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12:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kytanaris Maihhante

Born in a small village in the wilds on the eastern edge of the Northern Territory, Kytanaris Maihhante was a troublesome child from the beginning. Not that he was bad, but his combination of curiosity and his gift for mischief caused his parents a fair amount of embarrassment amongst the rest of the villagers.

The sneezing powder in the blacksmith's snuff box. Kytanaris'idea.
The skunk in the sack left in the Council's outhouse. Kytanaris'idea.
When the fisherman found his boat on top of his fish shack. Kytanaris'idea.

His parents knew they had to do something to curb their son's troublesome streak. So his father enlisted his hunting partners, Kytanaris' uncle Yaza and a human named Cam and they took him with on their next hunt. Immediately, Cam complained he couldn't say the boy's name and started calling him Tanner. He liked his new shortened name despite his father complaining it sounded too human. another thing came from the same trip, Tanner soon showed his prowess with the long bow, impressing the three hunters with some of his shots. Às they returned home, Tanner got a second chance to prove his newfound skill.

The hunting party came across the trail of an Orc raiding party headed in the direction of the village. The adults tried to convince Tanner to run ahead and warn the village, but he convinced them he would be more help hunting the Orc down. When they found the Orcs, they were outnumbered three to one by the raiders, but it made no difference as the hunters showed their advantage, cutting down the Orcs at range with their bows. Of the eleven Orcs, only one ever got close enough to use it's sword, and it learned very quickly it's err as it went up against Cam and his axe. The threat removed, they grabbed their packs and returned home.

Tanner grew to an adult quickly, continuing to be one of the village's primary hunters, as well as a defender against the raids by the Orcs. And as he got older, his talent with the bow continued, to the point he was one of the best archers in the village, second only to his teachers and he was gaining on them. The problem was he had another issue, one that all young men must face. He desired to see more of the world, to explore. His mother pleaded with him to stay, but father understood. It wasn't long after that Tanner was packing his things. He was given gifts by his hunting companions on his departure. Father gave him his skinning knife that had been his grandfathers, Uncle Yaza gave him the brimmed hat he had always teased him about on their trips, but Cam gave him the greatest gift. Taking away Tanner's bow, he exchanged it for the one that he had borrowed on the first hunt Tanner had gone on. With his pack loaded down, he set out to explore the world, and hoped his mischevious side wouldn't get him in too much trouble.

Age: 24

Gender: Male, youngest son of Fallinor Maihhante, member of Ruling Council on Oakdale

Appearance: Brown hair cut short but full enough to cover ear tips. Bright blue eyes and an impish smile. 5'11" tall and has a wiry yet fit build.