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11:01, 17th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Aislinn Schade

<img src=""Align="right">THE BASICS

Character's Name: Aislinn Schade (Pronounced Ash-Lynn Shay-D)

Nickname: Ash

Birth Date: August 31st

Age: 17 years old

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Cultural Heritage: American

Home Town: Las Vegas, Nevada


Blood Status: MuggleBorn

House: Hufflepuff

Year: 7th

Wand: Applewood, 11 inches, Unicorn Hair core, Swishy.

'Applewood wands are not made in great numbers. They are powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixes poorly with Dark Arts. It is said that the possessor of an apple wand will be well-loved and long-lived, an assertion supported by the fact that Garrick Ollivander often met customers of great personal charm to find their perfect match in an applewood wand. An unusual ability to converse with other magical beings in their native tongues is often found among apple wand owners, who include the celebrated author of Merpeople: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Language and Customs, Dylan Marwood.'

Boggart: Aislinn's has always had a pretty good handle on her fears but if she was ever to encounter a Boggart it would more than likely take on the form of Freddy Krueger slicing through her torso while laughing. Ash isn't sure whether it is a credit or a detriment to her that her greatest fear is a creation of Hollywood. On one hand it may mean that she has quite a decent grasp on the things that frighten her and the one true fear left is something that was designed to frighten her by playing on the basic fears that even at your most peaceful, you're vulnerable. There is no escape! On the other hand it may just mean that her imagination is so out of control and she struggles to separate fantasy from reality.

Special Possessions: Aislinn has a few things that she considers special or important to her. One is her wand of course. Secondly there is a claw footed copper cauldron that she bought for herself her second year at Hogwarts. This cauldron has inspired her and helped her to brew some incredibly impressive potions. The last possession that Aislinn considers special was a gift from her now Boyfriend Noah Peltier. The boy, sweet as he is decided it might be nice to gift his Girlfriend with a miniature crystal potion bottle attached to a chain that she can wear around her neck. Across the front of the bottle in tiny script is her name and inside the bottle is a pearlescent blue potion that he brewed himself. Aislinn has never wanted nor really dared to use the potion as Noah lost half an eye brow and burned through five cauldrons making it.

Special Skills: Aislinn has shown particular skill for mixing potions. In fact it has been said that for a MuggleBorn, she is highly skilled. Ash is flattered while equally offended that her natural talents had to be confined by her Blood Status but she got over it. Aislinn has always strived to prove herself and she has done just that. During her 4th Year Aislinn made a name for herself by mixing and selling potions to Students. She calls her business 'The Abracapothecary' which she finds rather amusing. On occasion she has been forced to explain the name to those few PureBloods who have never heard of the catchphrase 'Abracadabra!' but it's worth it. Aislinn will sell you a love potion or a little vial of Wideye if you need to pull an all nighter for your O.W.L's. She has dabbled in some of the more riskier potions though the more dangerous for her, the more you'll have to pay.

Pet/Familiar: Aislinn owns a silver ferret named Fizz. When Fizz was younger he tumbled into one of Ash's potions and has never been the same since. While the green tint to his fur has worn off her little Familiar continues to hiccup bubbles but otherwise he's fine, honest!


Hair: Long, pastel pink tresses hang to around the middle of Aislinn's back. Ash has developed a potion that allows her to safely and instantly either grow or shorten her hair as well as change its colour. It's one of her best sellers and she's been known to use it herself on occasion.

Eyes: Large, crystal blue eyes framed by thick black lashes.

Height: 5'4

<img src=""Align="left">Physical Description: Aislinn stands at 5'4 which could be said to be rather short and technically it is but for Ash, somehow it works. There is so much life and spark in the young woman that her height or lack there of never seems to keep her down. She has a theory that 'small dog syndrome' where tiny dogs have loud barks and obnoxious personalities extends to humans as well. Not that she would say that she was obnoxious but she has found that the shorter she feels, the bigger she acts.

Ash was born with her Mothers fair skin and golden hair. In fact she has her Mothers crystal blue eyes too which begs the questions, what if any attributes did she take from her Father? Well physically not a lot but that doesn't mean she isn't still very much a Daddies Girl. Side by side with a photographer of her Mother at 18, even Grandma would have a hard time telling the difference. Katie Schade was and still is a great beauty. She has a light that shines from within when she smiles and she passed this light onto her Daughter.

Her fashion sense is quirky but cute. A friend once described Ash as 'made from bubblegum and shadows.' It's a fair enough description. Ash loves everything kitsch and girly. She loves pink, lace and high heel shoes but none of the things that she loves are ever worn in a predictable fashion. Ash is a little bit sexy, a little bit punk. She can squeeze her curves into a corset when she wants to or don a pair of leather pants and pair it all together with a hand sewn halo of wild flowers. Aislinn is weird and she's utterly okay with that.

Distinguishing Features: For starters Aislinn has been dying her hair pink since she was 13. The first year that Aislinn arrived at Hogwarts she did so as a shy and reserved blonde. The next year she returned with the fabulous pastel pink tresses that people now know her by.

Both her left and right ears have been pierced multiple times. Ordinarily Ash will wear simple silver studs in each of these piercings but she has been known to occasional splash out and accorded with something more flashy.

Aislinn's only other distinguishing marks which many would debate were her most distinguishing marks are her tattoos. Ash is a lover of that naughty little buzz that you get when you go under the needle. She loves art and pop culture and combining the two as a unique story on her skin is a passion that she can't shake. With a combination of both Muggle and Wizard tattoos Ash is quite heavily inked but each and every one seems to be chosen and applied with a soft hand. Ash doesn't look intimidating. Her tattoos are bubblegum sweet. When it comes to her ink Aislinn will describe her style as a hyper realistic rendering of reflective light, colour and magic. In reality and in far less romantic terms Aislinn has tattoos of everything from My Little Pony to that 80's heartthrob David Bowie from Labyrinth.


Personality: Aislinn is a special little creature. Born into a household full of talent and big personalities she has always been encouraged to be unapologetically herself. Upon discovering that she was a witch Ash was mildly sceptically but secretly out of her tiny little mind with excitement. She is the kind of woman that embraces life. She loved deeply and any friend she makes is a friend for life. People can often find her hard to deal with or take seriously at times. It Aislinn is just as committed to her dreams and her goals as anyone else.

It should be noted that Ash is not just one shade of glitter. She has her darker moments, her melancholy days. When she first arrived at Hogwarts she discovered that discrimination was not something that was restricted to the Muggle World. Though she did not realise it before her arrival, the fact that she was born from non-magical parents meant that she was not worthy of practicing magic in some people's eyes. It took her a while to get it. To understand why people hated her. At first she was just shocked. Of course she had been bullied before but this was different. She was being picked on, discriminated against because of something she couldn't change. Something that she was actually rather proud of. For a while the abuse got to her and Ash became sullen and withdrawn but she found her supporters, her cheer squad and though they didn't block the Muggle Haters and the venomous use of the MB word, they made them easier to ignore.

Of course that's the dark side to her story and Ash has never liked to wallow in the darkness for too long. Ignoring the bullies, Aislinn was in a world that was fascinating and incredible! She had slipped through the looking glass, fallen through the mirror and stepped through the wardrobe. For a Muggle girl, Hogwarts was mesmerising and not everyone believed as some did, that she didn't belong there.

Ash has made friends that she keeps to this day. With them she can be cheeky and boisterous. She is sarcastic, fun loving and more than willing to join in on the mischief. Ash opens up to her friends. They see her for who she really is because she trusts them enough to let down her walls. Aislinn does have walls. She is cautious who she lets into her inner circle and her trust and love is hard won but once won, it's for life.

<img src=""Align="right">Positive - Ash seems to always be sporting a smile. She wears it like an accessory and it seems to be as much apart of her physical aesthetic as her gorgeous eyes or pastel hair. Ash hasn't found many reasons to be sad in life. She isn't blind to the world or the troubles that happen around her. She is sympathetic to other people's problems and she will help wherever she can. It takes a lot to get her down. She isn't sickeningly sweet or happy to the point of creeping people out. Ash just loves her life and why shouldn't she? She has a killer family, amazing friends, her boyfriend is damn fine and sweet as can be and she's got fricken magical powers! There is always a reason to look on the bright side.

Stupefied - Ash is bad in a crisis. It can't be helped. She can overcome a thousand little things. She will help you find answers, she can make decisions. She sees a problem and she will actively work to fix it but when something bad happens, something truly earth shattering, Ash freezes. She has a fear that in making choices, in taking the lead she might lead herself or others into a worse situation than the one they were just in. The dark and the death of life can overwhelmed her at times. She will eventually blink, breath, move, act but she will need a little help and encouragement or if worse comes to worse, a slap.

Reckless - Okay, so she doesn't always think things through. Aislinn has been known to take risks from time to time. She doesn't always follow the rules. Her business 'Abracapothecary' can't exactly be called legit. Ash has been known to sell potions that may be considered a little taboo and she has helped the odd mate cheat on an exam. Of course if she gets caught she knows there will be consequences but at the time, she doesn't think about them. If she wants to do something, go somewhere, say something, eat something, kiss someone or hand raise a Blast-Ended Skrewt, she probably will.

Romantic - Aislinn Schade is a true romantic. She loves love. Stars are magical, sunsets are art and kisses in the rain make her toes curl. Ash idolises her Parents marriage. She has seen from birth how very much in love they are and she wants that. She wants her own fairytale ending. Now that's not to say that she is ready for marriage. She's not even 18 yet for heavens sake! She simply knows that falling in love, getting married, starting a family are things that she wants down the line. Despite having her head in the cloud though Aislinn knows that it won't be easy. Not even her Parents have gotten through their lives together unscathed but nothing, whether it's love or art or magic, nothing worth having comes easily but it's always worth fighting for.

Quirky - Ash is unique. She always has been and while being a little different growing up in a small town may have initially made Aislinn shrink and wish to conform, she now understands the gift that being quirky and different is. Aislinn is her own person. Now that's not to say that she is always confident. She is still a teenager after all. She has her days where she shuts down and wishes that she was different but in the end she always seems to fall back to the understanding that yeah, she's all messed up and slightly twisted but who says she's sick and just not gifted? Aislinn likes that's she a weirdo.

Fussy - Ash has a mild, non diagnosed, really just annoying case of OCD. She's fussy. When it comes to the little things she needs them like she likes them. She's particular about her appearance and will redo her make-up several times over if she doesn't feel it's right. It's not vanity, she's just particular. Even on the days when she ventures out au natural, she has a particular way in which she gets ready. It's routine. She likes things neat. She's been known to stand in Honeydukes and rotate the stock so that all the labels are facing the same way. Aislinn fussiness bleeds a little into all aspects of her life but mostly people just roll their eyes at her. It just who she is. She knows what she likes and how she likes it and why she won't throw a tantrum if something unbalances her particular little life, she will get a little fidgety and anxious. It's just who she is.

Intelligent - It has to be said that Aislinn is a natural when it comes to potions. Her ability to comprehend, understand and interpret is surely a sign of intelligence. Her ability to create, innovate and replicate is a sign of a very clever girl. Ash hasn't only shown intelligence when it comes to potions though. In her muggle studies she was a fairly talented writer and she still uses this skill. She loves to read and to write. Unashamedly she is a keen knitter and she can speak French with semi fluency. These could be considered hobbies however. What makes Ash intelligent is her willingness to learn. She is a bright girl who sees the world she lives in and engages with it. In the end she will succeed in life because she takes the risks. She is willing to try and to fail and when it all comes down to it, Aislinn Schade is going to love harder than any pain she has ever felt.


History: It's a love story, a tale as old as time, happily ever after and all that jazz. William Schade was discovered when he was 17. For years he had been performing his magic tricks on YouTube and flooding Vine with videos of his illusions. He had amassed a following of thousands including one young lady who would plaster her bedroom walls with printed out photos of her favourite Magician. Will was hot and incredibly talented. None of this David Copperfield shit or that wannabe Chris Angel. Will Schade was the real deal and Katie Loman was in love. It wouldn't be until the pair were both into their early 20's that they would actually meet in person. William Schade had broken into stage magic and he was making his rounds on the major talk shows and headlining at festivals. Katie was the gorgeous blonde standing in the front row with the hand made sign and feathers in her hair. It was love at first sight.

Within a year they were married and shortly after they were expecting. They wasted no time in setting up their family. A little house was purchased in Las Vegas that would over time be renovated, restored and made their own. Will had been scheduled to perform a series of shows on the famous Strip. He would play to thousands and Katie would be his Assistant. It has always been her dream and to be partners with her parter was more than she ever could have hoped for. Their talent was indisputable, their style, completely unique. The chemistry between the pair wasn't faked or exaggerated with slutty costumes and grangerises gyrations. They were in love and the whole world could see it. Magic and love walked hand in hand. It was a perfect mix.

Aislinn was born on the 31st of August and instantly she became the apple of her Fathers eye. The Schade's balanced work and family as best they could. Some nights they would sit together as a family at the dinner table and talk about their day while other nights Aislinn would sit on the edge of the stage, legs dangling gleefully as she watched her parents rehearsal. Her colouring books, crackers and juice box held no wonder in comparison to the world of magic that she was emerged in.

William Schade took great pride in teaching his Daughter his trade. Whether she chose to become a magician herself or a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker, it didn't bother her Parents. Aislinn was raised to be what she wanted to be, follow her heart and smile alway if for no other reason than that it confused people.

At 4 Ash could pull a rabbit from a hat. At 8 she had developed her slight of hand and was growing skilled at card tricks. These were not her only skills though they did make her rather popular at parties. Ash discovered at a young age that she was light on her feet like her Mother. While her Father taught her magic, her Mother taught her dance. Aislinn had a great childhood. She lived in a vibrant, lively city.


<img src=""Align="left"><img src=""Align="right">

Name - Will Schade
Age - 46
Relation – Father
Blood Status - Muggle
Occupation - Stage Magician and Illusionist
Nationality - American

Name - Katie Schade
Age - 43
Relation - Mother
Blood Status - Muggle
Occupation - Magicians Assistant & Homemaker
Nationality - American


Academic History:



Tristan Morganstern - Tristan is the kind of guy that can annoy you to the point where one would seriously consider turning themselves into a toad just to escape him. When they first met as kids Ash hated the guy. She was a cocky douchbag and he was drawing WAY too much attention to their status as Muggle Borns. She wanted to fly under the PureBloods radar while he wore his Blood Status as a badge of honour. Fate kept throwing them together though and eventually Tristan's confidence helped Ash a lot in accepting who and what she was. She grew to love the guy. He made her laugh and he challenged her be a little a little naughty. They only lived once right? During their 3rd year however their friendship took a turn when hormones took control and they ended up trading in their V-Cards together, to each other. Once the moment ended and the steam cleared though they both laughed. Ash loved the guy but she knew it wasn't meant to be. If she had to put up with his shit as his girlfriend, she'd kill him. They both knew without ever really having to say it that they would be best friends for life but never anything more. Their little one night tryst hasn't affected their bond.

Noah Peltier - Ash met Noah during their first year but she never really got to know him until their second. He was such an easy guy to like that Aislinn took to him pretty much instantly and they became friends. His love for all things Muggle meant that she was somewhat of an oddity to him and Ash took great pride in allowing him to study her and her strange Muggle ways. She brought him the sweetest cereals she could get her hands on without going Black Market and they bonded over their love of not just learning new spells and potions but creating their own as well. After their sixth year, over the Summer while vacationing with Noah and his family things between them shifted. Aislinn had finally gotten around to showing Noah one of her favourite movies 'Labyrinth'. Lounging on the couch, she was rested against his side when during the Ballroom Scene Aislinn reached over and took his hand. She still isn't sure whether it was the 80's music or those fabulously puffy sleeves or more than likely she was feeling some of that sweet Veela Vibe that Noah had going for him but Ash was feeling the love. Apparently Aislinn had some charms of her own because seconds later Noah turned to her, leaned in and kissed her. He missed her lips that first time but the kiss to her chin was still very sweet and to his credit, he tried again. They had to watch the movie over to catch up on what they missed following that first of many kisses but it was worth it. They have been dating ever since.


<img src=""Align="left">Likes:


Fears & Phobias:

Worst Memory(ies):

Best Memory(ies):

Favourite Animal(s):