Evil

Basic Hits: 4         Hit Points: 13
Movement: 42" (210 ft)          Power: 57
Carrying Capacity: 237 lbs HTH Damage: 1d4
Inventing Points: 1.5         Inventing: 45%


Lightning Control
Willpower B: +11 to AGL
Heightened Senses: Electrical Sensing/Sensitivity (similar to Radar Sense)

Areas of Knowledge


Character Notes/Origin/Personality

William ('Billy' when he was younger) grew up in the rural New York area, the son of a
Methodist preacher and a local prosecuting attorney.  A somewhat clumsy youth, he (like
many other children of the time) had a strong interest in superheroes, especially as his
grandfather had been personally rescued as a youth by the heroine Storm Queen back in the
1950's.  Being raised with a strong sense of ethics and justice, but feeling that because
of his clumsiness he wasn't cut out to be a soldier or a police officer (much less a
superhero), he instead decided to become a lawyer like his mother.  This was somewhat
disappointing to his father, who had hoped that William would follow in his footsteps as a
preacher.  However, despite his general interest in theology, his actual sense of faith is
not as strong as his father would have hoped.

William currently attends Brooklyn College, with hopes of eventually transferring to the
Brooklyn Law School.  In the last few months, his latent mutant abilities have appeared,
much to his surprise.  His abilities are primarily electrically-based, but his reflexes
and coordination have increased notably, and he also appears to have developed a basic form
of 'healing factor', as well.  He has designed a (somewhat garish) costume for himself, but
is uncertain about how to actually go about the business of being a superhero.