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Welcome to More Than Human

14:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


F.K.A. Rebecca Taylor, child Prodigy scientist, Braeburn Accelerated Diagnostics Program

The last of the 'old batch' of Braeburn's Advanced Diagnostics Division.  The youngest and most successful of her class.  She was the CSO of the Titan base and firsthand witness to Apex's butchery of the Roshak envoys.  Shortly after this Apex attacked her and the other scientists using animated Roshak bodies.  The death and assault on her person caused her to suffer a psychotic break, crippling PTSD, albinism and trigger her latent auger abilities.

She was returned to the accelerated diagnostics program for psychiatric care, and during this time manifested a doll named Percy who she spoke to as friend and confidant.  During therapy she concocted an elaborate story involving both amnesia and delusions which led to her belief for the next several years that she had died in an accident on Titan.  The delusion was so strong that any evidence to the contrary would elicit a violent reaction.  This culminated with one of her illusions throwing psychiatrist Dr. Stephenson through a window during a particularly intense session.

The accelerated diagnostics program wrote her off as a loss, during the expulsion and discharge process Blaise intervened, signing her to his ragtag band aboard the mastodon.  Responding well to Blaise's nurturing environment she improved to the point she was able to be made part of a team. On this team she selected the nom de guerre of Nightmare to reflect her fear based powers.

This team is as effective as it is destructive, and Nightmare proved herself to be an intractable force to be reckoned with, mercurial and dangerous.  Over time she formed bonds with the team members and has come to look at them as family.  While on Titan she experienced a great number of changes, she learned Apex was behind her psychotic break, faced and defeated her in combat (I felt her mind break under pressure from mine.), met Hadrian who parted the veil of her PTSD (and her first romantic interest), and began puberty.  These developments lead to a great deal of personal development and has kept the name Nightmare because it was the first thing she had ever done for herself.  Now she actually prefers it to her given name (and thinks of herself as Nightmare) because it represents her ability to choose who she is and how she reacts to situations.

The onset of puberty shattered her delusions and fears, shining a light on her inner strength and power.  Her albinism gave way to reveal blonde hair and pale blue eyes (She has told you that she used to have brown hair, and darker blue eyes, similar in color to Billy's).  Suddenly, her talents shifted from preying on other people's fear to being focused upon her internal powers.

Physically she has always been a short, slight girl, but through training with Muse and hormones she has started develop both muscles and curves.  After the issues with Hadrian were resolved and he was returned to the Roshak she wove LED lights into her hair that change color in response to her psychic cues.  She is more pretty than beautiful but its not a far stretch to see her upcoming development.

Her current personality is the archetype of an ebullient, precocious teenager who is trying to absorb everything life has to offer as if making up for lost time.

She is the a founding member and CSO of Billy's company, Starblazers Inc.

Yes, she is still grading your performance and no there will not be a curve.


A search of the archive yields many articles about your new companion.  Mostly around her meteoric rise through high school, college and graduate school in 3 short years.  Also some about her employment into Braeburn corporation.  Most interesting though is the most recent and last article written about her datelined 5 months ago:

Braeburn's Child Prodigy Miraculously Unharmed in Unknown Accident.

 Braeburn corporation's youngest employee, biologically 10-year-old [who has spent 6 years in suspended animation] Rebecca Taylor was involved in a freak accident during a Braeburn research mission to an unknown site, sources have speculated that it may have been to Titan.  Details on the incident are sparse but according to the Taylor family she manifested a latent ability that spared her from certain death.

 "She was always such a smart girl, and such a joy to be around" said Rachel Taylor, Rebecca's mother "even to this day she carries a stuffed animal around often perched on her shoulder.  She speaks to and about it like it's real.  Those two always had such adventures." her mother reminisced wiping a tear from her eye.

 Rebecca graduated at 10 from Stanford University with a Master's degree in astrobiology and is and looking into pursuing a PhD.  As a summer job she began working for Braeburn in their highly profitable space exploration division.  One Braeburn employee unofficially described her as so intelligent it felt unfair to work with her.  He then went on to describe her humility in a humorous incident where she solved a difficult problem and said that it was [her imaginary friend] Percy who had told her the answer.

 When asked about their daughters condition the Taylors refused to comment but did say that Rachel was being cared for at a Braeburn facility as she was "having some difficulty" with the manifestation of her powers.

 Braeburn officials refused to comment.