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Welcome to VnV Heroes Unite : Villains & Vigilantes Community

21:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)



Lars is the son of Thor, the Nordic God of Thunder.  As a Demi-god (a half blood in the eyes of the Aesir), he is not permitted to reside in Asgard, nor travel there without permission, sponsorship or accompaniment.
He does possess his fathers temper, but also his father's desire for justice, vengeance, and for protecting others.

Lars is a well built, if not particularly tall (5'9").  His bull neck, barrel chest and powerful bicepts cause most to err on the side of caution before confronting the man.
His naturally white hair flows, and frame a face with strong, chiseled features and piercing blue eyes.

He is, by trade, a mechanic; and owns a small workshop (with apartment above) downtown.
While working, he wears singlet and jeans ... displaying a wide array of tattooes beneath the sweat, grease and grime.

A biker at heart, his Harley hog is well tended ... some may even say 'spoilt'.   When he is not working, he likes to be riding, either casually, or in many of the racing tournaments he supports.
His leather jacket sports no insignia or club colours, and his black helmet has golden wings painted on its sides.

At heart, Lars is a warrior living in a non-violent culture.  His own, very strong, sense of justice must often be tempered to conform to societal norms and the law. 

Lars was born and raised just outside Pruchten in northern German (just off the L21), by his mother and the 'pagan' commune she lived at.  
His mother was fully aware of the boys heritage, and so paved a careful and (mostly) smooth path through his childhood years ... as Lars grew to be an excessively strong boy (excessive, indeed, compared to his fellow youths).  
And she was wise to slowly prepare him, and teach him of his father ... that the young Lars was neither left in the dark, nor claimed any undue influence due to his parentage.  

The folk of the commune were not blind to this boy's unnatural strength; but as 'superheroes' were being heard of across the globe, his presence was tolerated and tentatively accepted ... some even hoping that he might grow to become 'their' hero.  Only his mother and grandparents, however, ever knew the origin of Lars' powers. 

While his mother noted from an early age that the weather patterns would often mimic young Lars' mood, it wasn't until his teen years that both Lars and his mother discovered Lars' 'Powers' ... his ability to grow to unnatural size, and his ability to consciously influence and control the weather. 

These did come as a surprise, to both, one stormy night when a small cadre of terrorists stormed the commune, only minutes ahead of the authorities that chased them.  
They took the commune hostage, and the authorities held their distance.  
This situation might have gone either way, had the leader (a man with some supernatural talent himself, and a creep) not hit Lars' mother.  

Call it an eruption, I guess, for Lars' response was somewhat like a volcano.   He was 14 years old;  but when it was done, the terrorist faction lay vanquished, and lightning danced about the fields like a cheersquad. 

Fearful of reprise, and media attention, Lars' mother (with help from some of the commune) immediately fled, under cover, to America.  
There, she and Lars have lived since.  Lars has grown, both physically and emotionally, since this time, and learned to control his temper and powers.

WEAKNESS: Low Self Control:
It is hard to be strong, faster and generally more powerful than others without it affecting your self-image.  Like most powerful men, Lars doesn't deal well when others defy him ... physically or socially.  
Add to this, a healthy dose of his father (Thor)'s hubris.  

 Lars has a temper; which he really does try to control.   But he also has a strong sense of Good, and Right, and Justice ... which drive him to protect the innocent, and vanquish the despotic. 

Unfortunately, in his zeal, he can sometimes be accused of over-reaction and aggression, especially when defied by an enemy.  
Effectively, Lars doesn't like to be beaten. 

Further, subconsciously, he is trying to live up to very big shoes: those of his father, of course.