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Welcome to We Built This Here (Mostly Free Form Adult Narrative)

14:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jesus Santiago

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 172lbs.
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Brown
Age: 58

Brief Biography: Jesus Santiago is the defacto founder of Truck Stop. This makes him the most influential person in the town. His word is law. Though hardly a dictator, Jesus takes advice from his most respected peers. Jesus has been many things in his life. He was a scavenger, a trader, a caravan guard, a mercenary, and a survivalist many times over. Throughout his life, Jesus has never settled down with a woman and children, but he has thought about it.

Jesus is usually found in the main Truck Stop building most every day until around noon. After that he could turn up anywhere. Highly respected, many people take to Jesus's leadership. But his closest confidants are Bruce Logan and Dr Cheng. Bruce has a large part of the Truck Stop building set up to be a store so there is no avoiding him, and Dr Cheng is a remarkably brilliant woman who both infuriates and infatuates him. In addition to being a good talker, Jesus is known to collect toy cars and plastic army men.

Description: Jesus is buff, and rather well cut, considering his age. He is just the right height to go with his body type. Jesus seems taller and more serious than he actually is, but it is just the way he looks. Jesus is a public figure and maintaining a clean appearance is a big deal to him. In the wasteland you can't always get perfectly well groomed or professional outfits for the occasion, but at least make the effort to be clean.


Attributes: 2
-Natural Leader: This guy looks like the boss. +1 rank on any skill check made to motivate or direct people.
-Trader: He has stuff. +1 rank on skill checks made to negotiate a deal.
Flaw-1,000 yard stare: Dude. You're creeping me out. Jesus always seems angry.
Bonus-Athletic: In better shape than most. +1 rank on any skill check made where being athletic is important.
First Wave Skills: 10
-Trading 6
-Diplomacy 6
-Marksmanship 5
-Running 4
-Outdoorsmanship 4
Second Wave Skills: 8
-Scavenging 3
-Weaponsmithing 3
-First Aid 2
Inventory: Machete, Gold necklace, Pack of Blacks, Pack of matches, Hand wipes, Bottle of rum, Hunting rifle, 20 bullets, 1000 caps, & Cowboy boots with spurs that go jingle-jangle-jingle

Sexual Content: Sure.
Parent: It would be funny.