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14:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sephtis the Defiler

Name: Sephtis the Defiler
Height: 6'4" Weight: 175 lbs Age: 38 SM: 0
Appearance: A skinny bald humanoid with sharp teeth and a generally disturbing air about him.

Attributes - [236]
ST: 12* [0] HP: 15 [6]
DX: 14 [80] WILL: 16 [0]
IQ: 16 [120] PER: 16 [0]
HT: 14* [20] FP: 14 [0]

Energy Reserve: 20
Basic Lift: 29
Damage: Thr 1d6+1; Sw 2d6+2
Basic Speed: 7* [10]
Basic Move: 6 [0]
Encumbrance: Traveling - Light (51lbs); Combat -  None (29lbs)

Damage Resistance: 10
Dodge: 11
Parry: 15
Languages: Common (Fluent/Literate) [0], Corpse-Eater (Fluent/Literate) [0]
TL: 3 [0]
Cultural Familiarity: Corpse Eater [0]

Advantages - [283]
Corpse-Eater [27]
-ST+2 [20]
-HT+2 [20]
-Basic Speed -0.5 [-10]
-Immunity to Disease [10]
-Night Vision 9 [9]
-Reduced Consumption 4 (Cast-Iron Stomach, -50%) [4]
-Silence 1 [5]
-Teeth (Sharp) [1]
-Brotherhood of Ghouls [1]
-Appearance (Ugly) [-8]
-Restricted Diet (Flesh of other sapient beings, fresh or not-so-fresh; Very Common) [-10]
-Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]
Unusual Background (Student of multiple arts) [10]
Deathliness 6 (Gray Necromancy) [60]
-Power Investiture 6 (Holy) [12]
Spirit Empathy (Specialized, Ghosts, -50%) [5]
Blade's Arm [52]
-Arm ST 4 (Single arm; Necromancy, -10%) [11]
-Arm DX 4 (Single arm; Necromancy, -10%) [44]
-Damage Resistance 2 (Necromancy, -10%; Partial, Arm, -40%) [5]
-Dead Arm [1]
-One Arm (Mitigatior, Necromancy, -70%) [-6]
-Unnatural Features [-1]
Unusual Background (Versatile Energy Reserve) [5]
Energy Reserve 20 [60]
-Energy Reserve 20 (Holy) [12]
Clerical Investment [5]
Weapon Master (Saber) [20]
Unfazeable [15]
Animate Dead [12]

Perks - [3]
Psychic Guidance (Deathbolt) [1]
Psychic Guidance (Throw Spell) [1]
Lesser Lichdom [1]

Disadvantages - [-60]
Callous [-5]
Frightens Animals [-10]
Loner (12) [-5]
No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]
Supernatural Features (Pallor) [-10]
Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) [-5]
Obsession (Become the world's most powerful necromancer) [-10]
Vow (Support and protect cult against all who oppose it) [-10]

Quirks - [-5]
Broad-minded [-1]
Careful [-1]
Likes: Undead [-1]
Staid [-1]
Trademark: Creepy smile [-1]

Skills - [63]
Expert Skill (Thanatology) (H) IQ-1 [2] - 15
Hidden Lore (Undead) (A) IQ-1 [1] - 15
Occultism (A) IQ-1 [1] - 15
Stealth (A) DX+1 [4] - 15
Research (A) IQ-1 [1] - 15
Search (A) Per-1 [1] - 15
Exorcism (H) Will [4] - 16
Saber (A) DX+5 [20] - 24*
-Targeted Attack (Swing/Neck) (H) Saber-2 [4] - 22
-Targeted Attack (Thrust/Eye) (H) Saber-4 [6] - 20
Fast Draw Saber (E) DX [1] - 18
Throwing (A) DX [2] - 14
Hiking (A) HT-1 [1] - 13
Gesture (E) IQ [1] - 16
Hidden Lore (Spirits) (A) IQ-1 [1] - 15
First Aid (E) IQ [1] - 16
Poisons (H) IQ-2 [1] - 14
Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1] - 15
Observation (A) Per-1 [1] - 15
Fast Draw (Potion) (E) DX [1] - 14
Seamanship (E) IQ [1] - 16
Swimming (E) HT [1] - 14
Climbing (A) DX-1 [1] - 13
Professional Skill (Mortician) (A) IQ-1 [1] - 15
Meditation (H) Will-2 [1] - 14
Religious Ritual (H) IQ-2 [1] - 14
Theology (H) IQ-2 [1] - 14
Hidden Lore (Demons) (A) IQ-1 [1] - 15

* +1 from Balanced

Necromantic Spells - [20]
Steal Energy (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Steal Vitality (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Itch (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Spasm (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Pain (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Stun (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Choke (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Clumsiness (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Hinder (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Skull-Spirit (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Animate Shadow (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Body of Shadow (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Paralyze Limb (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Total Paralysis (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Deathtouch (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Deathbolt (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Materialize (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Solidify (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Throw Spell (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Fear (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20

Shared Spells - [22]
Lend Energy (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Recover Energy (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Lend Vitality (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Minor Healing (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Major Healing (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Death Vision (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Summon Spirit (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Sense Spirit (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Turn Spirit (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Command Spirit (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Wither Limb (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Rotting Death (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Affect Spirits (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Zombie (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Turn Zombie (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Curse (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Detect Magic (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Terror (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Decay (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Control Zombie (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20

Clerical Spells - [26]
Armor (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Awaken (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Command (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Dark Vision (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Shield (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Truthsayer (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Vigil (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Bless (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Gift of Letters (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Gift of Tongues (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Mass Zombie (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Suspend Mana (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Great Healing (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Icy Weapon (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Sanctuary (VH) IQ+4 [2] - 20
Glow (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Neutralize Poison (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Wisdom (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20
Resist Cold (H) IQ+4 [1] - 20

Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [236],
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarity [288],
Disadvantages/Quirks [-65],
Skills/Techniques [73]
Spells [68]
Unspent Points [0]
Total [600]

Weapons -

Fine Balanced Dragonbone Saber [Torso] Damage: Sw cut or Thr+1 imp, Reach: 1, Parry: 0F, ST: 8 Cost: $25,900, Weight: 2lbs.
-Penetrating Weapon (Armor Divisor 2), $5000
Repeating Pistol Crossbow [Torso] Damage: thr imp ACC: 1 Range: x5/x10 Weight: 5/0.36 RoF:1 Shots: 6(3i) Cost: $400 ST: 8 Bulk: -4
-Crossbow Sight [Crossbow] $100, 1lb
-Crossbow Sling [Crossbow] $200, 2lbs

Apparel -
Ordinary Clothing [Torso, Arms, Legs] $0, 2lbs $0
Necklace of Nergal (+3 to Resist Death Effects) $???, neg.
Fine Spider Silk Cloth Armor [Skull, Neck, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Feet] DR 2, 4.9lbs, $16,350
Fine Dragonhide Leather Armor [Skull, Neck, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, Feet] DR 6, 7.3lbs, $23,460
-Lighten 2 (-50% weight), $10,000
-Fortify 2 (+2 DR) $4,000
-Deflect 2 (+2 DB) $10,000
Potion Belt $60, 1 lb
- Paut (x2) [Potion Belt] $270, 1lb
- Major Healing Potion (x2) [Potion Belt] $700, 1lb
- Sleep Potion [Potion Belt] $500, 1lb
- Magebane [Potion Belt] $1400, 1lb

Quick Release Pack $300, 3 lbs
- Personal Basics $5, 1 lb
- Blanket $20, 4 lbs
- Canteen $10, 3 lbs
- Necromantic Preservative (8, p. 24) $110, 1 lb.
- Salt ×16 (8, p. 11) $240, 1 lb.
--Garlic ×6 (1, p. 28) $30, 1.5 lb
-Holy Water ×2 (1, p. 26) $15, 2 lbs
Hip Quiver [Torso] Holds up to 20 bolts. $15, 1 lb.
-20 bolts $40, 2lbs
- $1300