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21:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lord Aram Lazard

Artwork by doubleleaf
"If we do not grab events by the collar, they will have us by the throat."

Generally known as "Lazard" rather than "Aram," the Lord of House Lazard is a stern and distinguished figure: Tall and leanly built, he always wears an immaculately groomed black goatee, and his dark hair is trimmed short, just barely beginning to go silver at the temples. He has an austere countenance, with a hawklike nose; narrow, regal features; eyes that are dark—nearly black—and a judgmental gaze that pierces like an arrow, revealing nothing of whatever thoughts stir beyond. The lawyer keeps his long, graceful fingers perfectly manicured, and radiates an aura of surety and quiet confidence; his melodious voice commands attention, spreading through a room like a drop of ink in water. He almost never smiles.

Lazard is always attired in tastefully expensive black robes, which are floor-length, but slit up the front, back, and sides to allow for both riding and freedom of movement. His jewelry is visible but understated, his coat accented by mithral buttons and star-ruby cufflinks and throat closures, his sash of black-dyed elf-woven spidersilk. The Tethyrian nobleman's finest accessory is the walking stick he carries everywhere, made of polished zalantar with an ebony adamantine footcap and a mithral head sculpted into a ruby-eyed dragon.

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