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Welcome to Traveller - Profit Margin II: The Fifth Frontier War

03:19, 27th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Shui Tiesi

Shui is a lean, athletic woman, standing about five and a half feet tall.  Her hair, light in colour for an asian woman, frames sharp, almost fox-like features, though that comparison crumbles with her pale skin.  Her eyes are dark, her smile slight but genuine, and she presents an aura of focus more than anything else.  When she moves, it is with a certain element of grace - smooth and timed.  Her voice, quiet and soft, usually containes a hint of amusement, as if at some secret joke she shares with her listener.

Normally, Shui wears dark, tight tops and tan trousers, leggings, or skirts.  When out and about, she usually shrugs into a dark, heavy jacket.  On worlds where it is acceptable to carry weapons in public, she accessorizes with a snub pistol.  When in the lab, she puts on glasses to assist her with the close-in work - her vision is just beginning to grow farsighted.  Not enough to cause problems, but enough to be an irritation.  Her black Dataglove is almost always on her left hand, extending up her forearm, holographic imaging system and controls shimmering when she moves.