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Welcome to Mittens' Dungeon

08:04, 27th May 2024 (GMT+0)


Elric, level 4 Warforged Runepriest of Pelor
'Constructed' 8yrs ago. Height: 6’3” Weight: 285lbs.
Initiative +3, Perception 14, Insight 14, normal vision
HP 43; Bloodied 21; Surges 10; Surge value: 11
AC 21; Fortitude 17, Reflex 14; Will 18
Speed 6

Rune Master Effects: (Takes effect in addition to the bonus from the Runic power.)
Rune of Destruction: Allies gain +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies adjacent to Elric.
(Does not stack with other Runepriests in Rune of Destruction State.)
Rune of Protection: While Adjacent to Elric, allies gain resist 2 to all damage.

Runic Artistry: (Wrathful Hammer)
Whenever an enemy deals damage to Elric with an attack, Elric gets a +3 bonus to damage rolls
against that enemy, regardless of the number of times the enemy has damaged Elric in a round.
Elric also gains proficiency with military hammers and military maces.

[M] 'Hungry Spear' Greatspear +1(Standard; at will) * Basic Melee/Ranged
+11 vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage Property allows for thrown as a Heavy Thrown with Range 10/20

[M] Word of Diminishment (Standard; at will) * Divine, Runic, Weapon
+11 vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage
Rune of Destruction: Until the end of Elric's next turn, the target has vulnerable 2
to all damage, but vulnerable 5 against opportunity attacks.
Rune of Protection: Until the end of Elric's next turn, the target takes a -3 penalty to
damage rolls.

[M] Word of Exchange(Standard; at will) * Divine, Runic, Weapon
+11 vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage
Rune of Destruction: The next attack against the target by one of Elric's allies before the
end of Elric's next turn deals 2 extra damage and grants the ally 2 temporary hit points.
Rune of Protection: Until the end of Elric's next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all
defenses, and the next ally to hit the target gains a +2 power bonus to AC that lasts until the
end of Elric's next turn.

[M] Executioner's Call (Standard; encounter) * Divine, Runic, Weapon
+11 vs. AC; 1d10+5 damage. Elric's allies gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls against the
target until the end of Elric's next turn.
Rune of Destruction: One ally within 5 squares of Elric gains a +4 power bonus to the next
attack roll he or she makes against the target before the start of Elric's next turn.
Rune of Protection: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the start of Elric's next turn.

[C] Word of the Blinding Shield (Immediate Interrupt; encounter) * Divine, Radiant, Runic,
Weapon Close Burst 5

Trigger: An enemy makes an attack roll against an ally.
Target: The triggering enemy within the burst.
Attack: +11 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The target is blinded until the end of its next turn.
Rune of Destruction: The target also takes 3 Radiant damage.
Rune of Protection: The ally gains 3 temporary hit points.

[C] Rune of Mending (Minor; encounter) * Divine, Healing, Runic, Close Burst 5
Elric or one of his allies can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+1
hit points. Can be used twice per encounter, but only once per round.
Rune of Destruction: Elric and each ally in the burst gains a +2 power bonus to damage rolls until
the end of Elric's next turn.
Rune of Protection: Elric and each ally in the burst gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until the
end of Elric's next turn.

[C] Rune of the Undeniable Dawn (standard; daily) * Divine, Radiant, Zone,
Weapon, Close Burst 3

+11 vs AC. Each enemy in burst takes 1d10+5 Radiant damage. Half damage on a miss.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of Elric's next turn.
Elric and his allies gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses while within the zone.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

[C] Shield of Sacrifice (Minor; daily) * Divine, Healing Close Burst 5
Target: Elric or an ally in the burst looses a healing surge.
Effect: One or two allies within 5 squares of the target regain hit points as if they had each
spent a healing surge +1 hit point. The target and each ally who regained hit points gain a
+5 power bonus to AC until the end of Elric's next turn.

Warforged Resolve (Minor; encounter) * racial ability, Healing, Personal
Elric gains 5 temporary hit points. Elric may also make an immediate saving throw against
one effect that inflicts ongoing damage and can be ended with a save. In addition, if Elric
is bloodied Elric regains 6 Hit Points.
(3+1/2 level in both instances, +1 hit point regained due to Healer's Brooch+1)

[R] Hungry Spear (Standard; encounter) * Weapon, Ranged 10/20
Make a ranged basic attack with the spear. On a hit the target is also immobilized. (Save ends)
The spear does not return to Elric until the immobilized effect on the target imposed by this weapon ends.

Battle Standard of Healing(Minor Action; encounter) * Healing, Zone
When planting the battle standard in your square, or an adjacent square, it creates a zone of healing
energy in a close burst 5. Whenever Elric or an ally spends a healing surge while in the zone, Elric
and all allies in the zone regain 1 hit point. The effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or until
the battle standard is removed from the ground.

Alignment: Good  Languages: Common, Primordial
3 Acrobatics, 1 Arcana, 11 Athletics, 2 Bluff, 2 Diplomacy,
4 Dungeoneering, 12 Endurance, 9 Heal, 1 History, 4 Insight, 4 Intimidate,
4 Nature, 4 Perception, 8 Religion, 3 Stealth, 2 Streetwise, 3  Thievery
Str 19(4)[6] Con 16(3)[5] Dex 13(1)[3] Wis 15(2)[4] Int 8(-1)[1] Cha 10(0)[2]
Modifiers are in (), while ability checks are in [].
Numbers in {} are when the Versatile Chainmail's property is in use.
Mithril Armor Plating +1 (Attached Component, No penalty to speed or skill checks),
Hungry Greatspear +1, (Has Heavy Thrown property with range of 10/20, and
grants an attack power shown above.)
Healer's Brooch +1 (When Elric uses a power that enables Elric or an ally to
regain hit points, the target gets +1 hit point. Bonus included above.)
Delver's Light (Embedded Component, Chest, (at-will) free action to give of
bright or dim light out to 20 squares, or to give off no light.)
Command Circlet (Attached Component, head, telepathy 20. Can communicate with
any other creature within ling of sight that has a language. Daily power that
Elric cannot use is not displayed as Elric has no living construct allies.)
Belt of Vigor (+1 to Healing Surge Value.)
Battle Standard of Healing (See Encounter Power, and
House Rules regarding Battle Standards.)
Warhammer (Carried on hip as a backup weapon.)
Backpack (Attached component, Back)
2 Belt Pouches (Embedded components, Left Leg and Right Leg)
Rope, Silk (50ft) – In backpack
Climber’s Kit – In backpack
Holy Symbol of Pelor, embedded as a belt buckle.
3 Healing Potions (Heroic Tier), stored in a Belt Pouch.

Racial attributes: Warforged
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, Primordial
Skill Bonus: +2 Endurance, +2 Intimidate
Living Construct: As a living construct, you have the following traits.
– You can us attached components and embedded components made for warforged.
– You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, but this doesn’t render you immune to any effect.
Unsleeping Watcher:
– Rather than sleep, warforged spend 4 hours refraining from any strenuous
activity. You need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits
other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While resting in this
low-exertion state, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice
approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Warforged Resilience:
– You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage.
– When reduced to 0 hit points, you are less likely to die. When you make a
death saving throw, you can take the better of your die roll or 10. You still
die at the normal negative hit point total.
Warforged Mind: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense.

Class attributes:
Armor Proficiency: Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chain mail, Scale, light shields
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Hammers and Maces
Bonus to Defense: +2 Will
Skill Training: Religion, Endurance, Heal, Athletics
Rune Master: See Rune Master entry above.
Rune of Mending (2/Encounter [3/Encounter @ lvl 16+])
Runic Artistry: See Runic Artistry entry above.

Feats: Weapon Proficiency (Great Spear), Warforged Tactics (Elric gains
a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls against a target when Elric has an ally
adjacent to that target.), Free - Versatile Expertise (Spear and Hammer),
Armor Proficiency: Plate Armor

Regional Benefit: Traveling Missionary Benefit (Extra language of choice, add Religion to class skill list, and +2 to Religion Checks
Other Background Elements: Cloistered Priest, Brother in battle, Auspicious Birth, and Warsmith. (These offer no benefit, but give insight into Elric's personality and outlook on life.)

Character description/personality:
Social Interactions:
-How do others perceive you in social interactions? Curiously
-How optimistic are you? Practical but sometimes naïve
-How trusting are you? Loyal to friends, reserved towards others.

Decision Points:
-How assertive are you at a decision point? Forthright and blunt
-How conscientious are you about following rules? Practical and reasonable
-How empathic are you? Alert

Dire Straits
-How courageous are you in dire straits? Aggressive
-How do you feel when faced by setbacks? Industrious
-How are your nerves? Brave

-Has a male personality.
-Has a deep voice.
-Is quite curious about things he doesn’t understand.
-Will try to set up and pull off harmless pranks if bored.
-Wise enough to know better, too stupid to care.


Elric body is bulky as his skin is made of plates made of metal and stone, supported by a skeleton of similar material and a musculature of leathery, woody fiber bundles. An internal network of tubes filled with blood-like fluid nourishes and lubricates his body. His powerful arms end in two-fingered, thumbed hands, and his feet each have two broad toes.
His face only has simple humanlike features, with a heavy brow, a hinged jaw that has no teeth, and no visible nose. His light green eyes tend to glow when he experiences intense emotions, and there are runic whorls, etched into the plate on his forehead. Each warforged has a unique rune on its forehead, much like humans have distinctive fingerprints. This rune is known as a “ghulra,” a word that means “truth” in Primordial. Elric’s ‘rune’ looks similar to a rising sun. Elric is right handed.

Integrated into Elric’s body is a suit of scale armor, and he wears a backpack along with a pair of belt pouches attached to his legs. Furthermore he wears a holy symbol of Pelor as if it was a belt buckle.

Character background:

Elric was created by a Cleric of Pelor living in a large city, eight years ago, to be the son the cleric never had, for the Cleric had never married. Elric’s ‘father’ treated Elric as a son and raised him as best he could, which naturally included training to be a Cleric of Pelor to follow in his ‘father’s footsteps’. However, Elric's divine skills manifested as mastery of divine runes instead of the manner in which Clerics gain their power. Now Elric is no where near the town he had known, and Elric can only hope to make his ‘father’ proud by living up to the ideals that Elric has been taught.

XP earned: 0

Money: 0 pp 8 gp. Weight 69lbs.