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23:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Taurin Snow

Name: Taurin Snow

Title: Taurin has no Title but she likes to think of herself as The Direwolf.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Homeland: It is assumed that Taurin was born in or near The Dreadfort.

Current Residence: The Dreadfort

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hair: Taurin's hair is rarely cut and holds the colour of freshly cut straw. It hangs down to her waist when let loose and most of the time her wild mane is left untouched and free but on occasion she will tie it back or at the very least pull it back from her face.

Eyes: Taurin has large, almond-shaped eyes and dark lashes. Her eyes themselves are mostly moss green but are heavily flecked with brown and when they catch the light, they shine like brass armour. Her gaze holds a wildness that has yet to be tamed. Taurin looks at people with a calculating stare. She seems to always be thinking and until she has determined you friend or foe, it is unlikely that she will blink.

Physical Description: Taurin's Ancestors must have been beautiful but what is beauty? It holds no importance to whether or not a person can provide for themselves, can be intelligent, can start a family, can be something in this world. It helps. Taurin has seen this clearly enough but in the end, it means nothing. Still, Taurin has been told that she is beautiful and it is a word that she has come to understand and accept over the years. Her beauty can be used as a skill in much the same way as her strong back and keen eyesight. They are all the same. Parts of her.

Taurin stands at 5'10 with the archetype of a predator. She is lean and strong with golden skin stretching over muscles and very little fat. Taurin has grown up eating only what she needs and fighting for her survival and so her body has adjusted accordingly. Her limbs are long and lean and her stomach is flat beyond the delicately carved abdominals that prove her strength. Her body is marred with the scars of a warrior's life but they do not detract from her beauty. If anything, they add to it by saying clearly that she is a woman of strength and courage. Taurin does not fade into the background. She is bold and wild.

Her face is round and her breasts are soft. There is a femininity about Taurin that can often disappear whenever she opens her mouth for she has the mouth of a sailor and yet she is endearing. It can never be forgotten that Taurin has struggled through life but instead of pitying her, she holds herself like one who should be praised. She survived and she continues this. Taurin is confident and unashamed. She carries her weapons with honor and pride and should she choose, she will display her body with the same pride.

Her style of dress reveals her past or lack thereof. Taurin does not wear lavish gowns or expensive jewellery. Her clothing has been fashioned from scraps of leather and burlap. She wears animal pelts when it is cold and armor when she enters battle. All her clothing tends to be of the same cut and make. All of it has been sewn by her hand and each and every piece seems to be fashioned not for style but for practicality. The cold has never bothered her and so she prefers the ease of movement over heavy layers. If there is one constant to the physical look of Taurin Snow it would be her brass cuffs. She liberated them from her first kill when she was nine and she wears them like a badge of honor.

Skills/Education: Taurin has minimal education. It has never been something that she has needed to know to survive. That said she has been taught the basics in her later years but things like etiquette and the History of the Seven Kingdoms are subjects that are always likely to be out of her grasp.

Taurin is skilled in other, more practical ways however. She is a keen hunter and tracker. Her knowledge of the wilderness is vast. Years of living in the elements has made her tough. Not a lot affects Taurin. In essence, Taurin is a survivor. She developed her own style of fighting at a young age but has since then been trained in many different forms of combat. She is skilled with a blade and a bow and arrow is often an extension of her arm but her strongest skills are her instincts and her raw power. Taurin can stand up to any man and then bathe in their blood.

Personality Description: Taurin is the rebel, the wild child, the woman without a past. Having been forced to survive and provide for herself from a very young age, Taurin is self-sufficient and resents help in any form. She prides herself in being strong as showing strength at times has been the only thing to keep her alive. Who took care of her as an infant is unknown. Taurin has no memories of this portion of her life. On occasion, she will dream of faces, fire and blood but trying to place the pieces of her scattered past together is like trying to turn mist back into water. It just can't be done.

Only speaking when feeling the need, as Taurin sees speech as just another way for people to lie to one another, the young woman chooses to prove herself through action. Despite what people assume and they assume very little of her, Taurin is actually rather intelligent. True, she cannot read nor write but she is highly observant and after years of watching people and being ignored at the same time, she has learned a thing or two about life. Her trust is hard won but once it is earned, she is loyal to possibly her own downfall. Taurin's trust goes hand in hand with her respect however. If she does not respect you, she will not trust you.

Savage in many ways, Taruin is more beast than Lady. She is wickedly strong and should you cross her or those she cares for, she will display her viciousness as well. She would never survive a life of Court but lucky for her, she doesn't have to. Taurin is deeply passionate which people often think is strange but it isn't really. When she finds something or someone that fills a need, she holds on. She's lost so much already and she never complains. It could be said that Taurin is a wild dog but really she is like any woman. She wants the same things, she simply has different values and ways of getting what she needs. Taurin may be wild but she isn't rabid.

Characters History: Nobody knows where she came from though it can be assumed that her Parents were Peasants under the Noble House of Bolton but this has never been confirmed. In fact, there is very little about Taurin's early years that can be confirmed. She remembers very little of her childhood. As a small child, she was known to spin tales and the tales always changed. To some, she would say that she was a lost Princess of Dorne and that her Family was coming across the ocean in great ships to take her home. To others, she would say that the Old God's left her in the care of Direwolves and she ran with them as the youngest but strongest of the Pack. The truth is less dramatic she is sure. She is more than likely just a girl who lost her Family.

What is known is that at the age of around seven, Taurin was found in the woods outside of The Dreafort. A Hunter had tracked her down after she had repeatedly stolen food from his traps. His Wife, an aging woman had lost her last Son earlier that year in battle and though she was old, she still had love to give. It took near a month however for Taurin to trust the Man enough to follow him out of the Woods and back to his home. Once there, the work began to tame the child. Taurin was wild but not a Wildling. She had the capability of speech but she chose not to. She had an understanding of how things worked though her table manners left something to be desired. She barely spoke and when she did it was often accompanied by a series of grunts or growls. The small girl had a habit of biting those who tried to touch her and she had a nasty bite. For a long time, she resisted all attempts to teach and change her. That was until she was forced to make a choice.

It didn't take long before news of the Wild Child reached the Lord of The Dreadfort. Taurin's substitute Mother was a Servant in his Household and the presence of such a wild little thing was not welcomed. At the age of eight, Taurin was given a choice by the Lord of The Dreadfort. She could either use her instincts and her raw aggressiveness to serve him and his House or he would throw her back out to the wolves and let Winter take her because he had no use for useless things. Intelligent enough to realize what was being offered and sensing the strength of a Man that she saw as an Alpha, Taurin chose to stay and be trained.

Years passed and Taurin was shaped and moulded into a warrior. She has grown up and though it seems that she will never loose her raw and wild edge, she has found a place to call Home. Taurin now fights for those she calls Family. She has little care for the Game of Thrones. Who takes power over this world as a whole is not her concern. Kings will bicker and squabble over power and Taurin will let them. She has no need for power. She needs very little in fact and what she needs, she has. Taurin is a Direwolf at heart and after years of being alone, she has finally found her pack.