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Welcome to No Guts, No Galaxy.

14:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Virginia Sainze

Virginia "Ginny" Hanae Sainze

Age:  23
Height:  170 cm
Weight:  61 kg.
Hair:  Brown-Black
Eyes:  Blue

  Appearance:  Ginny is attractive, with a ready smile and clear blue eyes.  She has dark brown, almost black hair and the strong build of someone who does physical labor all day, but it only serves to emphasize her curves.  She is obviously of predominantly Oriental descent, but there are other ethnic blends at play in her features as well, resulting in a pleasing melange of facial features.  She generally wears either the jumpsuit common to most techs or overalls and a wife-beater t-shirt and is usually covered with sweat, grease and grime when on the job.

Personality:  Ginny was a street orphan adopted into the Star Guards as an astech when she was 15.  She very much considers the Star Guard as her family and gets along well with the majority of the members of the unit that she interacts with.  She's competent and focused on her work when on the job, but a hell-raiser who can be found dancing at the local clubs when she's off.  However, that carousing doesn't include drinking or drugs, which she adamantly refuses to use or even try, becoming angry if pressured.  Before joining the Shadow Cats, she was erratic at best in following an exercise regimen, but she has since begun to follow a much more regular exercise schedule.  Due to an accident working on a PPC capacitor years ago, she has partial hearing loss in her right ear and has an unconscious tendency to turn her head slightly to the left when talking to someone so as to get her "good ear" on them.  Although the hearing loss has since been corrected with a prosthetic, she still retains the habit.