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Welcome to WFRP 2e: The Balance of Power

07:56, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Magdalyn Natchmann

History: Magdalyn was born and raised on a big farm just a few miles north of Altdorf, her father was a farm hand and her mother was hired help in the kitchen. Her childhood was far from exciting but quite enjoyable for a young girl. She and the other children where spared from chores thanks to the size of the farm and the master of the household was a jolly old fat man that believed in taking good care of his workers. How ever Mag’s parents wished for a better life for their only daughter and saved up every crown that they could spare and when the girl was sixteen she was sent to Altdorf to get a proper education. Even though they had worked hard and saved all they could the money they had gathered was not enough to afford her tutelage at any of the schools in the big city nor did she have any aspirations to become a nun or a cleric so instead she was sent to a tradesman, a scribe, to learn his trade. The old man who took her in was a kind, but old and gnarled fellow that ran a small office and gladly took on an apprentice. Magdalyn learned both how to read and write with ease, she had a good head on her shoulders and had a particular knack for languages and mimicry, both which came to good use during her tutelage. Once her apprenticeship was through she was hired by her teacher and now she passes her days working as a scribe for hire, taking on anything from recording of events, transcripts of speeches and letter writing. Currently she finds herself in the service of Valeria von Koniginsamen, as her personal scribe.

Description: Frau Nacthmann is Reiklandian peasant beauty if there ever was any. Her hair is a deep, dark shade of red and falls in long, thick corkscrew ringlets that reach the small of her back. A few stray locks fall around her face and down over her shoulders, framing a pale, heart shaped face with myrtle green eyes and warm, plump lips that always curve in to a warming smile. A thin band of freckles cross the bridge of her pert little nose and can be found elsewhere as well, dotting her otherwise pale and creamy white skin with little constellations. Magdalyn isn’t the tallest stick in the stack, at just 5’7” she won’t be towering over any one with the exception of Dwarfs, Halflings and children. Though she will hardly be mistaken for the later, healthy curves shape the young woman and a life of labour both in farm lands and in Altdorf has left her with some muscle on her bones. She dresses in practical clothing, more often then not just a simple green skirt, a blouse and a bodice and over it all an apron to keep her self guarded from the worst ink blotches that come with her work as a scribe.

Personality: The young woman is a creature of hard working ethics, both her parents and her teacher have taught her that there is nothing you can’t reach if you’re not afraid to shed some blood and sweat for it. All in all she is a rather simple gal, trudging through the every day life. She is easy going and practical and takes most things with stride. She is warm, open and friendly and will try to present a smile at all times. When she makes an effort for it she can actually be quite charming.  She has a few lil quirks like any one else, most notable is her habit to always hum on a tune when working. At heart she is a dreamer, many a late nights have been spent pouring over the books which tell of great adventures and glory, something the simple office clerk longs to experience for herself. After all, an ordinary god fearing life in all honour, but wouldn’t you trade it for glory if you could?