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Welcome to Music of the Spheres

19:51, 1st May 2024 (GMT+0)

Xing Yi

Xing Yi is the Ship's Doctor. She originally arrived to 'tend to the captain', but has accepted the position. She looks to be a Human Nagaji hybrid which makes her rather unique. There are many that claim those races are incompatible.

Xing Yi is a competent doctor, and an adequate combat healer. She has been observed to take other people's wounds onto herself, although only in actual battle when she was also seen to channel positive energy and cast a handful of healing spells. No one has seen her strike a blow in anger, although she can be found for at least an hour a day on the ship's deck practicing various 'forms': Stylised movements which she claims have a significant health benefit.

She is noted for being observant, and as knowledgeable on many subjects as a bard. She takes a particular interest in 'species recognition' and has a number of scrolls on the anatomy of such creatures in her room.

At 5'9" she is tall for both species that produced her, and quite pretty in an unusual way: as soon as you get over the scales. She appears to be more at home in the rigging than most of the spacehands.