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Welcome to Assorted Wanderings

02:42, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Christof Ley

Name: Christof Ley
Class: Warlock
Race: Human

Christof is a former slave running from his previous life. Since escaping he has traveled and attempted to make a life for himself. He has a permanent mark around his neck, both wrists and his ankles that clearly show him as an ex-slave. His back is also covered with old scars from whippings that he received.

During his childhood, he learned the ways of the darkarts from a teifling, that he called Marista, that was something of a grandmother figure to him. His escape came about the night that a slaver killed her. In a rage he through bolts of demonic fire at him, killing him. With a few meager possessions and little food, he ran and has continued to run.

He doesn't cut his hair ever, since he was always forced to keep it cut short, and has grown about as long as his shoulders. It is extremely dark brown, almost black. His skin is tan from many long days in the sun, but it has been getting lighter, as if his actual skin color is trying to come out. Green are his eyes and they burn with fury, pain and fear as he travels.

All he is trying to do right now is survive and live his life as he wishes. He has had to run from slavers, some who were looking for him and others who only saw him as an ex-slave and wished to break him again. His hopes are that if he makes enough of a name for himself, he can be free of that old life.

Christof is still very much a young man, only about twenty years of age. He can be brash, hot headed and impatient. From years of having to hold his tongue though, he tends to seem shy or even uncomfortable in social situations. He will say he prefers the open road and being on his own, but truly all he wants is to find a place he can call home and be among people he can respect and admire. So far this has not happened.