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Welcome to DnD 3.5 Forgotten Realms - The Shadow of Ubtao

02:15, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Languages: Common, Orcish, Draconic, Alzhedo, Chondathan

Hulking but somehow athletic, neatly groomed with armor that is lovingly
polished and clothing that is finely made, if plain in design.  Wears an
almost constant expression of either being lost in thought, or annoyed at
something.  Krogan is taken to absent-mindedly stroking a large, ragged piece of
rabbit fur that hangs from his broad belt.

Krogan is quick to action and savage in combat, but deliberate and subtle in
conversation.  If left to his own devices, Krogan seems to constantly be
lost in his own thoughts, which habitually makes him somewhat oblivious to
the world around him, though when focused on a task, he pursues it with
animal-like ferocity.   He loves civilization and culture (even when he doesn't
quite understand it) and lusts for wealth, both as a means to an end and
for its own sake.

Self-exiled from his orc tribe where he never fit in, Krogan seeks
to master the magic within him and explore the wonders of the world.

Krogan Cha'Tok's appearance could best be described as an orc who "cleaned up real good".  He keeps his tusks clean and sharp, as well as his facial and body hair groomed.  The glimmer of intelligence also keeps him on this side of the person/monster border, appearance-wise.  He has the typical dark hair, grey eyes and skin, and stocky build of his race, but Krogan's early experiences keep him trying to stay away from the normal orc appearance.  Although usually mistaken for a barbarian, especially with a weapon of some kind over his shoulder, Krogan can also be seen reading books by candlelight and even writing poetry (not, you
know...good poetry, but seriously, cut the guy some slack).

He dresses more in custom with a barbarian or warrior, not hiding, but not flaunting,  his affinity with dragon magic.  It's something he's proud of, but his magic is a private thing.  He does have an affinity for well made, if plain, clothing and takes care to make sure his weapons and armor are always clean and shiny.   He also has a large well-tanned but rather ragged rabbit pelt hanging from his belt that he rubs between his large fingers from time to time, seemingly without realizing he's doing it.


Having left his tribe with a fair amount of emotional baggage, Krogan does have some issues.  While happy to be in civilized lands, he has a bit of an inferiority complex, and tries constantly to be useful to those around him.  He also has a taste for the good things in life, having grown up somewhat deprived,  despite his status as youngest son of the chief (or perhaps because of it).  He has a great love of wealth and power, and is driven to attain both, even at great cost.  This is not exactly rare among adventurers, the profession Krogan now finds himself in, but what sets him apart is that he has no interest in fame.  He wants to do great deeds, but for their own sake or for what benefits to which they may lead, not for the sake of hearing his name in song or story.  Krogan is still wary of drawing too much attention to himself, and would be just as happy become sickeningly wealthy, amazingly powerful, but completely anonymous.