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Welcome to Robotech: The Ranger Chronicles (Freeform)

23:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

1st Lt. Hanako Moriya

Character Name: 1st Lt. Hanako Moriya
Branch of Service: U.N. Spacy
Position: Echo Squadron XO, Echo Two
Place of Birth: Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan
Age: 20, born January 1st, 1989
Height: 4'11"
Weight: Less than a straw hat (Maybe all of 75lbs)

Description: Hanako is something of a Yamato Nadeshiko, or ideal Japanese woman, with her beautiful face, lovely black hair, and clear complexion.  She also has a very slender figure, not quite as pronounced as non-Japanese women, but still moreso than is common in her people.  Her slender figure, however, belies her physical power and training, and she can hold her own against any other pilot both in and out of the cockpit.  Age-wise, she looks as if she could not only pass for a sixteen year old, but sometimes she has to actually take out her ID to convince people otherwise.

This is something she is rather pleased with, interestingly enough.

Personality: Hanako is very much all business when it comes to her duties.  She is often seen as a by-the-book officer, not in a detrimental way so much as she does things conservatively and is adverse to wild, crazy ideas, generally only resorting to them when she's cracking from too much stress.  Because of this, however, she is also incredibly reliable and shows consistent results both on and off duty, in the cockpit and out.

She is not the best pilot by any means, and is definitely not a natural, but she constantly practices and trains herself to become better and better, always learning from her mistakes and analyzing whatever she can to improve herself, making her a very competent and deadly pilot in her own right.  She is one of the few pilots who actively analyzes her opponents in a dogfight to look for patterns of behavior she can exploit.  If she had more confidence in her abilities, she would make an excellent analytic strategist, but she almost always defers to her commanding officers without question, so long as the order makes sense on some level.

This does not mean, however, that she is no fun.  Far from it.  She is a young woman who loves flying, likes building a strong rapport with her comrades, and being part of the team whenever and however she can.  If she ever promises to do someone a favor, she always follows through, and often does so with a smile.  She is also very, very, very opinionated about baseball (go Hokkaido Nippon-Hamu Faitazu!) and food (fish are delicious and she will brook no argument - if you had ever had her mom's maguro-zushi, you would know true bliss).

She is also incredibly fun to tease.

Her bizarre quirks include a fondness of ghosts, haunted locations, pirates, and generally acting like a little schoolgirl when she's excited about something.

On shore leave, however, she becomes almost a completely different person and ends up being about the most adorable thing you've ever met.

Current Medals:

Courage Under Fire (x1)
Meritorious Service (x1)
Operation Damocles Mission Patch (x1)