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Welcome to Clashing of Heroes, Villains Unite... or do they?

23:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Acheron (Ash)

  Talk           :  (Purple  &  Serif) 
 Action     : (Goldenrod)
 Thoughts   : (Uncolored/Uncoloured).  {GM Request Do not change the Thought section.}
 Other      : (Gray) Most likely questions to GM or OOC'ish. & Spoil'ed too?
I like your idea JJ & RUR so I am borrowing it also.  If you prefer I didn't then I can remove it from my Description easily enough.

A 6'8" human male with a lean build he tends to stride rather then simply walk, his manner indicates he is very alert.

His deep dark eyes hint at the same color/colour of his Leathers which are the finest leather set/suit one has ever seen, even in the courts of Elven Society and beyond they are the color/colour of Raven Black right down to the deep blue glow in the flickering light, buckles of gleaming Silver'ish type metal adorns the suit.

His hair seems to glow in the light but is of a pale gold almost white color/colour with a single 2" wide strip of Raven Black on the right side all of it is tied back in a single plat and vanishes under the long cloak he usually wares which is of the same leather as the suit.  Which likewise is usually slung over both of his shoulders.  His skin is of a healthy golden tanned nearly a bronzed tone.  Across the back of both of his hands which are hanging by his side, there seems to be some black tattoo of some kind.  Strapped to the belt just above his hands, on his left hip sits a sheathed a Long Sword with a black hilt sporting a white symbol of some type.  On his right hip sits a Heavy Pick also sporting a black grip with once again a white symbol upon it.

His manner can be from calculating and cold if not distant.  Yet to that of Temped with those that have gained his respect, well that is what it is gossip says it to be.

Those that have heard him speak, swear that he has the voice of a Master Bard and is an elocutionist, of such a level that can cause those within the High Social Courts of Elvan Noble mayhap Royal settings to stop and listen to every word he speaks, yet he has the flair to be equally at ease conversing with equal respect in the courts of Dwarves, Ogres and even Giant company and have them likewise hang upon his every word also.

This character does tend to keep to themselves or in the background for the most part, unless forced into a more active position.

No he is not a Rogue or anything like that, he simply does not like too much attention but will not necessarily back down from combat.