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Welcome to Mage 2054 (oWoD)

12:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dark Angel

PSYCHICAL DESCRIPTION: Jezebeth's measurements are 36", 24", 36"; these are easily seen due to the skin tight bodysuit she wears; it leaves next to nothing to the imagination, which according to the gleam in her eyes is exactly what she wants. Her skin is the white of fine china, while the orbs from which she views the universe are ice blue ponds found on white islands in the middle of twin black lakes. Her hair is beyond black, so deep and dark as those it were formed from the deepest recesses of the Umbra Itself. If clippings were left over, then these were turned into the nails that dot the end of perfect and beautiful fingers. There is a symbol of some sort on her forehead, and what it means depends on what mood she's in when you ask. Jezebeth has drunk deeply, freely, and often of the perversions, sickness, wickedness, and evil in the Human Soul, her lips forever stained as evidence to this fact.

HISTORY: When the Ancient Greeks buried a loved one, two coins were placed upon the eyes of the dead. It was believed that the afterlife lay on the other side of a river, and the only way across was by way of a boat. The Ferryman would not work for free however, and required payment in the form of two coins. For the Ancient Greeks believed in a concept older than themselves, older than Humanity, as old as the Worm, Weaver and Wilde Themselves in truth; that nothing is free, not even Death.

We are told as children that anything is possible, and a simple look around at all we can experience even in a given moment proves this to be true. However there are those who cannot achieve what they wish on their own, or are simply too impatient to take the long way around. This is no problem, for there exist plenty of beings who can provide whatever you desire. As long as you can meet their price, of course.

In the 1930s there was a woman named Carla Withers, born of mage parents but devoid of any special or supernatural talents; she was not a Hunter, Mage, or so forth. She was jealous about this, and dedicated her life to using science as obtaining what she believed should have been rightfully hers.

Her experiments were dangerous, resulting in damage and even injuring herself and others if even to minor degrees multiple times. Carla refused to give up, and continued on in her quest. One attempt she made was to build a gateway into the Umbra, to create a bridge that would allow anyone who wished to enter. It actually worked and she entered, but the device malfunctioned seconds later sealing her on the other side.

A creature found her, and offered to be her guide; it promised her all manner of wonderful things, experiences and knowledge most humans could never imagine. Carla agreed, and began a journey no one was aware of as she was assumed dead in the aftermath of the explosion that destroyed her lab.

The Being she was with took her from layer to layer, into the Deep Umbra itself. Carla's mind struggled to understand all she saw and experienced, something that might have broken her; however, she chose to reject everything she ever knew or was taught, and hungerly exposed herself to all she could in the places she went. She was constantly asking for more, in truth became addicted to it as if such were a hardcore drug.

Once it figured her ready, the creature told her it wanted to make her it's bride, and take her back to its own home realm. Carla readily agreed to this, and she willingly entered a Caul. It was her she allowed the being to use her body, and she entered a Qlippah pregnant.

When Carla was due to give Birth, she felt drawn back to the Caul exposing both herself and her daughter to it a second time. Her child was half spirit and half human, but thanks to the Qlippah not following the same rules as the Universe Carla left far behind she was a Mage as well.

This offspring decided to travel around the Qlippoth as a whole, seeing what there was to see' crossing from one to another required the use of a Caul, or Hellish Gateway, which she had no problems with. In fact her time in the different Qlippahs grew shorter and shorter while the time it took her to cross into them increased.

Finally she gave up the pretense altogether, and permanently stayed in a Caul; she never married persay, but she willing gave her body to various beings that passed through and even the creatures that dwelled in the Caul as their home realm.

She had a number of children, some were taken by their fathers and others lived in the Caul with her until they were old enough to decide if they wanted to stay or leave. Some remained with her, others went to explore the Umbra, and still more decided to check out the Qlippoth for themselves. And, there were even a few who managed to find their way back to their grandmother's home realm.

Just like their mother, these children were mages. They freely used their magics too to entertain themselves, not feeling any connection to their human part. Two or three came up with the idea to learn about horrid disasters that befell Humanity, then used time magic to go back and actually caused them themselves. This had no effect on the mages themselves, in fact they made themselves part of history itself and the Universe removing them from existence would have destroyed events set in Time itself.

The third generation found lovers and mates in the Caul, Deep Umbra, Qlippoth, and other places unpronounceable by the human tongue. Some of their children came to the Universe of Man too, and those interested in time magic had great fun taking on the roles of various individuals; Morgana Le Fay and Merlin, as a couple of examples. They fucked with Man since its conception, making sure to only operate within the boundaries of what had already occurred so they could not be touched for their antics.

They of course had children, and so on.

One descendant of Carla's was, as a baby, sold off as a Slave. This child swapped hands numerous times, eventually ending up in Hell. Her owner was a demon, the exact name could be given but as the generalization of them is true for all I digress.

He thought to torment, torture, and break her, but to his surprise she was fine with all the evils he commanded her to watch and even perform on others. He became so pleased with her, that he treated her more like a favored pet than a slave. She was allowed to sleep in his chambers, and she was not shy about her desire for his body. She progressed from Pet to Concubine, and happily performed evil and depraved acts of torture and worse while obviously pregnant with his seed.

His slave born him a healthy girl, and he poured virgin blood on her in a perversion of a Christening while giving her the name Jezebeth; she was named after one of her Aunts, a demoness who deceives people with her falsehoods. She preys on enraged and weak human and adds fire to the flame when they give in to their frustration.

Jezebeth was raised by her immediate and extended family, every sick and twisted deed she performed was met with adoration and praise. She was always trying to invent more wicked things to do, her imagination impressing even the demons themselves. She especially loved twisted and wrenching souls with unspeakable acts, until they shattered and broke past any hope of redemption.

Once the soul was corrupted and forever stained by these acts, it was released from Hell to be reborn as a Nephandi; in this sense was the 'mother' of numerous Nephandi.

Jezebeth had great fun, and when she was considered ready her father gave her a ship; it was bits and pieces of the most horrid and vile machines created by the coldest hearts in all of time. He also loaded it with gold, as such was plentiful in Hell; it was a soft metal, useless for anything. However long ago in ancient times it had been introduced to humans, who had fought and killed, even waged wars over it.

She first visited a Caul and took a vacation there, before entering the Qlippoth beyond. She traveled about for a while, learning how to use her Spheres. When she was done with that, she returned to Hell to visit her Family again. Then, ready for plenty of Devilish fun, she entered another Caul and passed through into the Mortal Realm. She brought with her a thousand score creatures forged of living Nightmare itself, leaving Cerberus to deal with them while she herself easily escaped into open space beyond the fortress.

Jezebeth does not age the same as a human, and has gone by many names; sometimes she comes up with them herself, other times she drops hints so others will make a wrong assumption, and still more she just lets people make one up for her. A common misconception is she's the Goddess Discord, something she has never denied but never out and out said either; she figured allowing others to make the mistake without claiming herself as the Goddess would have her from any reprimand, and as Discord is Herself a Goddess of Chaos She to date seems either fine or at least impartial to it.

Jezebeth has magic, wealth, an evil heart, and has used all of these in great abundance to fuck with the universe at large. She loves fueling egos, putting very dangerous guns in the hands of inept people, and tricking the losers in life into thinking they're really winners and are owed everything. She winds people up like little toys, watching the death, chaos and destruction they do until they break.

Jezebeth is an evil sadist, she knows and loves this about herself. She doesn't want to be different, and if anyone tries to change her she'll play along only to fuck them over at some point. She cruel, self centered, and knows that if her physical form in ever destroyed she'll simply go back home to Hell.

One of Jezebeth's projects was to take a stupid man with visions of grandeur, feed his once great but unfounded ego, then give him means to achieve his dreams; she gave him a body enhanced by many cybernetics, and an armory that could have equipped a squad for war.

She did NOT, however, give him the capability to reach his goals; he was a wanna be, a sad pathetic idiot who didn't realise he had no hopes of becoming what he envisioned himself as.

Initially she was pleased with her handiwork; he set off an explosion in a crowded section of a space station, injured a Marine Corp. veteran, killed numerous cops, and destroyed the entire lower docking bay of said station. Unfortunately his destructive actions and decisions ended there, as those around him kept her puppet in check...

...She might need to check in on him.