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21:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Blacklight was created for the game "They Might Be Random" which had a bunch of house rules, which is why his character sheet is a little squirrelly.

Character Name: Blacklight Secret ID: Bruce Lightey

Level: 1
XP: 0
Training: Spell

STR: 14
END: 14
INT: 10
AGI: 16 (32)
CHA: 10

Description5'10" tall, with glowing golden skin,
  and eyes that seem to change color in different light.

Weight: 160
Basic Hits: 4
Hit Points: 19
Power: 70
Healing Rate: 1.2

Physical Accuracy: +5
Mental Accuracy: +0
Damage Modifier: +4
Detections: Hidden: 8%  /  Danger: 12%
Reaction Modifiers: -/-
Idea Points: 1

Carrying Capacity: 332lbs
Basic HTH Damage: 1d6
Movement Rates: 64" per turn

Powers (8):

Heightened Agility: +16

Willpower (Type A)

Invisibility: 1 action to become invisible, PR=1 per hour.
   +1 to hit, -1 to be hit (cumulative with each round Blacklight goes undetected)

Paralysis Ray: R= 28 (Ex2), successes renders target unconscious, PR= 7.
   At shorter ranges, Blacklight can project a quick burst of lights right in front of the eyes of a target in such a pattern
    that it causes targets mind to shut down, rendering them unconscious.

Light Control: R= 64 (Ax2), Dam= 2d8, PR= 1 per shot.
   Blinding Flash Radius= 64 (Ax2), PR=1.

Magical Spells: Level 1: Pure Light- Blacklight can transform his body into pure light particles, becoming essentially Non-Corporeal.
   This takes one action to activate, PR=4 per hour.


   Bruce was an orphaned child.

   He had the soft burnt sienna skin of a child of mixed racial heritage,
and as a result was never truly sure of what, or who he was.
His true race was a great unknown- his almond shaped, hazel-blue eyes,
long, heavy eyelashes, and loose, curly hair didn't make him more attractive, only more alien-
at least that is how the parade of potential parents seemed to see him.
He was athletic, but when it came time to pick teams, the other children still picked him last.

   Adults often tried to avoid him, his social status visible on his jacket, his shoes, his face.
Bruce wasn't difficult to ignore either, he was quiet, poor, shy, and often scarred.

   There was only one teacher at the Orphanage that would encourage him to be something more, to be great.
"Let your light shine, Bruce." Mrs. Johnson would say, "I see it in you.  Let it shine!"
It was the only time he felt seen.

   The rest of the time, he felt largely invisible.

   But over time, his sadness and fear solidified into a single mindedness of purpose.
Bruce was never the brightest student in the class room, but he became staunchly determined, even stubborn.
He was simply determined to outwork everyone, and he developed the ability to ignore distractions-
both physical and mental- so that he could achieve the goals that he set for himself.

   When Bruce reached puberty (still without having been adopted), changes began to occur.
He would be found sitting in direct sunlight for hours without any change to his skin color,
and his skin began to take on an almost luminous hue, visible profoundly at night.

   Then one day, during a schoolyard fight that Bruce actually won, as he stood over his fallen opponent, shaking with emotion-
Bruce winked out of sight.

Disappeared, vanished.

He then suddenly reappeared in a blinding flash so bright that it caused everyone watching in the immediate vicinity temporary blindness.

   Something about the confrontation had caused all of the feelings that Bruce had about himself
to be transformed from metaphorical abstractions into supernatural abilities.
His invisibility, his willfulness, they were all synthesized into tangible powers, able to be turned on and off.

   But most of all, in that moment of victory and shame, Bruce was finally able to find a way to let his light shine.

   He could let it shine painfully bright, or simply allow it to light up a room.
He could concuss a target with it, blind everyone in the immediate vicinity, or shine a spotlight on a beautiful woman walking down the street.
As Bruce became more comfortable with his new talents, he became more comfortable with himself.
He decided to protect and help those who feel as Bruce has felt- alone, helpless, victimized.

   Bruce adopted the mantle "Blacklight," and decided he would attempt to fight injustice, crime and inequality,
shining a spotlight on them in whatever dark shadows they attempted to hide within.

   In beginning the journey, Blacklight has only just scratched the surface of what his light can do when it is truly allowed to shine...

Visual Mock-Up