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Welcome to Zombieland

23:13, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dominic Dubreton

Name: Dominic Dubreton

Age: 26

Appearance: 5’9”, Dark brown hair normally gelled and brown eyes. He has a medium build and is fairly good looking or at least he thinks so despite the small scar on his chin.  He is dressed in a black biker jacket, Kevlar jeans, boots and a red AC/DC T-shirt.
Personal items:  Zippo lighter, Berretta 92, a large 1st Aid kit, aviator sunglasses and a cavalry Sabre (Christophers sword)

Personality: Dominic is a happy-go lucky kind of guy with a good sense of humour and an abundance of confidence. He is normally capable of getting along with most people the only exception seeming to be rednecks that seem to find nothing more amusing than his accent. With a love of fast bikes and flying, Dominic is a bit of an adrenaline junky when it comes to racing down narrow dirt roads at near suicidal speeds.

History: Born to a French father and an American mother Dominic quickly learnt to be fluent in both French and English more so in fact with his parents divorce at the age of six when he would spend the summer holidays in New Orleans with his mother before returning home to Rouen to live with his father and step mother.
He found life with his step brother Jean and his half sister Marie difficult although later on he and Jean would become close friends despite (or perhaps because of) the fact they weren’t even related, he and his half sister on the other hand never got along and his evident and mutual dislike of his step mother meant that he would never truly fit in with his father’s new family, making his trips to see his mother in America more frequent.
A natural speed freak Dominic’s love of fast bikes is only surpassed by his love of flying. As soon as he was able to Dominic became a helicopter pilot for the air ambulance service picking up some medical skills along the way in order to become a trained paramedic.
It was because of his ability to fly a helicopter that he was able to escape with his life when the zombie apocalypse struck, stealing a helicopter from the roof of a hospital he and his co-pilot flew it out into the countryside before going their separate ways, he has been wandering ever since hoping to one day find a way of getting home.

Life has become very interesting for Dominic since joining the Caravan with him having survived more than a few scrapes though not without suffering his fair share loss. He blames himself for the death of Sierra; a blond haired Southern girl who had died mere minutes after he'd confessed his feelings to her during a rescue mission in St Louis and feels more than a little guilt for amputating Isabelle's leg after it had become caught in a bear trap.

With the disappearance of Cookie, Dominic has since become the groups leader, though more through necessity than any real desire for the job.
With more deaths mounting upon his conscience and a large scar across his right cheek; courtesy of one of Kaidan's "Lost Boys" Dominic's psyche is not what it used to be, though his relationship with Izzy still proves that life in Zombieland isn't all that bad.