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Welcome to Robotech: The Ranger Chronicles (Freeform)

14:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

3rd Lt. Franklin Jones

Character Name: Franklin 'Spit Fire' Jones
Branch of Service: U.N. Spacy
Requested Position: Veritech Pilot
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, Massachusets
Age: 24
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150
He is very muscular and as for his personalty he basicly thinks he is the best pilot that ever flew which may or may not be treu.

Brief Background: Franklin was born into a middle income family shortly after he was born his mother passed away dur to illness. His father tried his best to raise Frank but was a very tough father causeing Frank to become very rebellious. He would cause trouble repeatedly in school and his father would punish him by grounding him in his room of the third floor of there house, but Frank would always sneak out at night to hang out with his friends they would go to the airbase near Franks house and watch as the veritechs took off and landed. Frank swore that he would not only be a veritech pilot but he would be the best there ever was.
 When Frank was old enough to join the military he did and his father agreed with him thinking that the military would straighten his son out, but he was wrong Frank continued to break the rules he ended up in the kitchen more then anything peeling potatoas but when he got behind the control stick of a veritech even simulated veritech he could make it dance as if it was alive. On graduation day Frank was proud of hi,self as he sat there waiting to be presented as a full fledge veritech pilot but when he turned to look at his father he didn't see him. Even after the graduation had finished he could not find him he 'borrowed' a jeep from the base as he normally did and drove to his house about halfway there he came across and accident. As he sat there he saw the officers pulling a bodyout of a twisted mass of what use to be a car he recognized the body as his fathers. That would scare Frank for the rest of his life but he would never tell anyone he just continued being the p[erson he had always been.
 For several years Frank was moved from base to base as the military tried to find a place that could cool Franks rebellious side but there wasn't such a place on earth. If it had not been for Franks extrodinary skill as a pilot he would of been discharged from the military a long time ago. During his travels of the worlds military base Frank worked on his veritech adding a second gunpod he had to shorten the barrel and reduce the ammo capacity of both guns but he found a way to mount tone gunpod on each of the veritechs arms. He also found a way to give his veritech a close combat weapon in the form of a small(by veritech standards) knife mounted under one of the wings. He dubbed it 'The SpitFire Special' and was quickly repromanded for his illegal modifications of a military vehicle. Soon after modifieing his veritech he recieved transfer papers to ARM-07 Ranger it seemed the military had thought that if there wasn't a place on earth that could cool him down maybe space would do it.