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Welcome to Northport

18:37, 13th May 2024 (GMT+0)


Created as slaves by mindwarpers in some forgotten
epoch, these shapeless masses of glowing, iridescent slime
are 15’ in diameter. Since their creation, some have rebelled
and are driven by a fanatical hatred of anything that uses
psionics. Others still serve loyally.
They’re capable of forming limbs and organs to suit specific
purposes. In combat, they typically form a few pseudopods
for strikes and grapples, as well as myriad eyes facing
all directions.
Chaos oozes are among the Elder Things’ most terrible
creations and are nearly unstoppable engines of destruction.
Fortunately for delvers, they have a serious weakness – their
masters used hypnotic suggestion and psionic conditioning
to “program” them. This has left them weak-willed and vulnerable
to suggestion and mind control. They are susceptible
to Hypnotism, bardic Enthrallment Skills, the psionic Mind
Control ability, and Mind Control spells (although spells are
offset by the creature’s innate Magic Resistance). They can’t
be controlled for long because they can change the structure
of their minds in order to escape. Each minute an ooze
is under mental influence, it may roll a new resistance roll
or Contest at a cumulative +3 per minute. Once it succeeds,
that ooze is immune to that specific method, from that character,
ST: 100 HP: 200 Speed: 6.00
DX: 10 Will: 8 Move: 3
IQ: 8 Per: 10
HT: 12 FP: 15 SM:+4
Dodge: 9 Parry: 10 DR: 8
Absorb: As a free action, can roll a Quick Contest of HT 15 vs.
the opponent’s ST to absorb a victim in contact with the
main body that is grappled or trampled. Once absorbed roll
a Quick Contest of ST 100 vs. the highest of the victim’s ST
or HT each turn and do margin of victory points of crushing
damage. The victim also takes 1d-1 corrosion each turn
and will eventually start to suffocate (p. B436) – if he lives
that long!
Corrosive Surface: 1d-3 corrosion. This harms anyone in
physical contact with the ooze.
Maddening Chant (Resisted by Will-5): While active, the
ooze constantly chants words in the maddening language
of the Mindwarpers from hundreds of obscene siphons.
Everyone within earshot must make a Fright Check at -5.