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Welcome to Magical Mysteries (HP World RPG)

21:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cecilia Silverscale

Name: Cecilia Silverscale
Age: 22

Type of wand core, length, and wood: Hawthorne and Pegasus Wing Feather, 12 and a quarter inches.
Full blooded, One eighth Merfolk
Strengths: Charms, Occulemency, Potionmaking
Weaknesses: Transfiguration, Divination, Herbology

Appearance: Tall, Long golden blonde hair, Tanned skin from being out in the sun a bit too much.
Personality: Smart, Clever, Well-rounded but Prideful.
History: Cecilia was born to her mother, one fourth merfolk and grew up learning about her ancestry. Her great great grandfather had fallen in love with a mermaid, and built a large house near the lake which she resided in. She was his muse, and he, her confidant. Over time they grew to share more than just secrets, and children were born, thus, the Silverscale family was born.

Hobbies: Practicing Charm Magic, Swimming, and Playing music and singing on a lyre.
Merits: Cecilia is Kind, Clever, and wise, but prideful.
Flaws: She is Jealous of those who can outspell her outside her Charms specialty, and can be a bit of a Crybaby at times if she's picked on too much or if she has a lot to deal with emotionally. If someone pushes her far enough she's likely to retaliate, most likely with an offensive Charm spell. ( Such as the Confundus Charm )

Sexuality: Cecilia prefers Female company but will not tolerate any interference when she's attempting to practice Charms or one of her other hobbies.

More information on her early years:

Upon reaching the age of six she displayed an innate measure of magical talent, after having fallen into the lake near her home while out playing before learning to swim out of fear she manifested the effects of a bubble-head charm, managing to stay underwater until she was assisted and brought to safety.

When she was the age of nine she spent most of her time in the lake near her home, conversing with the merfolk that lived in the lake, expanding her knowledge of Mermish, the language of the merpeople. It was also around this time that she discovered singing and swimming as two of her leisurely activities. She also learned that attempting to speak Mermish outside of water was ill-advised and sounded much like a screech owl.

At the Age of 11 she was sent the letter from Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, went with her mother to procure the supplies necessary to begin her school year, and counted the days studying Miranda Goshawk's Standard Book of spells Year 1, and Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger until she departed from Platform 9 and three-quarters for Hogwarts.

During the ride to the front of the castle in the boats someone stuffed a frog down her neighbors robes, who flailed in surprise and pushed her out of the boat, causing her to enter the sorting ceremony rather soggily until one of the professors used the Hot-Air charm to dry her off. The Sorting hat sang its song, she smiled a little and relaxed having got over her previous anxiety. After most of the students were called and they reached her last name, Silverscale, she walked onto the stage, sat on the stool, and pulled on the Sorting hat, covering her eyes with the floppy magical chapeau.

During the sorting the hat looked into her head, her fears, her sadness and happiness, her hobbies, the things she enjoyed. The hat expressed that there was no shortage of courage in the face of dangers that she had faced a few years prior, but there was also a desire to prove herself, and a well developed mind. After a minute or so of deliberation, the hat sorted her into the house where wisdom and wit were paramount. After the ceremony she walked over to the table and joined the table, feeling rather shy despite all of the excitement. She had a bit of Chocolate pudding, a turkey sandwich, and some potato soup before the headmaster gave her speech and sent them off to their common rooms.

After watching the prefect skip the phantom step and replicating his movement they arrived at the tower, where the prefect explained the way to enter the tower. The students were then given the opportunity to answer a riddle, and they entered the common room together as a group, the eagle knocker swinging open upon their correct answer being acknowledged.

Inside there were two spiral staircases, each leading to a different genders dormitory, as well as a large common room full of furniture, including sitting couches, comfortable chairs, and a large statue of Rowlena Ravenclaw herself, set in front of an alcove filled with books of every kind. Moving pictures adorned the walls of prior Ravenclaw students, each more than willing to share their opinions to any who would take the time to speak to them, provided they weren't reading at the time.

Cecilia grabbed a book off of the shelf, one "Achievements in Charming" and carried it off to her four-poster in the female section of the dormitory, about halfway up the staircase. Before sleeping she read through some of the book, and fell asleep with the book open a few hours after reading it.

During her first year she delved into Charms, finding the subject and the array of things that Charm magic could accomplish most expansive, having much trouble in her Transfiguration studies due to her unchanging personality. Though her knowledge proved to be a boon when she entered her potions classes. Its a shame the knowledge of ingredients didn't carry over to the actual physical harvesting of said ingredients, which she failed at abysmally.

Prior to the Christmas feast she snuck into the grand hall used a casting of the Color Change Charm to change the Slytherin table to a fluorescent pink color in preparation for the parties eventual beginning. To escape, she attempted a disillusionment charm that failed and ended up turning her translucent, having to pay the school nurse a trip to have the charm removed, missing part of the feast due to the mistake. She did make a mental note to practice the charm later however.

Cecilia in her Nightclothes-

Cecilia's Bikini-

Cecilia's Favorite Panties-