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14:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Thea Sorrowchild

Thea is a little shorter than average, with a thin build and long black hair that reaches down to just below her waist, normally kept tied back in a pair of plaits with white ribbons on the end and frequently seen with twigs or dirt in them. Her eyes are green and often wide, as if she'd just been startled by something. She's apparently no stranger to the outdoors; her skin is tanned and her general build is healthy, albeit a bit thinner than one would expect. Nothing a few good meals wouldn't fix. Her left hand is dotted with scars that look like splash marks; to those trained in alchemy, they're the scars caused by burns from alchemical acids.

She carries a well-used and well crafted longbow and an equally well-made dagger with her when she needs some sort of weaponry, and she normally dresses in a simple yet durable and easy to repair brown/green dress with plenty of pockets; if its cold she will wear a dark green cloak. If it's warmer, Thea will usually wear a red/orange robe with a straw hat. When the weather permits and she's not working in the laboratory, Thea prefers to go barefoot. Her sole piece of visible jewellery is a necklace strung with a mixture of hematite, tiger iron and amethyst. She's very nervous around unfamiliar people and is soft-spoken even when she's around friends; her speech has a prominent Rashemi accent.

She is rarely seen without Willowheart, her fox familiar.

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All times are approximate and in Eastern Standard Time/GMT -5:00