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Welcome to VnV: A Balance of Powers

02:37, 13th May 2024 (GMT+0)


Character Name:  SUNPHOENIX
Secret ID:  'Lance Corporal' Lance Brighton

Level: 3
XP: 5,980
Training:  [4th] Powers: Flame Powers - "Ignite" special attack enhancement
- {2nd} +1 END; {3rd} +1 STR

Gender:  Male       Height:  6'2"       Age:  22

Description:  Black American with Amber colored eyes and bright red
flowing hair, Costume - Red & White Body suit with flame patterns and Phoenix
emblem off-cent left of chest, flowing red cloak.

STR: [14]15 {sv: 12-}  END: [17]18 {sv: 13-}
AGI: 15{16 flight} {sv: 12-}  INT: '’10’' {sv: 10-}
CHA: [11]13 {sv: 11-}

Weight:  210lbs         Basic Hits:  5

Hit Point Modifier: (1.6 'S')x(2.2 'E')x(1.4 'A')x(1 'I')= 4.928
Hit Points:   [16/21] 25        Power[PR]:  [55/56] 58{59 flight}
Healing Rate:  2.5

Physical Accuracy:   +2     Mental Accuracy:  +0
Damage Modifier:  +1

Reaction Modifiers:  {good} +1 / {evil} -1 / {neutral} -1

Detect Danger/Hidden:  [12%/8%] 14%/10%

Inventing Points:  '3' [1 unspent]
Inventing Percentage:  '30%'

Carrying Capacity [3.375 x 1.8 x 105]:  637.875lbs
Basic HTH Damage:  1d8
Movement Rates:  {Ground} 48"{49" flight}, {Flame Power-Flight}
216" {Fire Wings: 254.55" [57.8mph]}
- BASE Jump = {30'ft} 6"
< Running Jump: 4.2", Standing Jump: 3"{Run 1/2 1st},
Vertical Jump: 1.8"{2.7" w/run} >

1# Powers- Adaption = As Defense PR=1/attack, Environment PR=1/hour
{DEF: ChmPw 0-, FlmPw 0-, GrvCon 0-, IcePw 0-, LighCon 0-, LgtnCon 0-, MagPw 0-,
PwBls 11-, SonAb 0-, VibPw 0-}

2# Skills- Heightened Expertise {Group of Weapons - Super Powers} = +4 hit

3# Skills- Willpower (A) = Control Body, As Defense, PR=1/turn
{DEF: EmoCon 0-, FF 12-, GrvCon 5-, HtH 0-, IcePw 10-, LighCon 7-, MndCon 0-,
ParaRy 6-, PwBls 14-, SonAb 8-, Tran 5-, VibPw 8-}

4# Powers- Flame Power {Burst Into Flame} = Auto Flame Defense,
Fly 49 mph, Flame Attack {Ra: 31", DM: 1d12 or 2d6}
- PR=3 Activate, PR=2 per attack, PR=1/per 1hr flight
BASE: 15-[17-]{19-[21-]} {DEF: ChmPw 9-, HtH 1-, IcPw 0-, PwBls 11-}

5# Magic/Psionic Item- Animated Servant A {Power DROPPED}
6# Skills- Natural Weaponry / Magic/Psionics- Telekinesis
{Weakness  DROPPED}

Mute {Weakness DROPPED}

Knowledge Area:
{Picked} Transportation (Auto-Mechanic: Trucking)
{Picked} Military: Marines, Rank-Lance Corporal

Job Income[Age x Int x Chr]: {Full time} [$21,780] $28,600 'Annually' /
 {Saved 10%} [9%/ $1,960] $2,860

Invention Rolls -
{Power STUNT} Heightened Expertise: Spirit of the Resplendent PHOENIX
- Sun Phoenix's dreams are still haunted by the spirit of the Phoenix... but now
 it is more of a spirit guide and protector.
- For the Cost of 10" of Movement Sun Phoenix can call upon the spirit of the
Phoenix to apply his Heightened Expertise to ALL his Unarmed Hand to Hand
Attacks as he seems to instinctively know Mastery of 'Phoenix Eye Kung Fu'
{Unarmed, Martial Arts-Phoenix Eye Kung Fu}
Hand to Hand - BASE: 6-[8-]{10-[12-]}
+ 'Searing Strike' = HTH (12-) 1d8+1{Carrier Attack (21-) 1d12+1 or 2d6+1'fire'}

{Power BOOST (manipulation)} "Fire Wings" Wings-Device: +1 AGL{flight only},
A{16} x Move/3 [{49"} 16.33"]/2, <261">/2 = 130.66";
Add{1/3rd} to his flight speed +43.55" or 254.55" {57.8mph}]
- Cost PR=2/hour
- Sun Phoenix would like to have his costume modified with special ports on his back, legs and shoulders
that allow him to focus his flame powers from his 'burst into flames' to increase his flight speed and increase his flight agility.

Kevlar Weave Costume 'Bulletproof Vest' = Roll w/Blow to PR
{2x bullet dam}, {1.5x kinetic att. dam}, and {+1point non-kinetic dam)
{.45 Colt 1911} Pistol w/Silencer = +3Acc, Dmg: 1d8, Ra[Ax6]: 90", 7shots
2x Case XX Boot Knives = +1Acc, HTH+1d2

EXP Log:
+ 2230 xp - Antarctic Base Assault [5,980xp / 3rd Lvl, +2 Charisma]
3750 xp (starting exp) [2nd Lvl]
+ 1750 xp - Egypt Mission
+ 850 xp - base defense
+ 940 xp - mission 1
+ 210 xp - early banter

Born on September 21, 1941 during a total eclipse in China, near Nanjing.
Lance's father was a security guard for the American Chinese foreign correspondent
on Nanjing during the Japanese continued invasion and aggression in mainland
china.  The corespondent was trying to gain evidence of Japanese atrocities in
their Imperialist expansion to garner favor home in America for Roosevelt to
justify American involvement in the conflict.  But in the besieged city there
was no place safe and he was being recalled out of harms way.  Lance's
father Thomas Brighton saw too the 'Corespondant's' {the official US
policy was that no diplomats had been sent as China was also going through its
own civil war between the Nationalist and the Communist Rebels.. so as not seem
to support either side in a conflict US wanted no part of}.  Thomas was unable
to get him and his pregnant wife Marlene Brighton-Ross out of the city as
Japanese forces started a shelling campaign that cut off escape through the
ports.  The stress of it all forced Marlene to go into labor and they were
forced to take shelter in a shrine of monks hoping to avoid the destruction and
the attacking Japanese troops.  The Shrine of the Resplendent Phoenix.
Thomas risked his life to lead away the searching Japanese troopers who were
looting china-relics and killing monks as agitators and conspirators showing
much bravery and self-sacrifice for strangers.  The monks protected and hid
Thomas and Marlene in the secret chambers beneath their shrine where their
most precious relics were stored.. for they were preparing for a grand
ceremony on this particular day~ a total solar eclipse... one that would grant
the blessing of the sun on the adherents.

Lance was born during the eclipse and the monks blessed the child as a
gift for heaven.  Whether this had any real effect or not is a matter of

All that is known is that as Lance grew up he was an especially healthy and
durable child... never sick even once!  His hair was an odd coloring as well a
light auburn and his eyes hazel... a trait neither of his parents shared.

Lances parent's returned to the states and he grew up in New York. He had a
mostly normal childhood growing up in the racial tensions of the era.  A fact
which lead to the untimely death of his parents when he was only age 12.. a
car crash instigated by rioting anti-civil rights activists, in the Peekskill
riots, in Westchester County, New York, where his parents were visiting family
friends. Lance survived the crash.. miraculously unharmed but not his parents.

It is then his Grandpa Ross took him in and he lived with him in
Washington DC.  Lance was bitter and angry at all 'white's that took his parents
away.. but Grandpa Ross sat him down and explained to him that not all people
were like that and that hating the many for the terrible actions of the few
was wrong.  It was from this humble beginning that his Grandpa Ross... a
War War II veteran himself instilled a strong sense of Truth, Justice, and
Equality in the young Lance.

When Lance turned 16 his life changed completely... his mutant powers erupted.
He had gotten a ..what was thought a severe infection of pink-eye and a
abnormally high fever... though he showed no other signs associated with the
sickness.  His grandpa was not rich so seeing a professional doctor expert was
beyond means.  Lance had vivid disturbing dreams of a bird of cosmic flames
chasing him ... he did not reveal this to his grandpa though for fear he would
think him crazy.

Then one night Lance awoke ... his bed on fire.. and his room almost engulfed
in flames!  He screamed realizing he was on fire himself!  Grandpa Ross arrived
and with a fire extinguisher manged to put out the flames but not before burning
his own hands badly as he dragged Lance for the room.  But once the flames had
been put out a miraculous change had occurred in Lance himself...  his hair was
now a flowing bright red and his hazel eyes were a vibrant amber hue... whats
more.. he could now emit flames from his body at will!

Grandpa Ross was clearly astounded and with his own military trained made sure
Lance learned to control his new-found powers and not fear them, teaching him
that with great power came great responsibility to use that power for justice
and truth!  Lance continued to have the dreams of the bird of flames... and
eventually told his grandpa about them.  He told Lance that his powers were a
gift.. and that he was meant to great things with them.  Taking inspiration
from his Grandpa.. Lance took up superheroing under the hero name - SUN PHOENIX.

About three years later his grandpa passed away.. and was given a soldier's
funeral in Arlington Cemetery.  It was then that Lance decided to continue in
his family's tradition of service, leaving his job as an auto-mechanic to join
the military applying to the Marines.  Lance volunteered to be a Government
sponsored superhero.. joining S.M.I.T.E a year latter.  He regularly visits
his Grandpa Ross' grave 4 times a year to pay his respects to his hero and