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Welcome to Big Red One

02:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Physical Description: Tall and a bit guant, as he moves towards middle age his features have lost their youthful softness. His hair has begun to show some grey. He generally dresses in simple clothes of earth tones and usually carries a simple staff. In times of trouble he has been known to wield a weapon, usually a scimitar.
Character Personality: Aryrddin is nothing if not cryptic. While there are times he is very much part of this world, other times he is almost lost to it. But it would be better not to let his detachment fool you, the crafty veteran knows much more than he let's on. Although a powerful sorcerer, he is often quite humble and understated. But in moments of crisis or occasionally when others are too full of themselves he can bit sharper in nature.
Character Background: It is said by some Myrddin was born a common peasant, others say he is the child of a demon or a fae. In any case, for reasons unknown to most he was adopted by a powerful druid. Taught their ways the boy showed great power and many thought he would one day rise to become great druid. but then his master was killed by a challenger. Although the victor did nothing against the morays of the druid, Arryddin began to doubt a system that would allow such a great man to die so pointlessly.
    So Aryrddin left the druid to find his own way in the world. Still a young man he found himself a rebel in every rebellion he could find. As the years went on the former druid began to long to explore the world's mysteries again. Having turned his back on the Old Way, Aryrddin was drawn to the New Ways. So he went on his own to study among other practitioners of magic.
    It took him years but eventually Aryrddin mastered the new magics and is finally able to use them in concert with the powers of the old ways. While he can never return to the Druid, Aryrddin seeks to promote the balance and sees his own path as a even truer way to accomplish the task.
    The aging sorcerer now travels the land seeking knowledge and power to aid him in his task of preserving the balance.