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Welcome to Foxfire Forgotten Realms

23:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Standing at about 4'10", this blue-eyed blonde boy has a pair of white, feathery wings folded neatly behind his back.  Covering his armor is a white tabard.  On his back is a quiver of arrows.  In his left hand is a longbow.

Backstory: "Magnus Princeps Nathaniel Azbogah Von Vilhon, son of The Honorable Michael Fitzalan-Howard, Lord Duke of Dessarin, at your service.  Say that three times fast!

"So back when I was young...  No wait, I still am young.  I think?  Sometimes I'm not so sure.  Anyway, this scroll here says I was born to...  Was I born?  Nonono.  Pretty sure my kind are sculpted out of sunbeams and stardust.  Well what I do remember is being recovered by a nice lady with beautiful hair taking me in as her own.  It's been fun learning the ways of the wild under her tutelage.  Tutelage?  Who uses that word?!  She has the nicest puppy!"

(Dad's backstory:  Being the third son of a duke allows some liberties.  Such as more leeway in whom you choose to marry.  So the Mrs. wasn't technically of noble birth.  Rather, she was a oracle of no small renown and quite beautiful.  Unfortunately for Michael's family, his elder brother had evil ambitions.  But after poisoning every other member of his family, he was discovered and executed.  Only Michael survived and he assumed his father's position.  In the resulting fallout, his son Nathan was kidnapped while away visiting his mother's parents.  That was four years ago, and no sign of his son has been found yet except for the bodies of the kidnappers who were apparently killed by wild animals.)

Name: Nathaniel Azbogah
Nickname: Nathan
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: Remembers 4 years. (age apparent: pre-teen) Height: 4'10" Weight: 88 lbs
Hair color: Blonde Eyes: Blue
 Symbol: Balanced scales resting on a warhammer
 Domain: War

Background: Noble
Nathan is the heir of the Dukedom of Dessarin.  His long-
established family is beholden to the king of the realm
and is entrusted with a great deal of land and responsibility.
Unfortunately, the family recently suffered a terrible
blow when the second son of the late Duke murdered his
father, mother, and eldest brother.  Allies and loyal
subjects understand that this evil deed was the exception
to the rule of honorable conduct of the well-trusted
family, but enemies see it as an opportunity to undermine
their influence and increase their own.

All this would have weighed heavily on the heart of Nathan
had he not lost his memories when he was abducted.  Mom
and Dad would give anything to find him.  Not only because
of how important it is he be restored as the heir, but
because of how deeply they love their son.

Coat of Arms:

Feature: Position of Privilege
Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to
think the best of you. You are welcome in high society,
and people assume you have the right to be wherever
you are. The common folk make every effort to
accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other
people of high birth treat you as a member of the same
social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local
noble if you need to.


Trait: Memories of a lost lifetime.  I often get Déjà vu.

Ideal: Greater Good.  My gifts are meant to be shared with all,
not used for my own benefit.

Bond: I have a family, but I have no idea where they are. One
day, I hope to see them again.

Flaws: So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature,
since it enables one to find or make a reason for every thing one has
a mind to do.


Player's recycle bin.  Ignore.

Initiative: +0   Speed: 30' walk, X' fly   Vision: Normal
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Investigation: 0

Save Proficiencies:




01) ---

Languages: Common, </small>
P r o f i c i e n c i e s
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: W isdom , Charisma
Skills: C hoose two from History, Insight, Medicine,
Persuasion, and Religion

Skill Proficiencies: History, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set
Languages: One of your choice

Background: N o b l e
You understand wealth, power, and privilege. You
carry a noble title, and your family ow ns land, collects
taxes, and w ields significant political influence. You
might be a pam pered aristocrat unfamiliar with
w ork or discom fort, a form er merchant just elevated
to the nobility, or a disinherited scoundrel with a
disproportionate sense of entitlement. Or you could be
an honest, hard-working landowner w ho cares deeply
about the people w ho live and w ork on your land, keenly
aware of your responsibility to them.
W ork with your DM to com e up with an appropriate
title and determine how m uch authority that title
carries. A noble title doesn’t stand on its ow n—it’s
connected to an entire family, and whatever title you
hold, you will pass it down to your ow n children. Not
only do you need to determine your noble title, but you
should also work with the DM to describe your family
and their influence on you.
Is your family old and established, or w as your title
only recently bestow ed? H ow much influence do they
wield, and over what area? W hat kind of reputation
does your family have am ong the other aristocrats of the
region? H ow do the com m on people regard them?
W hat’s your position in the family? Are you the heir
to the head of the family? Have you already inherited
the title? H ow do you feel about that responsibility? Or
are you so far dow n the line of inheritance that no one
cares what you do, as long as you don’t em barrass the
family? H ow does the head of your family feel about
your adventuring career? Are you in your family’s good
graces, or shunned by the rest of your family?
D oes your family have a coat o f arms? An insignia you
might w ear on a signet ring? Particular colors you wear
all the time? An animal you regard as a sym bol of your
line or even a spiritual m em ber of the family?
These details help establish your family and your title
as features of the w orld of the campaign.

Su g g e s t e d C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
Nobles are born and raised to a very different lifestyle
than most people ever experience, and their personalities
reflect that upbringing. A noble title com es with a
plethora of bonds—responsibilities to family, to other
nobles (including the sovereign), to the people entrusted
to the fam ily’s care, or even to the title itself. But this
responsibility is often a good way to undermine a noble.
d6 Bond
1 Nothing is more important than the other members of
my hermitage, order, or association.
2 I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might
still be hunting me. I must someday confront them.
3 I’m still seeking the enlightenment I pursued in my
seclusion, and it still eludes me.
4 I entered seclusion because I loved someone I could
not have.
5 Should my discovery come to light, it could bring ruin to
the world.
6 My isolation gave me great insight into a great evil that
only I can destroy.
d6 Flaw
1 Now that I've returned to the world, I enjoy its delights
a little too much.
2 I harbor dark, bloodthirsty thoughts that my isolation
and meditation failed to quell.
3 I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.
4 I let my need to win arguments overshadow
friendships and harmony.
5 I’d risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.
6 I like keeping secrets and won’t share them with
d8 Personality Trait
1 My eloquent flattery makes everyone I talk to feel
like the most wonderful and important person in the
2 The common folk love me for my kindness and
3 No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that
I am a cut above the unwashed masses.
4 I take great pains to always look my best and follow the
latest fashions.
5 I don’t like to get my hands dirty, and I won’t be caught
dead in unsuitable accommodations.
6 Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above
other folk. We all have the same blood.
7 My favor, once lost, is lost forever.
8 If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name,
and salt your fields.

Traits: 4 years worth of memories, but often talks like a very old man.

1 Respect. Respect is due to me because of my position,
but all people regardless of station deserve to be
treated with dignity. (Good)
2 Responsibility. It is my duty to respect the authority of
those above me, just as those below me must respect
mine. (Lawful)
3 Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself
without the coddling of my family. (Chaotic)
4 Power. If I can attain more power, no one will tell me
what to do. (Evil)
5 Family. Blood runs thicker than water. (Any)
6 Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for
the people beneath me. (Good)

Ideals: Lover of beauty.

1 I will face any challenge to win the approval of my
2 My house’s alliance with another noble family
must be sustained at all costs.
3 Nothing is more important than the other members
of my family.
4 I am in love with the heir of a family that my family
5 My loyalty to my sovereign is unwavering.
6 The common folk must see me as a hero o f the people.

Bonds: I must bring light to the darkness. Both literally and metaphorically.

1 I secretly believe that everyone is beneath me.
2 I hide a truly scandalous secret that could ruin my
family forever.
3 I too often hear veiled insults and threats in every word
addressed to me, and I’m quick to anger.
4 I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.
5 In fact, the world does revolve around me.
6 By my words and actions, I often bring shame to
my family.

Flaws: No compassion for evil creatures at all.

Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll
of pedigree, and a purse containing 64 gp


Shield +2 AC


Explorer's Kit; Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, Torches(10), Rations(10), Waterskin, Rope(50ft). (10gp)


Kid Icarus:

Possible Icons: