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Welcome to Shadowrun: The King's Seal

10:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Evan McIntyre
Shadowname: Buzzsaw (sometimes just ‘Buzz’)

Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Age: 32
Role: Rigger/Pilot

Looks: In true Dwarf fashion, about as wide as he is high (actually, not, but he drily jokes about it that way).  Just under 4’9”, weighs in at a very solid and muscular 250 lbs, with a military haircut and a close-cut beard that’s just barely long enough to not be wiry anymore.  His hair and beard are both jet-black, and his eyes are obviously cybernetic, with a chrome finish that displays a set of black crosshairs in them (only visible from close-up and personal, however).

Personality: Some would consider him anti-social, at first—but they’d be wrong.  Guarded, yes.  Cautious, definitely.  But once he feels comfortable with people, he’s social enough.  He tend to be very detail-oriented and meticulous, however, as well as pragmatic…so his version of ‘sociable’ doesn’t always mesh well with others.  But he’s learning.

Skills/Powers: If it’s got wheels or wings, he can operate it.  Maybe not particularly well…  He specializes in vectored-thrust craft, followed by fixed-wing (which he’s competent at) and then rotor craft (which he’s not bad at…on a good day), and is also quite competent as a driver.  He’s got a military background, which also means he’s familiar with, and comfortable with, firearms and hand-to-hand and unarmed combat, competent with grenades, and knows the basics of how to operate heavier weaponry (as he has had to load and ready them on drones and his own craft at times), but unless it’s controlled from the vehicle he’s operating, he’s NOT a gunnery expert.  He’s getting used to the whole ‘underground lifestyle’ of a ‘runner, but it’s still pretty foreign to him and he’s prone to an occasional faux pas (sometimes a pretty serious one) or failing to pick up on subtle hints people try to give him.  He’s also got better-than average reflexes, even without any cybernetic enhancements in that regard, and has, on more than one occasion, been referred to as ‘harder to kill than a cockroach’.

Weaknesses: Well, legally, he’s dead (more on that in his background).  He’s the keeper of a dark secret that would cost him his life, if the wrong people discovered he was alive, which leaves him prone to moodiness.  He’s also afraid of the water, having almost drowned once in his adult life.  He can fly over it just fine, drive or walk across a bridge with no problems…but suggest that he get in a boat, and you’re going to get a very anxious dwarf on your hands.  Try and force him into the boat, you’ll get a violently anxious dwarf on your hands.  Throw him in the water, and he’ll sink like a rock…just make sure he’s far enough away from shore that he can’t get his head back above water before he runs out of air (and he can hold his breath for a LONG time), or he’ll kill you the next time he sees you.

Background: Evan grew up as a loyal citizen of the U.C.A.S., sure that his government was doing its best for him and his fellow citizens.  He was a good, if unremarkable student, made it through school with reasonably good grades and very little trouble, and ended up become an aviator in the UCAS Marine Corps.  He helped watch the borders between the UCAS and the CAS, dealt with a few border skirmishes, and generally saw enough action to be exciting, but not enough to turn him bitter.  That is, until he discovered that his C.O. was selling off materiel to the black market.

He went up the chain of command, reporting the discovery to the next superior officer, and felt like his duty was done…until his plane was sabotaged and he nearly died.  He managed to flip the thing on its back, as it was auguring in to crash, and dropped out of the cockpit (because the ejection seat had been disabled) and landed in a lake that was just deep enough to keep him from being seriously injured by the landing, although he very nearly died due to his body being so dense that he couldn’t float very well.  He managed to get his float-vest to work at the last minute, and made his way to shore…but realized that his C.O. was obviously not the top of the food chain on the black market connection.  Not knowing who he could trust, and his plane being a mostly-submerged wreck that would barely be identifiable, he decided to go into hiding.  Taking what money he had, he paid off someone to verify the death report filed for him, got in touch with his mother and let her know he was still alive, and set up a way for her to forward his own death benefits to him while he went somewhere far away to avoid the attention of anyone that might start asking questions about him and why there were no remains found with the plane.

He’d love to blow the lid off the whole thing…but he has no idea where to start.  For now, he’s just trying to keep his head down and avoid doing anything that will make the UCAS start asking his mother questions.  He’s changed his look a bit…a different finish on the cybereyes, different hair-color and he’s grown his beard out a bit…but out of habit, he still dresses in military fatigues (granted, they’re a style that’s no longer in current use) and wears his pilots’ wings on his jacket.  He’s lost his love for the UCAS, and a lot of his faith in humanity (and its variations)…but once a Marine, always a Marine, at least on some level.  He’s learned to make some sacrifices to survive…but even he has his limits to how far he’ll go on a job.  Or, at least, that’s what he tells himself…offered the right money, his shaken faith might be rattled enough to subdue his principles.