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Welcome to Zombieland

21:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Adalaide Legrande

Name: Sister Adalaide "Addie" Legrande

Age: 22

Appearance: Unlike other nuns Addie kept her black hair straight and wore makeup outside of the church, retaining some of her life before the church.  She often dressed in layman's clothes to avoid attention.  Although her silver cross always hung around her neck it was often confused as a mockery of the faith when viewed with her black nail polish and clothes.  Addie's skin is naturally pale as if preparing her to blend in with what the world had in store.

General Personality:  As a young girl Addie loved movies and books about the supernatural.  Vampire romance books, horror movies, and even the occasional role-playing game.  In high school she played the role of a goth girl.  Despite her appearance Addy always kept her faith and regularly attended church.  After school she wanted to help people, but couldn’t stand the blood and gore of the medical field, and never wanted to step back inside a school and be a teacher.  She turned to the church and devoted her life to God, and the occasional horror movie.  Even after the world moved on Addie maintains her helpful nature despite a morale crushing pessimism about those left.

Back-Story: Addie’s unique interests caused her to research some of the less often followed paths in the church.  She became very interested in the priests who performed exorcisms.  She approached her bishop and cardinal several times before they finally allowed her to visit the Vatican and tour some of the areas where the training was performed.  While there she spoke to a cardinal who was intrigued by Addie’s interest in the program.  Cardinal Verdi told Addy how the church was discussing the role of women in the church a great deal as of late.  Many wanted to allow female priests, but there was not enough support yet.  He felt that if women could show their potential it may help the cause.  Cardinal Verdi was able to pull some strings and Addy accompanied the cardinal on his next investigation.  Addie saw things that stripped away her humanity and made her question herself.  She now knew evil existed in the world and she was not strong enough to combat it.  Addie left the church that same day.

Addie moved back home to Louisiana and found a job at the mall.  Not sure where her life would go the world decided for her.  First came the news broadcasts, then people began to board themselves up in their homes.  A few shoppers kept the mall open.  That was until a janitor who hadn't come to work in three days burst out of the mop closet.  He sank his teeth into a mother's arm as the young daughter of the woman screamed for help.  Addie's nature to help others couldn't be resisted.  She ran and grabbed the small girl and hid with her in the mall restroom until the danger had passed.  This had just been the first test from God to combat the demons in our world.

Plot ideas?: Discussion of faith with agnostics or atheists concerning the state of the world and a merciful creator.  Addie's ever-evolving faith as she faces the horrors of the new world (merciful God --> vengeful God --> being tested).  Maintaining her purity in a world where loss of humanity is common.

Character Arch: Addie is helpful and kind but pessimistic about others and the world.  She has lost her strength prior to the zombies.  Her faith will be tested as she faces the new world.  Depending on the actions of others she may lose her faith before regaining it at a critical time, or she may grow stronger in her faith being bolstered by those around her to become a moral leader.

Writing Sample : (How Addie finds the Caravan)
Once the outbreak hit a turning point Addie packed a bag of supplies and drove two hours north to her parents house.  They lived in what could be described as the backwater bayou of Louisiana.  Searching her childhood home Addie found no trace of her parents, or her younger sister, Claire.  There was good news though.  The house was still clean and in tact, her family left on there own and alive.  Before climbing into her small blue Honda Addie heard a high-pitched scream.  The neighbors house was a good minute away, even at a sprint.  The car would never make it on the soft marshy land.  Addie ran.  Ran and prayed.  "Lord, give me the endurance to make it there.  Let her be okay."  Addie called out as she ran.

The neighbor's daughter, Susie, stood motionless as her father was tore apart by three bloated good ole' boys with rotting flesh hanging from their beer guts.  Addie, breathless yet persistent, ran to Susie and scooped her up.  "Daddy!"  The girl yelled, grabbing the attention of the zombies.  Addie had no hope of fending off one of these yokels let-alone three.  "This is the hour of need.  If you're going to come, come now!  If not for me, then for Susie."  Addie petitioned. As if on cue a gator rushed from the weeds and snapped up the largest of the bloated hillbillies.  The other two tripped and fell over the gator, giving Addie enough time to catch her breath before sprinting back to her Honda with Susie attached like a backwards backpack.