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Welcome to Byttingesaga

09:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The water troll is about as wide as he is tall, and he is about as tall as Vedis. He would be taller still, if it weren't for the fact that his back is humped and hunched and twisted, his neckless head sunken so deep between his shoulders that it almost looks like an outgrowth in the middle of his chest. His simple woolen tunic looks like it's been sown from a complete sail, and still only just manages to cover his enormous belly which almost sags down to the ground. For all his obese bulk, his similarly massive legs seem to have little trouble bearing his weight.

The Ogre's face is grey, bloated and crooked, with a large nose and bulging yellow eyes, his left one twice as large as his right and crowned with thick, mossy eyebrows. A mane of shell-encrusted kelp cascades down from his scalp, and he sports a long, full beard of bladderwrack. His voice trails off into a wet rattle at the end of his sentences and he has a deep, gargling chuckle. His lips are black and moist, looking like a pair of freakishly elongated leeches as they twist into what might be meant as a smile, but looks much more like a leer. His mouth is filled with several rows of small, sharp, almost transparent teeth, all of them hooked and pointing inwards as though to better hold onto struggling prey.