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Welcome to Goin' through the Mill

14:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Ayasha "Little One"

Sex: female

Age: 23

Birthplace: Somewhere in Colorado

Weight: 98 lbs.

Height: 5’3”

Hair: black

Eyes: brown

Description: Ayasha is a young indian woman with long and thick black hair that flows down almost to her small waistline. Her eyes are big and expressive and of a dark brown color. Standing just 5'3" tall, she could be called petite and her body is lean and slender, but it has curves at all the right places. Many braves have courted her because of her beauty, but she didn't feel like becoming a mother just yet. Ayasha has put on the loincloth of a warrior.

Background: Growing up as the daughter of a well known warrior is not the easiest thing in the world. Ayasha is the daughter of Woqini, whom the white men know as Roman Nose. He was the greatest Crooked Lance that ever lived, and he probably led warriors into battle more than any other war chief. He died three years ago at a little sand bar in the Arikaree in Colorado, fighting white scouts in a battle that should become known as the battle of beecher island. Ayasha was there that fatefull day, when they brought her father back from the charge, a bullet wound in his stomach. She and the other women tried everything to help him, but still he died in her arms late that afternoon. Ayasha was only 15, but still it took two men to stop her from charging the palefaces alone, trying to avenge her father. The story of the grief-stricken, beautiful daughter of Woqini and her bravery is still being told at campfires today.

Ayasha made a point of not being available for marriage, even though there were many suitors. Her camp was almost every day hosting some visitor who brought the most beautiful horses, but he would get turned away eventually. Instead, Ayasha learned the art of healing from the shaman, and she developed her fighting skills. She was not the great warrior her father was, but she didn't lack enthusiasm. In her eyes all white men were devils, and she would do her part, as little as it was, to fight them.

During her induction into her warrior society, she was with a war-party that attacked white cowboys when they crossed the red river with a herd of cattle. The battle did not go well and many of the war-party perished, while Ayasha was badly wounded. The cowboys treated her wounds, and let her go after Yuma, who had taken her under his wing, intervened.

Later she was again captured by white men, but as luck would have it, the same cowboys she attacked before were responsible for her rescue. When they entered a white man's town, she stayed outside. Not knowing whether or not they were coming back, she stole a horse to get back to her tribe.

Ayasha realized she was being followed a while after she left for home, probably the ranchers looking for their horse. At least that's what she thought. One night she decided to have a look, and much to her surprise, she saw three men she knew sitting around a campfire. It was Yellow, Travis and the big man named Randy. Not wanting to surprise them and possibly make them shoot her during the night, she retreated silently. The next day she approached them openly on her "acquired" horse.

It was quite the surprise for her to find out that they had been following her to give her a horse and to see her back to her tribe savely. She didn't expect that, especially after she felt so abandoned when they headed into town without looking back. It touched her quite a bit. She gladly accepted the offer to travel to her tribe together.

During that journey, Ayasha starts teaching Cheyenne to anyone who wants to learn it (Randy did express an interest). She also tells them about her tribe, the customs and so on, so that these men do not cause any misunderstanding when they meet the tribe. She also explains to them why Yuma acted how he did, that he took the role of her father when her real father was killed. She tells them who her real father was, the great warrior chief Woqini, whom the white men know as Roman Nose.

As they were getting closer to the tribe's camp, the group came upon a farm that had been burned down. They found the settlers dead and scalped, a whole family. It looked like they were killed by Indians, arrows seemed to have killed them. While the men with her were angry and nervous, Ayasha took a closer look at the dead bodies. It was hard, especially the children. But she could not believe that anyone from her tribe would slaughter helpless children. There was no honor in that, especially since the family seemed to have been surprised while they were working in a field.

When she studied the arrows, Ayasha found something strange. There were Cheyenne arrows, but there were also arrows which carried the markings of the Blackfeet, enemies of the Cheyenne. This did make no sense at all. She showed the arrows to the men in her group, and this raised suspicions. This might not have been Indians at all.

Travis and Yellow headed for the nearest town to gather information, while Randy and Ayasha buried the family. Travis and Yellow found out that this happened before, and that one rancher in particular was furious about the "Injun attacks" on his neighbors and was demanding revenge. He also bought the land where the families had been killed. The plot thickened.

Winter was coming in, and since everyone knew that Indians would retreat to their winter camps, no further staged or not staged attacks were expected. Knowing the area, Ayasha led Randy, Travis and Yellow to the site of the winter camp of her tribe, where she was greeted with relief. Everyone thought she was as dead as the others in her hunting party. She introduced the white men as her saviours, and they were invited to stay. Ayasha reported to the chiefs about the mock attacks on the farms, and that the rancher was trying to blame that on the Cheyenne. They discussed how to avoid a war with the white men of the town. During that time, Travis, Randy and Yellow also got to know Yuma better, and their relationship improved.

The chiefs decided to send scouts to watch the ranch of the white man who was probably behind the attacks, and during a particularly warm period in March 1872 he got greedy and sent out a party of his men to burn another farm. It was too early for the Cheyenne to mount any sort of campaign, but his greed was too big. Luckily, the Cheyenne together with their white allies were able to send a warparty to intercept these men. The resulting battle was short and bloody for the ambushed ranchhands, and all but one of them perished. They had arrows with them to stick into the wounds of the settlers they wanted to kill, another proof for the plans of the rancher. Travis, Yellow and Randy went into town to present the proof to the leaders of the town, but the rancher had a good standing there, and it took a lot of convincing.

In the meantime, the Cheyenne kept watching the ranch, and they foiled another two attacks on farms during April any May. This added to the proof, and by now there were 5 prisoners who were testifying against the rancher. Finally, the town was convinced of his guilt. In June 1872 a combined force of Cheyenne and a posse from town attacked the ranch and put a stop to these actions.

Travis, Yellow and Randy left the tribe soon afterwards, to check up on their other friends. They were sent off with gifts from the tribe and the promise that they were friends of the Cheyenne now and that they would be welcome at their campfire any time. Ayasha even shed some tears when they left.

She stayed with her tribe, but times were getting tougher. Hunting buffalo became a sport for white men, and it was getting harder to find enough food to get the tribe through the next winters. So when the Comanche asked for help to fight buffalo hunters in early 1874, Ayasha's society responded. They joined up with the Comanche, Kiowa and Arapaho for a sun dance in Spring, where the shaman Isa-tai promised that warriors fighting the enemy would be victorious and immune to bullets. That promise did prove to be empty. At dawn on June 27th, 1874, the Indian alliance rode against the buffalo hunters at Adobe walls. Almost a thousand Indians against less than 30 buffalo hunters. The attack went well at first, with the Indians able to surprise and kill two men who were asleep in their wagon, but then they couldn't get into the houses of the settlement. The buffalo hunters were shooting through cracks with repeating rifles and revolvers, causing many casualties, while the Indians only managed to kill one more man who had exposed himself in a doorway. When the attack broke, they even were unable to carry all their dead and wounded away, so many had been shot close to the buildings.

Ayasha's society did suffer quite a few casualties that day, and they decided to leave, because the promise of Isa-tai was obviously false. There was no immunity to bullets and no victory. Ayasha returned to her tribe, and even though this had been a failure, her name was getting known among the tribes. When the Sioux and Northern Cheyenne started to have trouble over the Black Hills, Ayasha and her society (now replenished with fresh recruits) traveled north. Ayasha was hoping she could mediate in everyone's interest, hoping for a result similar to her tribe and the town of white men, where there had been no hostilities for years now.

But, that was not to be the case. When she was in camp at the Little Big Horn, the bluecoats attacked. Ayasha's society were among those that turned Reno away and broke his skirmish line, many brave men and women of her society perishing that day to buy time for the women and children to get away from the danger. She chased Reno and his men over the Little Big Horn, before she turned back because of more shooting in camp. Ayasha was there when Custer was finally overrun.

Crazy Horse of the Lakota was almost unstoppable after that, and during another smaller fight days later Ayasha recognized Travis among the white men. These were not soldiers, and Ayasha managed to stop the attack, even though Crazy Horse wanted to kill them all. But she herself had some authority now, being the daughter of Roman Nose and an accomplished warrior herself, and he did not want to alienate his allies, the Northern Cheyenne. So the whole group where Travis was travelling with was saved. It must have been quite a sight, first Indians rushing them, then one of them, a woman at that, stopping the charge before any bullets could be exchanged.

Ayasha then rode up to Travis, and they talked. It was clear that Crazy Horse would not be stopped, and Ayasha realized that she could not stop the hostilities here, especially since she herself got carried away during Little Big Horn. When Travis told her that he was looking to join up with Cole and JEB, Ayasha decided to join him, to see these two men again after so many years.