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14:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kendall Moennig

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Kendall McCutcheon, alias Kendall Moennig
Age: 26
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'4
Weight: 110 lbs

A childhood as a courier for the drug trafficker Rick Lucas molded Kendall's body into that of a marathon freerunner, small but strong, and taught her more then a few things about getting past tight spaces and out of tighter situations on her wits and little else. Kendall is the sort of unremarkable woman most people pass by without noticing which is just how she likes it, she has elusive blue eyes, a small, pert nose, medium sized lips that she is almost always gnawing on and short hair that she just plain doesn't care about. Kendall always wears black as well, and not for any good reason either, most of her favorite bands all sell black tees and so that's what her wardrobe consists of.

As the night stalking Catwoman Kendall keeps things as simple and black as possible as well, she wears tight gloves, minimalist running shoes, yoga pants with Lycra underneath to keep the cold out, a plain tee with a zipped up hoodie that has cat ears on the top and a tightly strapped on backpack for whatever catches her eye when she goes prowling. She covers her head completely and after one too many accidents lifted a small pair of night vision goggles from a military surplus store.

In whichever role, Kendall is always quiet and socially awkward, she suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, hates large groups of people and finds her own company much more enjoyable then that of anyone else's. She does know those are things she has to get over however and does, sometimes, take it upon herself to put up with a significant amount of discomfort so she can have what some would call a minor social life.

A runaway orphan, Kendall had little choice in her survival and became a narcotics courier and general go-for for Rick Lucas, a well known drug kingpin. She tends to keep to herself, unless she meets someone truly compelling cos far too many times she's seen someone's best friend do away with them after Lucas' order and while she has made friends with some of the other kids she ran with, most of them either died, moved on or got caught and placed in a better place. Kendall dreamed of the same fate most of the time, and when she never did die or get caught she tried to move on to no avail. She was was just too damn good a runner for Lucas to forget and he made sure she was too frightened to ever leave him again. Being who he was it didn't take long to find her and he ordered a brutal beating that nearly claimed her life. Lucas kept her close after that, very close, and when he wasn't sodomizing her he was sending her out increasingly dangerous missions that eventually granted her her heart's desire: Police intervention.

When she wouldn't turn rat despite everything she had endured the Gotham City Police lived up to their crooked reputation by issuing her yet another near death beating, and when that still didn't persuade her tossed her back out to the cold streets where they found her. After a somewhat lengthy hospital stay on the wallet of a good Samaritan Kendall tried yet again to distance herself from her past, this time going so far as to change her name and get a job at a thrift store. Lucas had, however, heard of what he felt was an amazing display of loyalty and when he once again had his hands on her rewarded her with an ultimatum: She could buy her freedom. Unwilling to do away with her new life Kendall, now known as Kendall Moennig, kept her thrift store job and has made a tiny dent in the amount of money she owes to Lucas. Her only problem besides, is her expensive tastes and possessing all the skills she needs to satisfy them.